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New Bill in Congress?

Before the Next Election in November 2010.

Major Points:

- Make it Illegal for Congressmen and Senators to vote themselves a pay raise.

- Require Consent from the Voting Public under a Special Election.

- First and Second-Term Politicians are Not Allowed to Schedule a pay raise Election (it's called a probationary period, just like WE get a work).

- TAXPAYERS are Exempt from Paying for the Election. The monies come from Savings the Politician got for their constituents by Doing Their Jobs If you don't do your Job and Generate the Election money then you don't get the Election / Pay Raise. What a concept, job performance..

- The winner is decided by Popular Vote as all elections should be.

- A two-thirds Majority is required; 51% is not good enough.


Now add the pork barrel spending amendments common to most legislation in this country:

- People that have worked their 25 years (minimum) and are ready to retire should have some perks, like being able to "smoke whatever they want" and not have to pay property taxes anymore.

- Make it a Federal Law that All Employers must create a retirement fund for each employee regardless of their wages. It would also be a Federal Crime to use the Retirement Fund for any other business purpose. This Account would only be allowed Deposits but No Withdrawls by the employer.

- ANY Employer caught messing with this Fund in any way goes to Jail. That includes "cooking the books" to show less going into the fund than there should be.

- There should be NO TAX on Retirement Income. These people Paid Income Taxes on the money originally and now you want to allow the IRS to tax them AGAIN (in effect)??

- "Double Jeopardy" should apply in the Legal System and the Taxation system as well. Once you get taxed for income you should not be allowed to be taxed again on that money. All that does is give our politicians more money to waste.


Added details: So What, Pat?

If they vote a pay raise and get re-elected then, in effect, they voted themselves a pay raise. An election is just a formality to make mental defectives like you believe it.

Who would draft the bill and vote for it? ALL OF THEM, Genius, if they found out that anyone that did not vote for the bill would not get elected again.

Grow up? I choose not to live like all you puppets on a string run by the Marionettes called Politicians.

You have your head so far up your *** you think you're seeing daylight...

People like you probably believe all the stuff in The National Enquirer is True too.

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    1. Read the 27th amendment about Congressional pay raises. Congress CAN NOT give itself a raise until AFTER an election.

    2. There is no provision in the constituion for any type of national referendum for any reason. We would need an amendment to do that. That would take YEARS and cost $millions$.

    3. The rest is just plain stupid.

    4. grow the hell up.

    5. Read this

    Congress raised its pay 22 times in 179 years.


  • 5 years ago

    Yep, he presented the alternative saying he is going to deliver this forward, yet thats so a strategies because it is going to pass. Its the political equivalent of asserting "in case you are attempting this i visit inform my father on you!!" the priority will no nowhere and that's been tried multiple cases till now. All it serves to do is get Jones' call in the clicking for some days and a few chuckles in the back of closed doorways on the hill. not something extra then that. the subsequent time you pay attention approximately that's the subsequent time somebody else tries it and everybody say "endure in recommendations whilst Jones tried to do the comparable element? the place is ol Jonesy now? Oh yeah, thats maximum suitable, he's now working at Walmart after being laughed off the Hill."

  • John
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Sounds reasonable, but who is going to make into law, congress?

    Good Luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    soooooooooooo much readin

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 1 decade ago

    so if i retire i can smoke marijunna??????????????????

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