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Tessa C asked in PetsRodents · 1 decade ago

my two female gerbils fighting!?

ok so.. my brother bought two female gerbils idk if they were litter mates, but he had them for like a month and then he gave them to me. he brought over the cage and one had escaped at their house so they brought her over the next day. So now they stay as from each other as possible but when they run into each other they fight! what do i do? yeah yeah i know split cage right? but i dont have one so please no answers that say split cage.... oh and thanks!!

4 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    they might be fighting for dominince...but maybe not...if youb see any blood split them...the split cage methode is easy..anything the is breathible and they cant chew through would work to split the cage and DO NOT i repete DO NOT put any water on those gerbils (crazy person!)

  • 1 decade ago

    They are fighting over territorial rights.

    Females are much more territorial than males.

    Either get a bigger cage or one less gerbil.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    purchase 2 adult males. adult males are not all freaky and territorial. the errors you made replaced into determining to purchase a girl particularly than a male after your first hamster. additionally, in case you may get the adult males to reproduce with the girls: toddler HAMSTERS.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    theyre lesbians. thats how they mate

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