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I like pi.

  • What do men think of women who can sing opera?

    If a woman can sing opera very well, what do men think of that. Is it attractive, cool, annoying, funny, a turn-off, etc...? And why? Just curious about what men think. I personally find a man who can sing opera very attractive because it takes self-control and discipline to do it. Also, a man with a good voice has a kind of power in his voice that I find sexy. Anyway, what are your thoughts?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Martial arts demonstration music?!!?

    Hey, everyone! I'm the coach of a karate demo team and after all the years of doing this, I'm starting to run out of music, so I need some suggestions. PLEASE DON'T GIVE ANY SONGS WITH VULGAR LYRICS. There can't be any swearing or anything like that because it's a kid's team. And I have already used the most obvious songs like "Kung Fu Fighting," "Eye of the Tiger," "Clubbed to Death," and a bunch of mortal kombat songs. So if you guys have anything new and interesting for me to try, please let me know. Thanks!

    3 AnswersMartial Arts8 years ago
  • Was I molested? Are these repressed memories real?

    Lately, I keep having these random memories coming to me. Most of them are bad feelings and images. There is one image in particular where I must be 5 or 6. I'm laying down on my back with a man laying over me. There was also a recurring nightmare I had as a child where I'm on the stairs in front of the apartment where I grew up playing with my doll... and a man dressed up as a clown picks me up and carries me off. I've also had disturbing dreams as a teenager (when I was 17 on up) that I was being raped. Also, there are a lot of other things in my life that I never understood why they were happening. Like, I was depressed on and off since I was about 12. I have tried to kill myself by overdose several times but changed my mind at the last minute. I have cut myself, hit myself, and even bit myself. There are other things that I'm not comfortable sharing online. But I am very scared and depressed and confused about what all of this means. If you have had similar experiences or if you know anyone who's had these experiences, or if you just want to offer helpful info or support, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE share it. I need help.

    4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships8 years ago
  • I'm scared I might have been molested when I was younger...?

    I don't know if I was or not, but I keep having worries about it. I keep having bad feelings and images and memories from my childhood. I specifically remember one thing from when I was about 5: I was lying down on my back with a man above me. I just remember that little bit. There are also a few other things that I'm not comfortable sharing online. I am just so confused and I don't know what to do with all this. So no belittling comments. If you have had similar experiences or have information that can help me, please share it. Thank you.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • 10 POINTS to whoever can guess my ethnicity correctly!!!!?

    Welll.... who's up for the challenge?

    Also, please tell me what you think is my best facial feature, in your opinion.

    Anyway, good luck!

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Is racism worse than regular bullying/ teasing?

    In my opinion, racist bullying is much worse considering that I have experienced both kinds. I love my heritage and being physically harassed because of my ethnicity doesn't only hurt me physically, but emotionally. Regular bullying (by which I mean name-calling and regular highschool clique issues). One of my friends said that he got picked on because he was short and he said that that was just as bad as racism. He wouldn't know because he is caucasian. Anyway, let me know what you think. (And no mean comments please! Thanx)

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Hey all you other girls out there: Who are your top ten (or so) sexiest (famous) men?

    I'm just curious about what other girls think! LOL :)

    Here's my list:

    1) Adrien Brody

    2) Ryan Gosling

    3) Jake Gyllenhaal

    4) Oded Fehr

    5) Clive Owen

    6) Liam Neeson

    7) Antonio Banderas

    8) Collin Ferrel

    9) Will Smith

    10) Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

    11) Taylor Lautner

    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • What are the most important words to know in a foreign language?

    I just asked this for fun. In your opinion, what are the most important words that everyone should know in a foreign language? For me, I think that "I don't understand," "I'm hungry," and "Where is the bathroom?" are the most important! What do you think?

    4 AnswersLanguages9 years ago
  • Has anyone here ever made up their own language before?

    I have always found linguistics fascinating and I think that Tolkien was a genius for making up multiple languages. Anyway, I would love to take a crack at it. Can someone give some suggestions. Also, if you have a background in linguistics, could you explain what a lexicon is. thank you!

    4 AnswersLanguages9 years ago
  • Was this the guy's erection?

    Hey... So I was in class and this guy (freakin' hot btw!) stretched and his shirt came up a bit and I saw sticking out of the edge of his pants what appeared to be an erection (it was pretty clear!). Anyway, I was wondering if that's really what I saw, or what???

    6 AnswersMen's Health10 years ago
  • Could this mean that he likes me?

    I only want answers from boys here.

    So I have known this guy for a year. He is really nice and sweet and I think he likes me but I want to make sure.

    He was the first one to touch me. (He put his hand on my shoulder).

    When he talk, he leans in close to me and keeps eye contact with me.

    Also, at the end of the semester, he asked me to join some clubs (like student gov.) that he is involved with. He said that "they need some good people to join."

    Also, at the honors ceremony, he knew who my mom was (I assume he's seen her pick me up) and he said hi to her when I wasn't even around her.

    If i want to start a conversation with him, sometimes he will come over and initiate the conversation before I even have the chance to.

    Also, in class when we were turning our papers in, he wanted to look at mine.

    Well, what do you guys think? Does he like me?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • What do you think of these names?

    I have compiled a list of baby names. I have put asterisks nest to the ones I am considering for middle names. (P.S. I know some of these are strange but I want my kids to have unique names like I do)

    Boy’s names:







































    Jullaiah (pronounced like July-ah)



    Kieran (pronounced like keeran)
























    Zan (or Zane)


    Girl’s names:













    Catori (pronounced like Kaytori)




    Demetria (Demi for short)




    (*) Fatima










    (*) Joy








    Lola/ Lyla






    Mischa (pronounced like Meesha)

    Nadia (Nah-dee-a)





    (*) Prudence

    (*) Quentaline


    (*) Roxanne



    *Shea (Shay)















    6 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Guys: What kinds of occupations would turn you off?

