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Why is "Pandora" only able to skip so many songs per hour?

I keep wanting to skip songs on a station but it keeps saying that they can only skip so many songs per hour. Do you know why?

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Ok, the *real* reason you can only skip so many songs is because they're positioning themselves as a radio service; that's how the music is free. If they give you too much control over the music selection, it stops becoming a radio service and just becomes "your music", and then you get all kinds of copyright problems.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because you are listening for free and you need to buy the full version. They can't stay in business if they give music away with no limitations.

    Hint, create new stations for other songs by the artist and a lot of times you'll find the ones you're looking for.

  • 1 decade ago

    it may be that it cant skip them because you're rushing it or you're not giving it time to randomly pick out songs because they have to load things on to pandora they dont just put songs on there once.....because then it play things over and over again!

    Source(s): mee
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