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I think my mom has a gambling problem and I really need help?
Her and her friends go to the local casino at least 5 days a week.. They are friends with the owners and get $1 beers or free drinks much of the time. She says she doesn't have a problem, but I know her and my dad just took out $20000 for bills and my sister's wedding, and she may be spending it on this. Some people say that it's her money and I need to stay out but I don't want her to get in a bind. She says she only puts $20 or so in, but some nights she wins large amounts of money. It would be okay if that were guaranteed every night, but it's not. I asked her about it and she said it's not a problem and I need to stay out. I'm a college student and live at home. She cooks about once every two weeks, and our clothes gets so backed up that I have to wear a dirty uniform shirt sometimes. My dad goes with her most of the time and it aggravates her, but he's afraid she finds another man. HELP PLEASE. I don't know what to do.. I work two jobs, my school is paid for through scholarships, and I pay for all of my food and car note.. I just want her home and not blowing all of her and my dad's hard earned money.
5 AnswersGambling1 decade agoCheerleading routines with stunts?
I just became a cheerleading coach after 6 years of experience. Every football game we go to the opposing team's side and do a cheer for them. We normally do a chant and then a cheer with stunts. This gets monotonous after a while, and the girls want something more exciting. They want a lot of arm motions and stunt transitions, and a cheer that is catchy, maybe with the year in it. They like blowing kisses etc. I have looked all over the internet with no luck. Help us come up with a routine please!!
3 AnswersOther - Sports1 decade agoJust got my 3 year old poodle fixed, blood in her urine now! HELP!?
I got my three year old poodle fixed yesterday, and she can barely walk and peed in bed last night. This morning she peed on the floor where there was more blood in her urine, and then she threw up. She doesn't want food or water, and she just lays around. My vet isn't in today, and he hasn't returned the message I left for him at the office. Should I find another vet to get her to today or is this normal?
7 AnswersDogs1 decade agonumerical expression for 5 using only addition, subtraction, division, multiplication parenthesis and five 6's?
Also, what is the units digit of 3 to the 33 power? I need to know how to work it as well.. thankss
1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade agoI got a fish tank last September, nothing but problems and questions!?
Okay, so when I got my fish tank, it was a gift, so i hurried and set it up and ran to my local Wal-Mart and bought two cichlids, one orange and one albino, and an algae eater. Those three fish lived until my orange cichlid died a few weeks ago. Since I started my tank, I have bought an angel fish, a baja shark, an oscar, and 2-3 more cichlids...all died within one day to a few weeks except for one of my cichlids. I have the albino cichlid still, but I think he is the one who killed all of my other fish. My orange cichlid that I have now is very strange, his face seems to change to black randomly. I have a total of 3 fish and one algae eater. My water is soooo cloudy, and I don't know how to safely clean the tank. Is there any easy, quick way to clean the tank that won't kill my fish? I am so tired of them dying. I did buy 3 rocks for them to hide in since I know that they are territorial. My tank is 10 gallons, with a pump. I need tips on what types of fish I can put with them, and how to care for them. Just some help with them, I'm new at this and put off asking for a long time. But I want to make it right now!
6 AnswersFish1 decade ago