    What kinds of occupations (that a woman would have) would be deal breakers for you? In other words, if you had a wife or girlfriend, would there be a specific job that she had that you wouldn't be able to deal with (aside from stripping or prostitution)?

    7 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Guys: What about women turns you on?

    Hey all you guys out there! What about a woman turns you on (physically and/or otherwise)? Also, what are big turn offs for you? Please give helpful and constructive answers only. It would by greatly appreciated!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Penis envy v. giving birth?

    Okay. This question is just meant to illuminate the human condition and stimulate conversation.

    So here it goes:

    Do you think that men say that women have penis envy because they in fact envy women because they can give birth?


    -How many men out there think women have penis envy?

    -How many women out there think men envy women's ability to grow life inside them?

    -Are men out there really intimidated by women's ability to give birth?

    -Are there any women at all who actually do have penis envy? (Because i know I don't, lol!)

    I just thought it was an interesting discussion topic.

    Please answer!

    2 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Do guys really feel love?

    I'm sorry if I offend anyone, but I have always found it difficult to believe that guys could fall in love. I thought they said "I love you" so that they can get sex. I'm not saying that all they care about is sex. I'm just saying that they don't seem to be as susceptible to love as women are.

    So, do you guys truly feel love (romantic love) or what?

    20 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Can you guess what nationality I am?

    Hey! Just a fun question. I was just curious to see if anyone on Y!A could guess my nationality. Most people get this wrong, but it's okay. Actually, there are two parts because I am the product of an interracial marriage! Good luck!

    By the way, I know the quality of the pictures isn't too great, but that's because I had to use my web cam to thake them.

    Good luck!

    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Why do Christians contradict themselves all the time?

    Now, to avoid any uneasy feelings, I'll clear up my unique circumstances. I am not speaking from a religious point of view nor from an atheist point of view because I don't agree that it's either one or the other. I believe religion is man-made, but God is timeless. I am not religious, but I do solemnly, unswervingly, and with all of the strength in all of my being believe in God. So, back to my question. I don't feel anything bad about any religion or any person. My best friend is a devout Christian. I love her so much because she is like a sister to me. I would never do anything to hurt her or anyone else. I was raised to be peaceful. But one day she and all of her church friends came up to me and started interrogating me about my beliefs. I figured it wouldn't hurt to discuss faith, but I was wrong. As soon as I said, "I'm not a follower of a religion, but I strongly believe in God," they started raising their voices. They said stuff like, "If you're not a Christian, you are going to hell," "You're a satanist because you are wearing a yin yang (btw I am half chinese and I am a martial artist. I got the yin yang the day of my blackbelt test. It stands for perfect balance and harmony in a peaceful universe, which I believe will exist one day.) Then my BEST FRIEND comes up to me and says, "Well if you're not a Christian, then you don't know God." Then I said, "I love God." So then she said to me the most hurtful thing she could say.

    "You don't really love him, and he especially doesn't love you."

    First of all, who is she to tell me how I feel?

    Secondly, God is the mightiest and most powerful force there is. Who is she to speak for his feelings?

    So,I just find it pretty hypocritical to say that Christians believe in being kind to all of their brothers and sisters on this earth, and then turn around and be ruthless and cruel to another person.

    I think it is contradictory that it says in the Bible "judge not lest ye be judged" but then they condemn people who don't share their beliefs to hell.

    I really don't see people for race or religion, but rather for who they are as people.

    So any input from anyone out there who has had a similar problem or anyone who would just like to share their opinions, please do so. Thank you.

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How can I suppress my appetite?

    Okay here are the circumstances:

    1. I'm an 18 year old female

    2. I am extremely active

    3. I know I should take in around 2500 calories because of my activity level

    4. I weigh 155 lbs. but my fat percentage is 10%

    5. I have recently been having problems with my appetite.

    I am quite concerned because I have been having an issue with controlling my appetite lately. About 3 weeks ago I twisted my ankle while running so I've had to cut out my cardio. Maybe that is what is affecting my eating habits, but I'm not sure.

    Has anyone out there had this problem? I'd really like a solution. Thanks a lot.

    P.S: I'm not fat; I'm very muscular. No judgment please-- I don't usually eat this way. I normally eat in a very healthy manner. Thank you.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • What do you guys think of these baby names?

    It's a little way off-- (I'm only 18!)-- but I can't wait to have kids. I have compiled a list of names/middle names and I was just wondering what other people's opinions were.

    P.S: I know that many of these names are strange, but I don't want my kids to have a cliche name!

    The ones with asterisks next to them are middle names--

    Boy’s names:

    1. Adonis*

    2. Adrian

    3. Alexavier

    4. Avery*

    5. Banighar

    6. Carmine

    7. Conrad*

    8. Dominic

    9. Dorian

    10. Emmett

    11. Evander*

    12. Galen*

    13. Julaiah

    14. Julian

    15. Julius*

    16. Liam

    17. Noah

    18. Phoenix*

    19. Samuel

    20. Sawyer*

    21. Sebastian

    22. Simon

    23. Xander

    Girl’s names:

    1. Adelaide

    2. Adeline

    3. Alamia

    4. Amelia*

    5. An*

    6. Anastasia

    7. Ariadne*

    8. Aya

    9. Cadence*

    10. Catori

    11. Danica

    12. Demetria

    13. Eloradana

    14. Emma*

    15. Hope*

    16. Isobel

    17. January*

    18. Leilani

    19. Laureli*

    20. Mei*

    21. Mischa

    22. Nadia

    23. Prudence

    24. Yolanda*

    25. Zoey

    Thanks a bunch!

    :0 Pandafan ;)

    11 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago