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What's the best policing agency to report an online credit card thief?

A person stole my Visa debit card info and has used it several times over the past 3 months to charge online purchases. After reporting it to the credit card company, they told me the name, city, and state of the thief. With a little more research, I found out the guy's full contact info and address. I don't know if the merchant or credit card company will report him, but I certainly will. Could someone please tell me the best online policing agency or ? for interstate credit card theft?

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Phone the police

  • 4 years ago

    If the debts are frozen, then the enjoying cards could be declined if the thief tries to apply them. in the event that they made any purchases earlier the debts have been frozen, you are able to touch your mastercard companies and tell them which transactions are not yours - frequently they'll waiver transactions that have been made via the thief. regrettably, with ATM enjoying cards they are able to't provide you the money returned that replaced into stolen if the thief used funds-returned or took funds out of an ATM (you opt for a PIN selection for the two so that's uncertain). i could be extra in contact in the event that they have been given a carry of your SSN (regrettably, particularly some human beings shop their SSN enjoying cards of their wallets that's a destructive theory) because of the fact they are able to open up new mastercard debts/financial business enterprise debts/etc under your call and injury your credit interior the approach.

  • Jay
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    There is no "online policing agency". If you haven't reported this yet to your local police or the police in the city where the theft occurred then you should have.

  • 1 decade ago


    While I was searching for credit report, I found a company , that offers this service for 100% free .They also offer credit monitoring, anti fraud alert, and many more benefits.

    Go to: and register 100% free .

    Hope that will help

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  • 1 decade ago

    Report this to the CARD ISSUER. You did NOT find out ANYTHING about the thief either from the issuer OR on your own. IF the card issuer had ANY of this information, they would give it DIRECTLY to the police and NOT to you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Post his info on Yahoo Answers. You will get your revenge.

  • 1 decade ago

    Call the nearest FBI office to you. If they can't help you, they know who can. It's easy, just google for the nearest FBI office and call them and ask for help.

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