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looking for..?
1994 ford ranger xlt, probably 3.0L. looking for backing plate for left front disc brake. checked online, google, ebay and nobody has them. junkyards may have them but they won't be in all that great a shape. Anyone have any ideas where to get good ones or new ones? Parts stores don't carry them any more also.
1 AnswerOther - Cars & Transportation7 years agoElectrical calculations for batteries?
7 watt flashlight and 1 4500 maH battery. In theory, if I turn this flashlight on and let it run, how long will the light stay on? lol, show work. I wouldn't mind knowing how long this flashlight will run before I have to switch batteries or flashlights.
3 AnswersOther - Electronics7 years agoemail filter in yahoo mail is that enuff>?
Is there any way to filter emails in a yahoo folder so that you only see certain ones? I want to know how many emails someone has sent me w/o having to count and subtract.
1 AnswerSending and Receiving Messages7 years agoplumbing: down the toilet?
well water and beveled edges on tank. metal arm attached to flush handle rusted away. I had to bend it to work right. is there an arm made for beveled tanks and can I put some lithium grease on the arm and chain to keep it from rusting away so soon?
3 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)8 years agoGE furnace schematic?
GE furnace, 110v Gas, model #21LU105A243. Need wiring diagram if anyone has a link to just that.
1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs8 years agoShould Jethro be Romney's running mate?
Leroy Jethro Gibbs should be Romney's running mate. He should stand behind him so that if he flip-flops on an issue Jethro can Gibbs-slap him upside the head?? That won't work because Gibbs is a fictional character? What's the difference, so is Romney..
IF "all the good ones are taken", WHY are there so many Divorces in this Country?
4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years agoWhat's the Name of this Show?
TV show in the 80's, I think. A cop show in a little southern town. All I remember was the word "Georgia" in there somewhere; maybe the title, maybe the theme song. There was a black guy and a white guy in the show, something like Matlock with Andy Griffith and Clarence ?? (that used to be on Walker, Texas Ranger also).
What the heck is the name of the Show and, more importantly, the artist and composer of the Theme Song??
1 AnswerDrama10 years agodual monitors: pc specs, OS required, etc.?
need to update what i know about having a pc run two monitors; graphics card, motherboard/pc specs necessary, minimum OS required, etc. would like facts, not opinions, on having two different outputs and not just extending a single screen across two monitors.
No Links either, just facts.
Desktops1 decade agoNew Bill in Congress?
Before the Next Election in November 2010.
Major Points:
- Make it Illegal for Congressmen and Senators to vote themselves a pay raise.
- Require Consent from the Voting Public under a Special Election.
- First and Second-Term Politicians are Not Allowed to Schedule a pay raise Election (it's called a probationary period, just like WE get a work).
- TAXPAYERS are Exempt from Paying for the Election. The monies come from Savings the Politician got for their constituents by Doing Their Jobs If you don't do your Job and Generate the Election money then you don't get the Election / Pay Raise. What a concept, job performance..
- The winner is decided by Popular Vote as all elections should be.
- A two-thirds Majority is required; 51% is not good enough.
Now add the pork barrel spending amendments common to most legislation in this country:
- People that have worked their 25 years (minimum) and are ready to retire should have some perks, like being able to "smoke whatever they want" and not have to pay property taxes anymore.
- Make it a Federal Law that All Employers must create a retirement fund for each employee regardless of their wages. It would also be a Federal Crime to use the Retirement Fund for any other business purpose. This Account would only be allowed Deposits but No Withdrawls by the employer.
- ANY Employer caught messing with this Fund in any way goes to Jail. That includes "cooking the books" to show less going into the fund than there should be.
- There should be NO TAX on Retirement Income. These people Paid Income Taxes on the money originally and now you want to allow the IRS to tax them AGAIN (in effect)??
- "Double Jeopardy" should apply in the Legal System and the Taxation system as well. Once you get taxed for income you should not be allowed to be taxed again on that money. All that does is give our politicians more money to waste.
5 AnswersGovernment1 decade agokohler ignition module 12-584-08 S?
Renpen gave me the idea in a prior question to get a new ignition coil. I bought one and installed it but there are THREE wires that need hooked up.
Problem is the new coil does not match the old one as far as the Terminals go. On the old one, the black wire goes to the thicker terminal and the yellow wire goes to the thinner terminal. On the old one the terminals are on the same side.
On the new one, the terminals are on opposite sides, they are the same thickness, there are No installation instructions in the box.
Don't tell me "just hook up the wires and see if it works, then you know it's right". Some stuff if wired wrong will fry the device so I ain't doin' that.
One terminal is on the spark plug wire side and the other terminal is on the opposite, it is welded to the metal and BENT OVER so that it looks like it is not supposed to be used.
How do I wire this thing correctly? Looked all over the internet, and of course they all will sell you one, but they aren't around when you want help..
Thanks RENPEN for the help the last time..
1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoEngine Smoking afterwards...?
Craftsman Riding Mower. 16.5 HP. It runs about 25 minutes and gasps for something, then dies. If you wait a while for the engine to cool down it will start again and do the same process all over.
