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What is your opinion on racists?

star this if you dont like racists.

41 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    To be honest their stupid, you can't generalize a whole group of people - because not everyone is going to act the same. Then there is the idiots, who hate someone because of their skin - all idiots to be honest.

    However I also hate people who brand everything racist, if someone says they are not attracted to black women? RACIST! if someone says makes fun of another races ethnic features? RACIST - this stupid culture needs to stop as well. I mean it's like on extreme to another, I am not racist I have friends of all races. I want everyone to be considered equal, but then at the same time not hesitate in a friendship to make fun of someone's culture or facial features.

    Source(s): Hate them, but also hate it when people are too PC
  • 7 years ago

    Racists people are everywhere. I had a boss by the name of Chelvie Somasunderam and unmarried bitchy boss of tamil origin who had an inherent hatred towards Sinhalese. She slowly started removing the Sinhalese people from the dept and started replacing them with tamils and out department has become a tamil colony. I hope no company ever recruits that bloody tigress. I have a feeling that she is supporting the LTTE as well..

  • 1 decade ago

    racists are of all colors, not just white.

    If people wish racism to disappear, the focus should be enforcing the affirmative actions laws equally, not on getting "even".

    Cause if they don't, racism will come back and make southern Georgia during the 1950's look like an Antifa meeting and a lot of people will suffer because of it.

    Honestly, I don't want that and neither should you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, I think they are just brainwashed people. They come from the result of generational conditioning of hatred. They are taught the moment they are born by racist parents that they are superior. Sometimes, a person can become racist later on in life.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They have a better grasp of reality and group dynamics that non-racists. Racially aware people tend to be able to predict outcomes better than the blissfully ignorant who think they can rid the world of racism by simply wishing it away.

    Source(s): Danny Glover can't get a cab in NYC
  • 1 decade ago

    I don't like people that judge other people just because of social or physical appearances. So all in all I don't like racist people!!

    Have a good day!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think the word racist is overrated these days.

    Most people I think are mildly racist or somehow racially/ethnically biased to a degree.

    There are very few actual racist people in this day and age, I believe.

    I think that term is thrown around way too much.

  • 6 years ago

    this is what happens when you allow freedom of speech. A$$holes like racists will start hating on everyone and discriminating against people, using "freedom of speech" to defend themselves. Hate speech is NOT free speech. All discrimination should be banned, and we should all be equal.

    Source(s): Fcuk America.
  • 8 years ago

    I dont know to many people who arent racist. and that goes for people of all races

  • 1 decade ago

    That they need to be educated about accepting a diversity of people and to not be simple minded. After all, the times they are a-changing and there are now more diversed people than ever.

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