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Scariest moment of your life?

I'll share mine.

About 4 years ago my mom and I were home alone, and I was 14 at the time. it was about 11 PM and I was getting ready to go to bed. right as I was going to go downstairs to lock our front door, I heard someone come in my house. I was freaking out because I could hear 3-4 men running through our house. I went in my room to grab my aluminium baseball bat. when I came out I saw 4 firemen standing at the edge of or stairwell asking me who needed help. I said that they had the wrong address and they left. the house next to us was the one that called for help and an elderly lady ended up dying that night. I will never forget that night.I thought I was going to die.


11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Wow i would **** my pants if that happened to me. I gotta say that this probably wont seem scary to anybody that doesnt believe in spirits but here goes. so a few years back my parents bought house that we live in now, which was owned by old lady with 2 cats. so she moves out and gives us the cats. anyways time passes, about 3 years and both our cats die within a month of each other. Our family says our goodbyes and i think nothing of it for another a year. So I'm laying in my bed and cant get to sleep. Its 1 in the morning and i hear this scratching noise and the sound of like a cat meowing in pain. After like 10 mins of it I get up terrefied grab my pillows and sleep in living room where my mom is sleeping on other couch. i hear nothing till i finally get cozy and boom more cat screams. So im fraken out because the cries are getting louder and they sound like theyre coming from the hallway. I literally start cryin because the screams i hear of that animal are so terrible. i finally get up to seee what it is. i walk to the hallway. now in my hallway there are like mirrors everywhere because my mom thinks it opens up the hallway (thx mom). anyways at the end of the hallway i see something in the back mirror and my eyes are bad, so i walk closer till im right in front of it. and its at that point that i start begging for my life because i **** you not, an old lady ( like the one from drag me to hell) smiling was in it behind me. I scream, run and turn all the lights on i can. and wake everyone up. days later my sister has a similer incedent only it happened while she was sleeping. about a month after the whole incedent, we somehow found out that the lady who had sold us the house had died like a year ago. Let me tell you what, it's been like a year since and im still ffffd up. and freaky stuff still happens at our house. i swear its haunted

  • mysti
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    There are many, but I have to say it was when my then 7-yr old daughter was hit by a truck. I was coming home from work one afternoon when I turned onto my dead-end road to see an ambulance and police cars with lights flashing just past my house. My husband had been home with my 2 kids and they were riding their bikes with the neighbor kids. As I approached the scene in my car, I could see my then 11-yr old daughter standing on the side of the road, face white as a sheet. I bolted out of the car and she kept saying "she's gonna be ok, mama"....I then saw my precious daughter's bicycle mangled in the ditch...and as I looked to the middle of the road where the paramedics where attending, I saw my daughter laying face up, her blue eyes wide open and staring at the sky...her legs twisted outward. My husband was there and crying and everyone was trying to hold me back from getting to where my child layed. I remember the horror and shock I felt in thinking that she was gone...just sheer denial. Thankfully she was alive and I rode to the hospital with her on the ambulance. She suffered severe head injuries, some broken bones and terrible skin injuries. She also was bleeding massively from her broken pelvis. She spent a week in ICU and had a long hospital recovery after that, but thank God she did recover.

    She is now 21 and doing great, though she has no memory of her life before she was 7 or 8 years old. I think this would have to go down as the scariest time in my life. I will never forget the crushing feeling of fear in my chest as she was in the ER...not knowing if she would even survive.

  • Doris
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I had an automobile accident late one night on a country road. I was by myself, when I came to a sharp curve. I was on a road that I wasn't familiar with. I was going too fast and when I put on the brake, I rolled the car twice, and it landed back up oh the wheels. Every thing was smashed in except right above my head. The windows were all shattered. There was glass everywhere. I remember gripping the staring wheel.

    I was lucky I wasn't thrown from the car. I didn't have on the seat belt.

    This was some time ago before the seat belt law came into effect. I managed to get out and walk to a farm house. I was lucky someone was home. They called the county sheriff and they responded with the ambulance. I was really worried because I had a leased car. I was lucky I only had a cracked and a chipped rib. When that car was rolling over. all I could think about was my children. They say your whole life flashes before you. It happened so fast and was over in second. My mind was racing, thinking about so many things. I guess it wasn't my time to go.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I got stopped by the police for speeding and found out my license had been suspended, so he confiscated it. I wasn't sure if I was going to get it back or not so I got out of the truck without putting the emergency brake on. I was waiting at the back of the truck while the officer was having my ex pull to the shoulder(I had to call him to come get me). I looked back at the truck and it had started rolling forward so like a fool I started chasing it. I got the door open and just as I was about to jump in it moved to the left and knocked me to the road. I hit my head so hard that I was dazed and was laying in the middle of the highway and couldn't get up. It was the middle of the night with no street lights and a car was speeding right towards me. I was barely able to roll out of the way before he ran over me. I ended up with lots of cuts and bruises, a concussion and a broken shoulder.

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  • 1 decade ago

    1. When I was about 11 years old my dad (who was a preacher) at that time became extremely upset because I wouldn't get up to go to church one morning. So he came in my room flipped over my mattress with me in the bed and took a large pocket knife and cut my shirt off and made me get in the shower. I thought he was about to kill me because he had the knife pointed right at me. Needless to say I despised going to church ever since and never trusted any "man of god" since.

    2. When I was still 11, my dad became very upset again about me not wanted to go to church so one night he drove me into the woods and he pulled out his pistol and put in his lap and continued to drive in the dark country woods for about an hour. I was terrified and thought he was really going to kill me.

    I'm 34 years old and I never mentioned that to anyone, not even my wife, until now.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    when I was 15, I woke up about 1am because I heard a noise at my window. I could see the outline of a man through my window shade (the neighbor behind us had a security light in their backyard that cast some light into our backyard.)

    I screamed and called for my mother to come to my room and the man ran off. My mother came to my room, didn't see anyone at the window and told me I was dreaming. We had a knock at our back door. The next door neighbor heard me scream (we lived in a duplex--her bedroom was on the other side of my bedroom wall) and said she looked out her window to see someone jump the fence. When she came out onto her back porch she saw the screen from my bedroom window on her side of the yard.

    We called the police and they took statements and dusted for prints. It turned out the man was my neighbor's ex husband. He confessed to planning to break into his ex wife's house to "scare" her but he was trying to access the wrong side of the house. Guess he thought it was better to confess to stalking and harrassing his ex wife than to be thought of as a pedophile breaking into a teen age girl's bedroom.

  • Aurora
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    i was on a plane flying....and the pilot said that they needed to turn the plane around because there was no air pressure on the plane...worse case would have been that we all would have passed out due to pressure and we would have crashed. scary.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    my step brother picked me up by the neck and i couldn't breathe i was only 8 years old and i thought i was going to die

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    When I saw Lady Gaga

  • 1 decade ago

    when my father shot himself in the head infront of my mother

    GOD bless his soul

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