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Can the one who sees be seen?

Mooji is talking about sickness/injury and the opportunity for self discovery.

4:50--"Can the one who sees be seen?"

and then:

6:39: "When you become very clear and empty...then the universe moves. The feeling "I" is there. It is like a sliding bar of "I"-ness. If it slides this way towards the body mind identification then you believe "I" is a person then the person is responsible for taking care of its own life. But if the "I" is identified as consciousness then it becomes the universe's responsibility to take care of your body. I say again, if you identify your feeling "I" as being a person then it becomes the person's responsibility to take care of the bodily life. But if the feeling "I" or "I am" is identified as consciousness then the universe will take care of your life. And it will do a far better job then your mind can do it. This is the important thing you will find out. The more you somehow just be quiet with yourself. Watch the panic buttons going on. Watch the fingers going to press. But just you stay quiet as only the seer for the moment."

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Eventually everything will point back to yourself and you cant escape yourself. That might sound scary but all it does is point right back to your innocence. Maybe it will feel tiring at first as you get `pulled` into yourself but you get tired not because ITs punishing you but you get tired of your ways and like it or not you have no choice but to give up. The whole thing is not a bad thing actually, everyone goes through it i suppose

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The seer is not even a suspicion or an intuition , much less actually seen until the subject-object divide is seen through. Then it may be quite a surprise. The one being sought is the one that is looking! As Mooji says, it is only found in stillness and quiet - not to identify with the contents of the mind. Keep the slider toward the still awareness that we are and from there it may be seen that we are not any of our concepts about health or dis-ease.

    Deepak Chopra says it clearly too - just live like a cell. Cells have no concepts for life - they just are trust itself and are provided for. Even Jesus talks very clearly about this.

    The universe doesn't move of course - consciousness moves - or as in the Zen koan, neither the flag or the wind moves...the mind moves. That is what Mooji is saying in a slightly different way. Because the universe is a product of the mind, when the mind moves, so too the universe.

  • Beautiful Video. Thank you.

    I have a quite different approach.

    First, try to understand the word 'suchness'. Buddha depends on that word very much. In Buddha’s own language it is 'tathata', suchness. The whole Buddhist meditation consists of living in this word, living with this word so deeply that the word disappears and you become the suchness.

    If you are ill, the attitude of suchness is: accept it and say to yourself, “Such is the way of the body,” or, “Such are things.” Don’t create a fight, don’t start struggling. You have a headache – accept it, such is the nature of things. Suddenly there is a change because when this attitude comes in, a change follows just like a shadow. If you can accept your headache, the headache disappears.

    Try it. If you accept an illness it starts dispersing. Why does it happen? It happens because whenever you are fighting, your energy is divided: half the energy moving into illness, the headache, and half the energy fighting the headache – a rift, a gap and the fight. Really, this fight is a deeper headache.

    Once you accept, once you don’t complain, once you don’t fight, the energy has become one within. The rift is bridged. And so much energy is released because now there is no conflict – the release of energy itself becomes a healing force. Healing doesn’t come from outside. All that medicines can do is to help the body to bring its own healing force into action. All that a doctor can do is just to help you to find your own healing power. Health cannot be forced from outside, it is your energy flowering.

    This word suchness can work so deeply that with physical illness, with mental illness and finally with spiritual illness – this is a secret method – they all dissolve. But start from the body, because that is the lowest layer. If you succeed there, then higher levels can be tried. If you fail there, then it will be difficult for you to move higher.

    Something is wrong in the body: relax and accept it, and simply say inside – not only in words but feel it deeply – that such is the nature of things. A body is a compound, so many things are combined in it. The body is born, it is prone to death. And it is a mechanism, and complex; there is every possibility of something or other going wrong.

    Accept it, and don’t get identified. When you accept you remain above, you remain beyond. When you fight you come to the same level. Acceptance is transcendence. When you accept, you are on a hill, the body is left behind. You say, “Yes, such is the nature. Things born will have to die. And if things born have to die, they will be ill sometimes. Nothing to be worried about too much” – as if it is not happening to you, just happening in the world of the things.

    This is the beauty: that when you are not fighting, you transcend. You are no longer on the same level. And this transcendence becomes a healing force. Suddenly the body starts changing. And the same happens to mental worries, tensions, anxieties, anguish. You are worried about a certain thing. What is the worry? You cannot accept the fact, that’s the worry. You would like it in some way different from how it is happening. You are worried because you have some ideas to enforce on nature.

    Your mind is a constant traffic of thoughts, and it is always rush hour, day in, day out. Meditation means to watch the movement of thoughts in the mind. Just be an observer, as if you are standing by the side of the road watching the traffic -- no judgment, no evaluation, no condemnation, no appreciation -- just pure observation. As you become more and more accustomed to observation, a strange phenomenon starts happening.

    If you are ten percent aware, that much energy has moved from the mind process to the observer; now the mind has only ninety percent energy available. A moment comes... you have fifty percent of energy. And your energy goes on growing as mind goes on losing its energy. The traffic becomes less and less and less, and you become more and more and more.

    Your witnessing self goes on increasing in integrity, expanding; it becomes stronger and stronger. And the mind goes on becoming weaker and weaker: ninety percent observer and ten percent mind, ninety-nine percent observer and only one percent mind. One hundred percent observer and the mind disappears, the road is empty; the screen of the mind becomes completely empty, nothing moves. There is only the observer.

