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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

My illegal neighbors keep trying to shoot down my American flag! What should I do?

Ok, not a brief history, I live in southern Minnesota in a town where I was born in and have lived my whole life in. We have always had a large illegal Mexican population in our sanctuary city, but in recent years it has gotten to the point where one in three people are illegal.

My house is in a neighborhood where 25 years ago it was a quiet, neatly kept homes, lawn and street full of elderly white retired folks where you were safe to leave your doors unlocked at night.

Now it is a loud, run-down, dirty, and dangerous neighborhood full of illegals and resembles a Mexican ghetto! With the exception of my house and property which now resembles a clean and neatly kept home, but also a fenced-in fortress!

The fence I put in three years ago after illegal neighbors kept coming onto my property to use my clothesline while I was gone, and damaged my bird-feeders that I hung on, and around the clothesline.

Anyways, a six foot chain-link fence with locked gates now surrounds my property, as well as reinforced doors and windows on my house and garage, 16 video surveillance cameras/recorders outside and around my property and 12 inside the house, a panic room/armoury, and of course a home security/alarm system from Broadview Security. All of which I have invested many thousands of dollars on over the years. No way I would still be living here without all this!

Ok! About my flag!

Every morning I raise my American flag on the 30ft. pole in my front yard, and lower it at dusk.

I have done this everyday since 9-11. With few exceptions, weather, blizzards, sick days, ect.

All the illegals over the years never gave me a problem about it except for some of them staring at me and the occasional dirty look.

The new illegal neighbors that moved in right across the street from me this year are a rowdier group.

They come and go at all hours of the day and night, at least twelve people living in a three bedroom house. Many of them sit on couches on their front lawn, drinking beer and playing loud music from dawn until dusk.

In the morning some are always out front when I go out to raise my flag, as I do they hoot and holler, catcall and whistle. Which I ignored for a long time, but it grew to really annoy me as it seemed disrespectful to a patriotic moment. So starting a couple months ago I carried out my boombox with a CD of our national anthem "The Star Spangled Banner" and played it as I raised the flag in order to drowned out the whooping and catcalls from across the street. This only riled them up even more and drew more attention to me so I stopped. But it did not end there, none of the men ever did anything and still have not, but starting a few weeks ago they sent over a juvenile, maybe 16 or 17 years old across to harass me, knowing he would likely not get in trouble, and not much I can do as he stays on the public sidewalk and never even touches my fence. He does speak good English, either an anchor baby or he was brought here at a young age. I can't say much good about this kid, as he was raised to be a fierce racist, I cannot even begin to list the racial slurs he has said to me!

After all the "You don't belong here man!' and "Go back to Europe" crap, I told the kid to knock it off from now on or I would call the cops on him.

And the very next day holes are shot through my flag from a pellet gun. Nothing on my security videos of course, it was shot at from off my property. A few days later I heard more pellet shots and called the police, my flag was undamaged this time and the cops just drove around and left! Lots of help they are!

The final straw! The same little jerk shot my flag again last Sunday with a paintball gun and totally ruined it! Again I called the police and nothing was done an no one had seen it happen!

I literally fee


I literally feel like I am at war with foreign invaders trying to take down my flag and drive me out of my own neighborhood!

So, any good suggestions? And don't be an @sshole and tell me to stop raising my flag or move!

@Chuck, Come one! Seriously!

Update 2:


As I have said, my town is a Sanctuary town, our newspaper only kisses butt when it comes to illegals! They would not give me the time of day!

Update 3:

@Little Momma,

Thanks for being serious, but how can I get a "Neighborhood watch" when my whole neighborhood are the illegals that NEED to BE watched? LOL!

Update 4:

@Billy Clinton,

Yes, I do hear the occasional gunshot in nearby houses. I use to call the cops all the time but I finally stopped because nothing was EVER done!

I'd call, then listen to the scanner, the cops would always drive around, not see anything and leave!

Update 5:

@Billy Clinton,

Here is one for you!

A couple of weeks ago just down the block early in the morning two illegals stabbed another illegal a whole bunch of times and ran through peoples properties trying to hide from the cops, scaring a lot of them in the process!

I have the only fenced-in property on my half of the block so they could not hide here at least! The cops caught them hiding a block away under an old ladies wood patio deck!

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Call the INS. If that doesn't work kidnap them, hog tie them and drop their *** off in the oil filled gulf. No one will know they are gone because they are illegals.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Haha... well I would say have a friend of yours pull up at your house in a shirt that says INS, but if it's just 1 well a) he might get attacked and b) they know INS won't do anything so why bother... but it would be funny. On a more serious note, doesn't it suck that there a TONS of groups out there to protect minorities and illegals but no one there to protect you. You can't do anything seeing as he is on public property and he is a minor, unless you have a minor who can and is willing to beat him up haha. Anyway, It's a total disgrace that they come here FREE and ILLEGAL and can destroy our flag like that. Only thing you can really do is report it to the police, but it sounds as if the police are even scared of them. Maybe there is a neighborhood watch group or some thing that you can talk to - maybe they have meetings and advice as to how to deal with nasty people like that.

    I hope you get the situation settled.

    Someone mentioned the telling a reporter or someone from the paper. That's a good idea.

    Edit: A lot of neighborhood watches encompass a large area, so even if you live off the beaten path from them they can and will drive by your house. I live in the Ghetto... and my neighborhood watch people make sure to drive past my house daily, even though I live off the beaten path. It's something to look into. The only other advice and I hate to say this is move. I don't think you should have to give up your home as a legal citizen, but if they harass you it might be worth it. I can honestly say they are scum and need to go home!!!!

    Wow... You just really need to move. I am just not sure if your house would sell for what it's worth and the area... it's not a plus haha.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Where I live some illegals were shooting real bullets into the street. I called the cops and I told them they were hiding in the projects. The police were too afraid to go in there so they ignored me.


    I live in a sanctuary city that does not allow people to own guns. So only the criminals from the projects are allowed to own and carry them cause the police are afraid of them.

    Things just don't get any worse then this.

  • 1 decade ago

    I live in California and a few years ago an illegal hung the American flag in front of his house upside down. There was a group of people who actually pulled over in front of his house outraged that he did this. He quickly took it down! Illegals have no respect for the US.

    I say call the paper or news station, Americans will not put up with it if they know this is happening!

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  • 1 decade ago

    first go to the store

    buy a 22 oz bottle of wild turkey or red label jonnie walker or something like that, dalmore is good if they have it

    take it back to your house

    open it up and drink the whole thing

    It won't solve anything but when you're done you won't care

  • 1 decade ago

    This means war. Okay here's the plan.

    You find out where the little jerk lives and you egg his house.

    Or you can try to talk to the punk or seek professional help (mentally).

  • 1 decade ago

    Sounds like you have superior weapons. Just sayin'

  • 4 years ago

    Call Trump! 😂

  • 1 decade ago

    Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, yah, blah..........

    If you had a girlfriend, you wouldn't have the time or the energy to make up such a long-winded load of BS

    p.s.: Way to black out mid-sentence.

  • 1 decade ago

    throw oranges at his house

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