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Are those of you who believe in sharing the wealth willing to share what you have earned?

Since you have "won life's lottery" by being lucky enough to have gone to college, are you willing to sacrifice the credits you earned in order to give a chance to someone else who did not get the chance to go to college?

Are you willing to sacrifice your grades in order to even things out and give everyone passing grades? Shouldn't everyone just get a C so that no one feels bad about their grades and no one has a better chance at a job than those who studied hard and got A's?

How do you feel about sharing what YOU have earned?

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Isn't it funny how liberals deflect and insult when they face a logical argument?

    I agree 100%. They are horrified at the idea that they would have to give up something they've earned - like a college degree. They love to use it as some sort of proof that they are better than others. The thought of giving up their superiority is terrifying to them. Without that piece of paper, they might have to admit that they don't know everything.

    I'll bet you don't see on logical answer - just name calling, changing the subject, and arguments that it's not the same.



  • J C
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    That's the flawed logic with this argument. I'm not wealthy by any means but if another is in need I've got no problem "sharing my wealth". In the game of life it's not about dying with the most toys after all your still dead right? It's about being content with what you have. Like I said I don't have much but I'm content with what I do have. If I've got a little less then I'd be just as content. So yes. To answer your question I would be willing to share my wealth.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You do know there are different economic theories, right? The one pushed most often by the right is trickle-down economics, which takes from the middle class to give to the rich. Trickle-down economics has never worked and will never work. Even daddy Bush called it “voodoo economics.”

    Democrats, on the other hand, generally believe in buttressing the middle class because that is the engine that drives our society. And BTW, the rich do not always put their money back into the market--they often stash it in off-shore or Swiss bank accounts. The middle class, on the other hand, always spends their money, which pumps up the economy.

    Both parties redistribute wealth. The Repubs take from the middle class and give to the wealthy (as Bush did for eight years, with the results we are seeing now) and the Dems take from the very wealthy and give to the middle class. I guess you have to decide which one of those theories works best for you.

  • 1 decade ago

    I feel that a certain amount of sharing is appropriate. Money can be shared. Intelligence unfortunately, as you illustrate so well, cannot.

    Your hyperbole suggests that paying taxes is an attempt to take every single penny you make and share it out. I guess 33% of the highest bracket amounts to all their money.

    Had you learned anything in college, you would be able to distinguish between apples and oranges.

    Edit: Apparently, I need to explain the concepts a little further for my "conservative" readers. If you give someone money, they can take it and buy something. If you give someone a college credit, they can do nothing with it because they didn't learn the information. The asker is apparently unable to distinguish between real value and imagined value. In addition, he makes the assumption that "liberals" want everyone to have the same amount of money, when what we want is to not have anyone living on the streets or going hungry. That is a long way from total equality of economy.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    America is a very funny country, insofaras it is the ONLY developed country that does not provide subsidized education and healthcare to it's citizens. That might explain why it's ranked 13th in average standard of living, and 30th in overall education

    A country, by it's very definition, is a community. Communities with stingy , self-righteous idiots drag communities down. If you want America to develop a class system, then don't distribute wealth in the form of healthcare, MEDICARE, and other social programs, if not then the rich need to put a larger portion of their wealth into the pot, so that one day others can become rich and do the same as well

  • 1 decade ago

    So how exactly does paying your fair share of taxes equate to sharing college credits?

    I'm sure you had a point to make in there some where but the example you choose is a rather poor one.

  • 1 decade ago

    Amazing. When they are threatened with losing what they feel they have earned, they go nuts. They won't accept the logic of the argument and turn to name calling and subject changing. Typical liberal move.

    I understand what you're saying. They can't because it breaks their bubble and reality might come tumbling in. When it comes to something they feel makes them better than everyone else, they can't let it go.

    If they value knowledge so much, then the credits don't matter, do they? You can't take what they've learned, you can only take the proof that they did it. And, since they love their "proof" that they are smarter than others, they scream when you even suggest that it can be taken away.


  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I will share anything I am not planning on using. I have 10 million carbon credits up for grabs.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is one of the dumbest questions asked. But I do share what I earn. I make 65K a year and when you combine income tax with all the other taxes I pay(property tax, excise tax, sales tax, gas tax etc) almost half of what i earn goes to taxes.

    This is part of life young lady, we have bills to pay. Its part of being a grown up. Do i mind taxes being used to better other people, no. Do I mind them being wasted on wars for fictional reasons, yes. You think we aren't gonna be paying more for Iraq than we have for welfare for the past 40 years - I have bridge for sale. Do you think we give out more in general welfare or corporate? We just gave 770 billion dollars to corporations as Bush's going away present. Spreading my wealth to those who have more wealth than I do, the real problems aren't in the poor and hurdled masses you ignorant Baffoon. They are at the top.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    the difference CLEARLY is... the wealthy are still wealthy...

    now, let's say I had a 95 average, on a 10 point grading scale... sure, I'll give my 5 points to someone else and still get the "A"... that's fine by me...

    sure I earned the 5 points, but in the end, I'm still getting an "A"

    just like the wealthy are still rich in the end, they just aren't quite as rich... just like I don't have quite as strong of an A in the end...

    this is the logical argument to this arguement... I'm not shocked that cons didn't figure it out...

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