    Now your "I" does not mean ego. It simply means your individuality, not your personality. It simply means the universal in you, just the dewdrop which contains the ocean. The emphasis has changed completely. It is not the dewdrop that is claiming; it is the ocean that is proclaiming.

    May you always shine like a Star and be fragrant like a Flower,

    God bless your Life with infinite Love and Peace, Amen.

  • 1 decade ago

    Most illness is caused by an emotional or psychic imbalance. If the mind is completely at peace, one with spirit, then the body would naturally be able to fight off most disease.

    I'm not sure I get what he means by people being "more luminous" when they are ill. Although once I thought something could go seriously wrong with me, I was really at peace with that, because I knew that essence is not dependent on the physical body. So it's possible when the body is threatened, the ego must relinquish some part of itself to Spirit to ensure it's survival.

    Not sure how to answer your question "Can the one who sees be seen?" Do you mean the part that can observe the ego as it goes through life? It's a little abstract for me.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Can the one who sees be seen? Sure, just look in the mirror. Seriously though, if your asking whether there is a thinker behind a thought, your asking a metaphysical question that mystics and philosophers have been pondering for centuries. If the answer is "no" then we are simply bodies moved about by the forces of nature which would then render free will as an illusion and would relinquish us of any moral responsiblility.

  • 1 decade ago

    at about the exact same time on here he starts talking about this same question and asks it directly at 6:27...gosh he sound so much like Jiddu Krishnamurti...not in voice but content of mind.

    This is a great question and it is addressed by quantum physics.please watch the whole

    Waves of potential do not collapse into points of reality until is it observed...there are infiniite possibiities in wave form that do not turn into reality until we focus on them. Mooji speaks much on this topic as well.

    So can the one who sees be seen? Well for us humans to even be a reality means that we are being observed. So does this mean that their is an ultimate observer? Or perhaps does our level of consciousness allow for us to be self observers? Or is it that we all observe each other?

    Right away we can rule out the last one because if we are alone we do not disappear.

    So that leaves us to wonder; Is there an ultimate observer or are we self aware?

    lol....i guess now i am asking the exact same question he is. Funny how i came to this question as a result of quantum physics. But at least this does illustrate the how science can align quite nicely with spirituality.

    at 6:55 he asks the question "What happens in the light of this question"?...he is referring to the same question you are asking. I think Love, what he is doing is bringing us way down the rabbit hole. He is bringing us down into the dark areas and then shine some light onto it. I am not sure that the answer is really important...i think it is questions like this that shed light on the dark depths of the mind. He is attempting to bring us en-light.

    And when you think about it....hasnt the questioning always been the driving force?

    “Dubito ergo cogito; cogito ergo sum"

    "I doubt, therefore I think; I think therefore I am"

    -Rene Descartes

    Answers are the fruit...questions are the seeds.

  • 1 decade ago

    Whenever the presence of the Seer, of the one who sees, somehow is detected by the Seen, then the seer, the one who sees, is being seen / can be seen in material and or ethereal ways.

    Whenever sickness or injury does occur, occurrences of injury and sickness do have a life of their own. Injury can be seen, sickness can be seen; sickness / injury can objectively be seen; sickness / injury can be felt within oneself or about oneself, or also felt about others perhaps as a little ailment or even as a horrible horde of deadly viruses or of other nasty foes.

    Seeing is detection, and seeing is directly or indirectly getting perception / perspective of thing and or (of) thought through the eye or through the ... mind (through the mind's eye?).

    Whenever a seeing is more free of preconceptions, of presumptions, of fears, then that seeing will more purely witness the seen, then the encounter and the presence will be seen, and see, in their own apotheosis of glowing certainty, and also of bliss if bliss is there.

    But all may be in a clash, all may be fight. I say this because a preconception, and a presumption, and the encounter, and the presence, do sort of have interactive / interacting lives of their own, most often clusters of vibrant forms of life that individually will want to prevail, that individually consciously or unconsciously / instinctively do not want to surrender.

    The one who sees / witnesses and has a wondrous or even weird life of his / its own, and the one that is seen and has a wondrous or even weird life of its own, while in presence or in encounter, or from the initial encounter and visible or felt presence, they may recognize one another, and even negotiate how they individually and or together may see (materially and or ethereally contemplate) one another, and may prevail, and how they may prevail within the occurrence / exercise of their interactions.

    Amen. Have a great good laugh.

  • 1 decade ago

    Interesting. Like the difference in "getting your living by the sweat of your brow" and what replaces that when you come into alignment or in other words, disobey the tribal god of the Jews and go ahead and eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

    The one who sees not being seen reminds me of the Pistis Sophia where Jesus describes his descent into matter. He left his robes behind and because of that the archons did not recognize him.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Before you ever started "thinking deep," a mountain was just a mountain...

    While you're searching for meaning in all this "deep thought," a mountain becomes something else...

    "After" you find enlightenment (which is really just finding out that there is no such thing)...

    ...a mountain once more becomes...

    ...just a mountain...


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This guy Imam Obama is obsessed with this stuff. That tells me one thing. It won't be long until he's arrested for doing the same thing.

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