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Could this be the important thing the clergy does't tell us?
Life is the freedom to exercise the survival instinct. Without this freedom there is no life, only servitude. To preserve mankind’s freedom, God set only one rule for Adam and Eve: no one has the right to impose their will on others because that is “playing god,” and infringes on the victim’s freedom. Becoming “as gods” got Adam and Eve kicked out of Eden (Gen 3:5-23). They listened to Satan instead of God and broke the only rule God had set for mankind.
Crimes and sins are acts of breaking a law. This means that in the chain of events that leads to becoming a criminal or a sinner, a law has to come first. It is literally law that creates criminals and sinners by defining good and evil, forcing upon us the “knowledge” God forbid man to have. Law IS the “forbidden fruit” of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Law is the religion started by Satan which denies God’s gifts of freedom and the survival instinct.
No matter how noble a cause, when a law or authority is created in the name of that cause, that cause, the survival instinct, truth, principles, common sense, justice, private property, and even life, cease to be the issue. The only issue to law/authority is obedience, almost always backed by armed force. Note: God did not force Adam and Eve to do, or not do, anything. Law/authority is the right to overrule nature and its gifts of freedom and instinct in order to play god and control others. This power is more addicting and mind warping than any drug. Taking control of another person’s life, freedom, or property is the profession of both criminals and authorities. It is law that converts criminal acts into “not criminal,” when those same acts are performed by authorities.
No wonder 1st Corinthians 15:24-25 refer to all rule, power, and authority as the enemies of God since it is they who create the laws that nullify the freedom to exercise one’s instinct while creating crime and sin. An authority is a criminal wrapped in a law, the religion and theocracy of Satan.
Rule, power, and authorities create no bread or beans yet they become rich by creating the laws that protect themselves while they steal from those who create the necessities that ensure the survival of mankind. Yes, the root of all evil is the love of money and is the driving force of the theocracy of Satan.
2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years agoMany say that Satan is in control of the world. Could this be the way Satan does it?
The act of using force to take control of another person’s freedom, property, or life is the profession of both criminals and authorities. So, how do criminal acts become “not criminal” when those same acts are performed by authorities? Satan supplied the tool that creates this transformation.
Satan controls humanity using the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. This fruit got Adam and Eve kicked out of Eden, causing the downfall of man. This fruit is the source of every society’s opinions of good and evil. It divides God’s children into “us” and “them” which creates fear, hatred, conflict and war. Those opinions are defined for us in law, the “forbidden fruit.” Law has become the false god that runs this world. Mankind is forced, at gun point, to follow law instead of being allowed to follow The Creator and enjoy the freedom God granted all life forms because freedom is necessary to ensure self preservation.
The only difference between crime and authority is: authority is created by law, which is the Satan approved, (but forbidden by God), knowledge of good and evil.
Want some proof? Romans 4:15 tells us that where there is no law there is no transgression. Second Corinthians 3:7 and 3:9 refer to the Ten Commandments as the “ministration of death” and the “ministration of condemnation.” First Corinthians 15:24-25 tells us that all human rule, power, and authority are the enemies of God. The 8th chapter of 1st Samuel tells us what happens if we reject God and create a King to follow. Well, the King that runs this world is called law.
10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years agoHow many of you agree or disagree?
Law is the forbidden knowledge of good and evil.
4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years agoDo you agree or not with the following?
All wealth comes from the earth, combined with the labor of “producers” who turn grass into hamburgers, iron ore into cars, and trees into homes, etc. Survival of the human race is dependent upon these people. To better understand my point, let us envision them as the miners who, with pick and shovel, dig gold out of the ground.
Depending on the producers for their existence, we have the peripherals, as I call them, who provide services that some people want, but mankind would NOT go extinct if they disappeared tomorrow. Let us call them the refiners and coin makers. Remember, coins are handy but they would not exist unless someone dug the gold out of the ground.
Then we have the parasites that produce nothing but the authority to insure that they and the peripherals live far better from the production of gold than those who produced the gold in the first place.
When the parasites and peripherals demand more gold than the producers can dig societies collapse. This is what we see in the world today and read about in history books.
3 AnswersSociology10 years agoIsn't law the knowledge of good and evil?
I was wondering just what “the knowledge of good and evil” meant in real terms and how this “knowledge” could cause those who acquired it to become “as gods,” (see Gen 3:5 and Gen 3:22).
It is the laws that men write that define good and evil, which vary from culture to culture, from time to time, and class to class, that is the power mankind is forced to obey in place of the laws of nature. This would certainly make Mat 15:9, Romans 3:20, 28, 4:14-15, 6:14, 7:6-8, 10:4, 1 Cor15:56, Gal 2:16, 22, Gal 3:13 and many other verses make sense. In addition, 1 Cor 15:24-25 seem to confirm this conclusion since it is rule, power and authority that write the rules, laws, canons, etc, that create not only sin, but the divisions of men that lead to hatred, discrimination and war.
7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago