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Why do some people claim there are no resources for men who are victims of domestic violence?

Update 2:

California, Lancaster - Valley Oasis Family Violence Shelter

This is one of the extremely few shelters in the entire US which offer help to victims without discriminating based on gender. Their 24-hour crisis line number: (805)945-6736.

California, Sacramento

Claudia Dias, director of "Changing Courses" in North Highlands, a suburb of Sacramento California, has anger management groups for both men and women, and works with women who are abusive to their partners. Their phone number is (916) 332-5056.

California, San Diego County

The Domestic Violence Hotline 1-888-305-SAFE (7233) is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and provides referrals to a variety of services such as: Domestic Violence shelter bed availability, Counseling services, Support Group services, Emergency Food and Clothing, Legal services, Anti-Stalking information, and other available community resources. I called and talked with an employee there, and they provide services for everyone -- men, w

Update 3:


The Florida Men's Resource Center has a list of resources for men in Florida. Women and children are "welcome also", according to the web page. The Florida Men's Resource is a SAFE Affiliate.

Here are some resources if you're in Florida. These resources said that they help battered men:

SHELTERS (407 area code)

Coalition for the Homeless: 426-1250

Crossroads Mission: 843-5269

Central Care Mission: 299-6146

Anthony House: 383-5577

Salvation Army 423-8581

Fresh Start Project 422-9781

COUNSELING (407 area code)

Cornerstone Institute: Bruce Stoakley 830-8808

Spouse Abuse Outreach Ctr. 895-6099

Christian Service Center 425-2523

Update 4:

Georgia, Atlanta

The Ogeechee Judicial Circuit Domestic Violence Shelter offers services to both men and women. Men do not stay at our shelter; however, they are able to provide shelter in a safe place for them at another location in the community. They have advocated for several male victims of domestic violence in the past three years of our existence (as of 1998). (912) 764-4605 crisis line

The Partnership Against Domestic Violence

1475 Peachtree St.

Suite 400

Atlanta, GA 30309


ADDITIONAL PHONE NUMBERS: crisis line: 404/873-1766 (see locations for local office numbers)

HOURS/DAYS: 9:00 am to 5:30 pm MON - FRI; 24 hour crisis line


referral services for battered men, batterers' program, program for women charged with assault

24 hour crisis line

temporary protective orders

support groups, counseling - men, women, children

parenting education

parent/child activities

child/spouse abuse prevention/education


Update 5:

Mass., Boston

There is a group trying to set up services for heterosexual abused men. See


The Battered Men's Helpline reports that Battered Men's support groups are starting up in Southern and Central Maine. Call their toll free number 1-877-643-1120 Access Code # 0757 for meeting times and locations. If you who are interested in helping and/or offering financial support, please call 207-683-2515. re is a group trying to set up services for heterosexual abused men. P.O. Box 252, Harmony, Maine 04942. E-mail

Michigan S.A.F.E. Hotline

The SAFE group in Michigan has set up a national hotline for battered men and lesbian women to call: (616)941-0825. Requests for help can be written to

Tennessee, Nashville

Update 6:

Tennessee, Nashville

Cumberland Heights is an alcohol and drug treatment center with a court services component. The court services program offers many different classes for court-ordered clients, and one of them is domestic violence classes. The classes are for men and women who have been arrested for domestic violence charges AND who have substance abuse issues. Substance abuse issues ranges from addiction to using during the incident that got them arrested. Not all have serious problems with alcohol or drugs. They do not offer victims services; all of those are referred to local shelters. The program is a 6 month program and the clients meet one time weekly. If someone needs information on any of these services, the number is 1-800-707-8882.

Cumberland Heights also seems to have a program for women perpetrators of violence. Contact the program coordinator, karen Bybee, at (615)353-4398.

Texas, Ft. Worth

The Women's Haven, hotline number: (817)535-6464. They will

Update 7:

Texas, Arlington

The Women's Shelter (hotline number 817-460-5566) will help battered men. To make a counseling appointment, call (817)548-0583. I have heard of at least one man receiving services here.

Texas, Ft. Worth

The Women's Haven, hotline number: (817)535-6464. They will help battered men.

Texas, Dallas

The Family Place, (212)941-1991, will offer help to battered men.

Washington, Snohomish

Apparently, the Center for Battered Women in Snohomish County has a twenty four hour crisis line for victims of domestic violence. Advocates are trained to talk to callers of all genders and sexual preferences providing safety planning, advocacy based counseling and community resource referral. The phone number is (425)252-2873. (7/6/98)

Washington State

Update 8:

Washington State

The Washington State Domestic Violence Hotline can be reached toll-free at 800-562-6025. Their URL is,/ and the email is Their website is almost completely in gender-neutral language, and their mandate is inclusive of all abuse victims (and possibly perpetrators as well). [MenWeb editor's note: My own opinion is that the Hotline uses gender-neutral language to describe, exclusively, a woman's experience. See The Gender-Neutral Joke. When I called, they named only one center that served men, in Seattle, and suggested that men call the National DV Hotline. Their page "What is Domestic Violence" focuses on the gender-polarizing"Duluth Model," defining domestic violence in terms of men asserting male privilege over men.]


