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Jena asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Just got my 3 year old poodle fixed, blood in her urine now! HELP!?

I got my three year old poodle fixed yesterday, and she can barely walk and peed in bed last night. This morning she peed on the floor where there was more blood in her urine, and then she threw up. She doesn't want food or water, and she just lays around. My vet isn't in today, and he hasn't returned the message I left for him at the office. Should I find another vet to get her to today or is this normal?


He didn't give me any emergency information or paperwork.

He just told me that she should be fine by today and let her rest.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If the Vet office you take your dog to is not answering your call or returning your call, then I'd take the dog to another Vet. Vets normally have someone on call when they are off, especially a day after surgery, they should have provided you with an on-call number or their recording should have one listed. I'd personally call another Vet for the peace of mind that I would have. Our Vet has on-call vet when he is off and it is listed on his door and on his recording.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Oh dear. I hate to tell you this (and it DOES NOT mean yours has the same problom) but we just put my 10 yr old German Shepard down because of that. She had the same symptoms for a long time. We kept going to the vets and they kept giving her anti-biotics for a UTI which would help for a bit, then would come back. She had a really hard time going pee and seemed to take a really long time to go pee (she seemed to strain so much after awhile). So the last time I took her for yet another bout of anti-biotics, the vet said she would take an X-ray to see if Jazz had a stone. She took the X-ray and sadly, she had bladder cancer. It was extremly difficult since she was so healthy looking on the outside and we had a VERY hard time euthenizing her, but she would never get better and she was in HUGE pain everytime she went pee. We couldn't let her go on like that either. I sincerely hope that this isen't the case with yours but when I saw that she had the strings of mucos of blood as well, made me think of our girl who had the same symptoms. I really hope all is well with her. Take her to the vet and ask for an X-ray. They can tell from that and should tell you w/o going through all the costly tests. Again, I truly hope that she is fine and it is only a UTI. Please let us know......I'll keep this question as a star question. Hopefully, you'll let us know and you can "edit" your question. Good luck again...and Bless your pup!!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I'd strongly recommend that you take your pup back to your vet or to another vet and have her examined. That way you will know for sure what is going on and can get it treated appropriately.

    Best of luck, hope she's doing much better soon.

    I just got my puppies spayed and neutered and if the vet did not answer I would definitely take them to another vet. Just to make sure the pups are fine. Also on General recovery Direction paper the vet gave you, there should be an emergency contact number for you to call.

    Please contact another vet, tell them your vet is not in today and you need to know what to do about your baby. they will assist you.

  • ~Skye~
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    A vet needs to be informed immediately. If your vet is not in then ring another one. She could have an infection, and even bleed to death if she's not treated but that's VERY rare. Ring another vet ASAP!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, it's time for an emergency vet. It could be a bladder/kidney infection, or they could have nicked something during surgery. Don't risk waiting.

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh god no... I would take her to a vet (different one.) immediately!

    I hope i helped!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Did you use the wire cutters??

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