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Why do Christians contradict themselves all the time?

Now, to avoid any uneasy feelings, I'll clear up my unique circumstances. I am not speaking from a religious point of view nor from an atheist point of view because I don't agree that it's either one or the other. I believe religion is man-made, but God is timeless. I am not religious, but I do solemnly, unswervingly, and with all of the strength in all of my being believe in God. So, back to my question. I don't feel anything bad about any religion or any person. My best friend is a devout Christian. I love her so much because she is like a sister to me. I would never do anything to hurt her or anyone else. I was raised to be peaceful. But one day she and all of her church friends came up to me and started interrogating me about my beliefs. I figured it wouldn't hurt to discuss faith, but I was wrong. As soon as I said, "I'm not a follower of a religion, but I strongly believe in God," they started raising their voices. They said stuff like, "If you're not a Christian, you are going to hell," "You're a satanist because you are wearing a yin yang (btw I am half chinese and I am a martial artist. I got the yin yang the day of my blackbelt test. It stands for perfect balance and harmony in a peaceful universe, which I believe will exist one day.) Then my BEST FRIEND comes up to me and says, "Well if you're not a Christian, then you don't know God." Then I said, "I love God." So then she said to me the most hurtful thing she could say.

"You don't really love him, and he especially doesn't love you."

First of all, who is she to tell me how I feel?

Secondly, God is the mightiest and most powerful force there is. Who is she to speak for his feelings?

So,I just find it pretty hypocritical to say that Christians believe in being kind to all of their brothers and sisters on this earth, and then turn around and be ruthless and cruel to another person.

I think it is contradictory that it says in the Bible "judge not lest ye be judged" but then they condemn people who don't share their beliefs to hell.

I really don't see people for race or religion, but rather for who they are as people.

So any input from anyone out there who has had a similar problem or anyone who would just like to share their opinions, please do so. Thank you.


@Ted Expendable for God: Yes thank you for your understanding. I was afraid that I might find some e-abuse on this question but I just had to ask! I'm not sure what sect they are. Their church is called "Assembly of God" and I know they're not Catholics. Maybe congregational or methodist, but I'm not sure.

Update 2:

@And The Word Was God: Thank you for your input. Like I said before, I love everyone, Christians, Muslims, Bhuddists, Athiests, everyone... I have even forgiven my friend because I know there is some good in everyone.

Update 3:

@blood_bought_saint: Your reply is oddly similair to the kind of stuff my best friend and her church friends say. EVERYONE has a dual nature, not just Christians. We are all people after all, as you said. Besides, I don't believe that any HUMAN has the right to judge another human because people are not perfect. It seems to me that it's kind of self-righteous to even think that you have the right to judge someone else's morality and faith. It's like you want to take our God's power into your own hands. There are other Christians here who will even agree that you reply exemplifies the kind of thinking that I asked about in my question. So, I don't mean to offend you because i have nothing against Christians. But I have to say that I don't need anyone else patronizing as you have done by offering to teach me your religious views. You need to learn that you can't change a person's beliefs. You can't force your opinions on others. It's all a part of acceptance, which is what you preach.

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    We're sorry you have been hurt by the good intentions of your Christian friends. They should know better. Threats of eternal torture or torment are not effective reasons to follow Jesus and live His way of life and love.

  • Wow. I am a Christian and I am surprised that your friend said those things like that. That is not right, what she did. And she was certainly wrong in saying that God doesn't love you. He does! He loves all of us! He loves me, you, everyone. Even those who reject him and curse His name. He doesn't want to see any of us go to hell.

    [Also, the yin yang is not a symbol for satanism. The goat in the upside down star is.]

    Your friend sounds like she has very little love in her heart. And all Christians should have almost nothing but love in their hearts!

    Please don't use her and her friends' actions to stereotype all Christians. I certainly would never say those things and don't think anyone ever should. Now some people are just still immature and not fully-grown Christians when they do such things. I know some kids in my church who did about the same thing your friend[s] did to my atheist friend when I brought her to a church picnic. They were rude and accusing her and pointing their fingers saying she was sinning and going to hell for not believing in God. Now I am pretty sure they will grow out of such behavior. They were still very immature and didn't really have a grip of true Christianity yet. It could be similar with your friend, no matter the age.

    The way those people said those things are not the way to go about such a thing at all. I'm very sorry that they acted the way they did. I am almost unsure if I can call them fellow Christians. I don't know them, so I can't say for sure.

    But what I hope is that from this answer you will not carry a grudge against all Christians. We are not all like that. In fact, many people who profess to be Christians aren't really in their hearts. True, mature Christians would never act in such a way.

    God bless!

  • 1 decade ago

    They are ignorant hypocrites who sound like they have been listening to preachers instead of reading the Bible for themselves. If they read the first three chapters of Genesis they would know that the ONLY offense against God is the mistake Adam and Eve made that got them kicked out of Eden. And that was: becoming "as gods" by accepting FROM SATAN the knowledge of good and evil. What is necessary to play god and judge others? The knowledge of good and evil.

    Christ said at Matthew 18:3 that to enter Heaven we must be as little children and at Duet 1:39 a child is defined as those who have no knowledge of good and evil, which means they have not become "gods."

    Where do we find this forbidden "knowledge" written down and defined? It is called law. Do your friends know what the Bible says about law? I doubt it. It tells us there is NO such thing as sin, sinner, crime, criminal, or evil unless there is a law to define it. Do they know that first Corinthians 15:24-25 tell us that ALL rule, power, and authority are the enemies of God? How do men become our rulers? By law, the knowledge of good and evil, the opinions of politicians.

  • 1 decade ago

    Humans are sentient.

    One of the curses of sentience is the ability to hold contradictions in mind and not go insane. Another is hypocracy.

    I suggest you read Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert A Heinlein, and pay particular attention to what happened with the monkeys.

    That is most likely what was happening here: someone they love and trust beat them up verbally, and the only way that they could make themselves feel better again was to find someone else (you) to beat up on as well.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Well first of all, this "Christian" is hardly Christ-like in your example. Just because someone says they are a follower of Christ doesn't make it so. I would argue that she's not a Christian and has no idea what it means to be a Christian.

    John 3:16 is probably the most recognizable verse in the Bible. It's starts off saying that God loves the world. When the Bible talks about "the world", what the Bible is referring to is God's enemies. God loves everyone. So the fact that this is what you were told by a "Christian" makes me question the credibility of your story or of the salvation of this "best friend" of yours.

    Secondly, the verse "judge not lest ye be judged" is in the King James English. the rendering of the meaning of these words is lost in modern English. It doesn't mean that the Bible says that you shouldn't judge. What it means is that God will judge you based upon the standard by which you judge others. There are many other passages in the Bible that call Christians to make judgments about themselves, each other and the world. However, there is a right and wrong way to do it.

    Just to show you and example of Christians and judgment; 1st Corinthians 6:2-4: Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if you are to judge the world, are you not competent to judge trivial cases? Do you not know that we will judge angels? How much more the things of this life! Therefore, if you have disputes about such matters, appoint as judges even men of little account in the church!

    The Apostle Paul is talking about a problem among Christians in Corinth (a city in Greece). Many of the Christians there would choose to argue their cases in court rather than settle their disputes peacefully amongst each other. Paul is stating that, as Christians, we have the Wisdom to properly settle disputes and right decide on matters of justice. We have this ability through the Holy Spirit of God in us. The Holy Spirit is what gives us the ability to do anything right because our flesh would choose evil at any given moment. If someone judges in the flesh (which it sounds like this best friend did just that) they will have no love in their statement. Flesh can't love and flesh can't do good.

    Third, she may in fact be a Christian. I don't know this person, nor do I have enough information to make a proper judgment. However, I do know myself and other Christians. I do know one truth, we are human... just like everyone else. Humans are prone to do evil, contradiction, turning on those they supposedly love, etc. Just because someone is a Christian doesn't mean they are perfect. In fact, the lack of perfection is the reason why everyone is set on a path destine for Hell. Without the Blood of Jesus Christ in your life, you don't know God. You can know the Bible in and out, but lack the intimate relationship with God. You can't get to God without the Holy Spirit in you. You can't gain access to the Holy Spirit unless you have the blood of Christ.

    You can know a lot about God, but that's only enough to identify Him. Once you've gone that far, you need to know yourself. Why are the "unbelievers" destine for Hell? Because they don't believe in God, and therefore don't know Him. Those that believe in Him are no better off. Paul says that it's good that you believe He exists, but even the demons believe... and they tremble. In order to establish a proper relationship with God you must understand that you're a sinner. The Bible says that none are good... not one can be found. In order to gain access to Heaven, you must know God. You must be born again, as a new creature in Christ. The old man is already dead, and death cannot inherit the living.

    I could go on. If you'd like me to give you more info, please e-mail me.

    In answer to your question above, if you haven't figured it out based upon what I've typed out, Christians contradict themselves because they are still human. Yes, I did say that you must be born again. Once born again, the Christian actually has a dual nature. One that desires to please God, and the other which desires to please himself. By nature humans can't please God. His biggest charge against us is that we are all hypocrites. Unfortunately, as long as the body endures, no Christian can ever be perfect and will therefore always be guilty of contradicting themselves. However, this is why we need God.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Trust me, I know how you feel, and they are not real Christians.

    Christianity is really about love and acceptance, but nobody would know that because of how much we fail at that.

    I'm truly sorry for how they treated you. It's absolutely horrible.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I know what you mean, the so called Christians on here probably haven't even read the bible, because if they did they would realize the bible preaches forgiveness and tolerance, but I don't see any of them practising it.

  • Patch
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    You have illustrated precisely why I stand against christianity. They are arrogant and narrow minded. They claim that god is about love, but they spread hate; it's just sick.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well I think xian religion is very right hand pathed,but you know xians are weak alone,but when in teams they're strong.I think your friend didn't want to hurt their xians friends.That's why she was so rude.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Bad habits die hard.

    I caught them out on many occasions. They get all pissy and report when you have them up against a wall.

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