If you live in Australia, see the list of Australian hotlines and information for men that are abused. Also see here for more Australian hotlines.

Update 9:

Canada, Calgary

Apparently, the university there is providing a hotline for abused men, but I haven't found out the phone number for it yet. I'll let you know as soon as I do.

Canada, Toronto

The Easton Alliance for the Prevention of Family Violence is the first Canadian family violence prevention agency and charity for abused men. It is also perhaps the first organization of its kind in the world. You can contact them by phone: (416)691-8269, fax: (416)691-1113, mail: 97 Main Street, Toronto ON Canada M4E 2V6, and e-mail: They offer a support group, referrals, and more.

Canada, Victoria BC

The Victoria Men's Centre, has information and a discussion circle for men, and makes referrals to counselling and other services. There's also another group starting, called the "Well Society", which is setting up a retreat center for men, due to be open in a couple of months. Their phone recording line is at (250) 370-4636, and address is Box 8082, Victoria, B.

Update 10:


AMEN, in Dublin, opened in December 1997 and heard from over 3,000 men and their families in the first year. They offer a confidential advice line for Men in violent relationships. Read Amen's article "The Male Victim" on MenWeb.

United Kingdom

Men's Advice Line & Enquiries (M.A.L.E.)

0181 644-9914

Monday & Wednesday 9AM to Midnight

(answer machine all other times)

Write to: Les Davidson

PO Box 402, Sutton, Surrey, SM1 3TG

"Information for and about Male Victims of Domestic Violence"


The Resource Center in Aberdeen, SD recently changed its name, but hasn't yet updated its web page. Don't let the old name, Resource Center for Women discourage you! I've spoken with them and they provide counseling for men, may start a men's support group soon, and provide ad hoc sheltering for battered men who've had to leave their homes. (Holzman

Update 11:


Men Working Against Abuse

CRISIS LINE: (206) 461-7824

Business line: (206) 461-7824

Battered men who call Seattle's state- and county-funded New Beginnings program are referred to Men Working Against Abuse. MWAA is not on the DSHS list of state-funded programs, or even state-recognized, list of Washington state domestic violence resources.

Men calling the program outside of office hours are told that the staff is either out of the office or on the phone. According to this phone message, their first service is voluntary "support groups for abusive men on how to become abuse-free and overcome the consequences of their past abuse for themselves and their loved ones." Second, they offer "educational programs for individuals and couples on topics such as non-violent child discipline techniques and how to heal families and relationships that have suffered from abusive relationships. Third, they offer "services for men who are victims of abuse, to help them understand the situa

Update 12:

There are also many more just check out the website for additional resources.

9 Answers

  • Angela
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Men are free to call law enforcement if their woman is beating the crap out of them. And there surely must be support groups and resources for such men. (Thanks for posting a resource.)

    More than anything perhaps men in that situation prefer to tough it out because after all, they're supposed to be the strong one in the "relationship." Be a man, suck it up. Deal with the woman yourself. That kind of mentality.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The first problem is pride. No one wants to admit that his wife is beating him. Law enforcement won't believe that a 100# woman just gave the ol' man a concussion. You list a lot of resources, and I don't see one within a day's drive of where I live. It's kind of hard to find a website when you have somebody screaming at you, the kids are crying and she's trying to hit you with a hammer. Do you abandon the kids with an irrational person and run for help? Get real, men are screwed when the woman goes berserk.

  • 5 years ago

    A reality of modern relationships is the knowledge that divorce statistics have been steadily escalating in recent years. Tips for avoiding divorce

    Even now, all marriages have between a 40 and 50 percent chance of divorce, which increases for second and third marriages, which is why it's more important than ever to have the necessary skills to ensure your relationship is secure against the threat of divorce.

  • Maybe because they aren't widely known and therefore not very readily available. If you look up domestic violence counseling, for example, you'll note the advertising for it is geared toward women. Men aren't mentioned. And the shelters for men...where are they? There are homeless shelters, but those really aren't the same thing. Women have homeless shelters, too. If you know something about men's resources, maybe you could post what you know so that others can access these resources more readily?

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 5 years ago

    In the event that you fear rejection, if you want to be much better than the average person and you wish to master the artwork of getting beautiful women, then this guide

    Tao of Badass program is directed to show men most of the approaches to entice women and outfitting them with the perfect set of abilities to be able to help them completely attract women.

    With Tao of Badass you will learn the straightforward strategies that can make you usually the one all women want.


  • 1 decade ago

    It's probably because since society believes that men are the causes of domestic violence, there isn't help for them, either, if roles are switched.


  • 1 decade ago

    Because "some people" didn't know about them, and the information isn't necessarily advertised as outwardly as help for women is.

  • 1 decade ago

    For the same reason that people say women don't rape men or boys.

    Men are never allowed to be portrayed as victims because women must ALWAYS have that role. Victim hood is exclusive to women. Very sad.

    But we know it happens like when this woman in russia raped 10 men recently:

    Or this long list of female paedophiles in the US:

    Or this huge list of female serial killers:

  • Gee Thanks!

    Next time I'm abusing my husband as we're passing through Lancaster California, I'll be sure to give him this phone Number.

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