We originally thought it was the battery but the battery has 12.6 v after the mower quits so that isn't it. The plug, oil and fuel filter were all changed recently (2 weeks ago) and made no difference.
After this last episode, I pulled up the "hood" and there was a bit of white smoke coming through the flywheel cover. That can't be good, and I will not run the thing for very long now cuz I am afraid that I will blow the engine.
First and foremost, I am not a mechanic. I am trying to learn it and it is not coming fast enough for my liking. Money is also an issue.
I do know that there are little tricks that you can do to check whether a component is working or not and I would like to know what they are if anyone knows..
Model # 917.271090, and the owner's manual can be downloaded from The only thing I did extra was replace the belt for the mower blades and it cuts fine. The battery is fine every since I added water to the cells. I don't haul anything, there are no attachments added and I don't use the headlights.
Thank you for anything you can suggest short of an external link to click on. I am not that stupid.
4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoExcel 2003 Sorting xxxxxxxxxxxxxx?
Sorting a multi-row and col range that has checkboxes. Why the F don't the checkboxes sort when they are included in the range? They are not a sort key and don't need to be either.
1 AnswerSoftware1 decade agohow to test an oil pressure gauge?
'85 GMC S15 Sierra, 4WD, 2.8L. Oil pressure gauge pegged to the right since day 1. How do I test it outside the truck (power probe2, voltmeter, etc.) to see if it's bad or not? Then I need to do the same thing with the oil pressure sending unit, the fuse, wiring, etc.
Don't send me links to click on cuz i am not stupid enough to do that. Thank You.
2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoApache 2.2 Web Server?
index.html was updated, the old file was deleted from .../htdocs and the new one put in its place. why does the new, updated content not show??
when i try to refresh the page on the server machine it says the connection with the server was reset and nothing happens. how do i fix this?
2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade agomoving the stupid cursor one cell in xl 2003 vba?
I have a worksheet for my checking accounts and savings accounts in which i am using the savings portion for one of the accounts. I need a macro to find the current balance by starting at cell BD100 and going up 1 row at a time. Either I am stupid or XL can't do it or both...
I tried application.goto refererence:=("R&TEXT(currentrow,'0')&C56") and that does not work; it is complaining that the reference is not valid. I tried an indirect reference, Range(Range(xxxx).Select, a range function with Cells function in it. I also tried to record a macro and all stupid xl does is give you then ending cell to goto; it does not tell you how to move the cursor one cell in any direction....
I am using Win7-64, but that really should not make a diff. Howthehell do you get the stupid cursor to move using a range or "R1C1' variable reference to WORK??
1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade agovb macro, excel 2002/2003, application.goto reference=******?
no research so far has worked. Forget i have a drop down list box with 88 counties.
Cell N1 is the current cell as an absolute reference.
Cell N2 contains the index number of the county chosen (e.g., Perry=6)
Cell H8, when all is said and done, needs the value of 6 based on a VB formula or function.
Manual Steps:
- Select correct county from a drop down list.
- The value of the county shows up in N2 correctly.
- Select one of the cells in the County column (range H8:H22) one at a time.
- Press the "Do It" macro button.
Cell H8 (or whatever cell you pick in the H8:H22 range) needs to contain the value 6 as the result of a VB Macro as follows:
Sub WTFE() (pseudocode)
' County chosen, correct value in N2
' Appropriate cell chosen for county code to show up in.
CALCULATE (makes cell N1 have the "value" $H$8)
Range ("N2").Select (choose the cell that has the county code)
Selection.Copy (copy the 6 to the clipboard)
*** This is the pain in the ***. Nothing works that I tried or googled.
*** This is where I could use some help. I am trying to do an Indirect
*** Reference in an Application.Goto VB Statement to "go to the cell
*** referenced in cell N1" and make it the current cell ($H$8).
Neither statement below works. MS Docs are no help either (big fricking surprise there...)
Application.Goto Reference:="INDIRECT(N1)"
(the statement above causes the macro to crash. I DON'T want
to hardcode an "R1C1 or A1" reference as the cell will change constantly. The county value (6) has to be pasted in the Current Cell).
ActiveSheet.Paste (now the 6 shows up in the chosen/current cell).
I would rather not have a formula but if that seems to be easier then go for it. I hope you see my logic and can follow it.
I am not a high school or college kid wanting free homework help. I am 53 and this is part of my personal budget worksheet. What I wanted to be able to do is buy something anywhere in Ohio and have it calculate the right Sales Tax based on the County where the item was bought.
Thanks much!!!
2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago1985 GMC S15 4WD. H6054 halogen headlight. Need to know what cavities/wires do what clockwise from the top.?
The hard rubber/plastic connector in my GMC S15 for the headlights. What do each of them do (looking at the slots and going clockwise from the one at 12:00, then 3:00, then 9:00). WHY are there two wires for each one? High and low beams?
The reason I ask is the original headlight that was on the driver's side used to work and now it doesn't. I bought two used lamps that were supposed to work and the only way all 3 lamps work is if you jiggle them the right way then they light.
How do I test each cavity using a voltmeter and what DC voltages should I see? I tried google and there were the usual 29 million entries to sell you everything from a headlight to an AC Compressor.
1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago