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Do guys really feel love?

I'm sorry if I offend anyone, but I have always found it difficult to believe that guys could fall in love. I thought they said "I love you" so that they can get sex. I'm not saying that all they care about is sex. I'm just saying that they don't seem to be as susceptible to love as women are.

So, do you guys truly feel love (romantic love) or what?


@Yoda: you're putting words in my mouth (so to speak). Did I say I'm an expert on love? No, I did not. I asked this question based on observations of real relationships. Anyway, no offense, if you have to get all your answers from the bible, then your mind is obviously not sharp enough to come up with one on its own.

Update 2:

@blessed_4ever: No, I'm not coming out of a bad relationship or anything. And in case anyone else is wondering, my parents are happily married.

Update 3:


1. It's highly presumptuous of you to say that I am "inexperienced." What I said you must have failed in spelling because of your screen name?

2. I didn't mean "romantic love" as in romance that is publicized on T.V. and in movies. i just used the term "romantic" to differentiate between the love you feel for family and the love that is shared between a man and a woman.

And I wouldn't take any offense if a man asked me this question in vice versa. It's just a question. Perhaps if this insulted you you are not too secure in your masculinity.

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I sure can. I love my girlfriend insanely deeply right now. Guys usually can't find a really good way of expressing it though. I know that it is very hard to express how i feel to her, but i try. Guys can most definitely love. Some are just deusches about it. many go for sex, not love unfortunately.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes. Guys do fall in love. I am head over heels in love with someone right now. I write poetry to/for/ about her almost daily.

    Sure some guys just use any words to get in a girls pants.

    Don't categorize all guys like that.

    There an awful of girls that are worth knowing too. They only think of themselves.

    It might take a while to find the real man that you want but he is out there.

    Where are you looking? You find trash in the dumpster.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think the words "I love you" mean less to a guy then it would for any girl. Now that's not saying all guys are like that, there are some true genuine guys out there that actually understand the deep meaning of love. But again in most situations its more of just a saying they think makes a girl happy to hear. (which it does when they really mean it :)

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Do Men Feel Love

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  • 1 decade ago

    I think the problem is that most men don't love the way you want them to. They don't behave the way you expect them to. You might label that as a communication problem but you'd be wrong. For example. do guys feel "romantic love"?? So long as you continue to try and define the terms of love and the category of love and the specific acceptable acts to accompany that love, you will not be satisfied. Your question is no less offensive than if I were to ask if women were capable of loving a man first and a bank account second. Or if women only offered sex as a means to control men. I forgive your inexperience because you are most likely surrounded by those women who are failures at loving a man and seek to place blame anywhere but on their own heads.

  • nena
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    they do .. its a human character and even though there are far more who supress the emotion than those who accept it, they still feel love. Society is scattered with women romanticizing EVERYTHING from the way they want to meet their significant other, to the way the first kiss should be, to the way the marriage proposal is supposed to be etc etc etc... granted, not every woman is like this but its what we see on television, hear in love stories and are fed as children through fairy tales. There are just as many women out there who only want sex from men as there are men. It's just about finding someone secure enough in knowing what they want out of life and whether or not that includes sharing their life with someone.

    Source(s): The last 3 boyfriends i've had were FAR more susceptible to love than I have ever been...
  • 1 decade ago

    Well are you asking this because you've been deeply hurt by a guy you have loved - anyhoo, there are guys who love just as deeply as women do - but we as women must remember that love is about action not feeling - let his actions tell the tale of love and not his lips

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    Do guys really feel love?

    I'm sorry if I offend anyone, but I have always found it difficult to believe that guys could fall in love. I thought they said "I love you" so that they can get sex. I'm not saying that all they care about is sex. I'm just saying that they don't seem to be as susceptible...

    Source(s): guys feel love:
  • 1 decade ago

    ive been with my girlfriend for over a year and have known her for 5

    i saw her in my 8th grade gym class, got butterflies, but didnt have the

    guts to even talk to her. i was her friend as a freshman and best friend as

    a sophmore. She went through some rough times that year and was her

    shoulder to cry on. The following summer i asked her out. I am currently

    starting my senior year and we are the happiest couple ever..

    i left out most of the crap i had to (and still do) go through

    because i have already typed more then i planned.

    (she had 4+ bf between the time i met her and the time we started dating)

    So i say yes. because it makes me feel warm inside just know she is mine

  • zilmag
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I'm not a guy, but I know they do because I had one fall for me. He wasn't faking it. I have years' worth of love letters. I think it's just rather rare, and you're probably right that they aren't as susceptible, especially once they have been burned.

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