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I just heard that the money we have spent on these stupid wars?

could have paid for a solar panel(including labor) for every house in America. How do we get our tax dollars to pay for something we would like? Any ideas?


I wasen't actually suggesting solar panels, I'm just amazed at the waste on what amounts to a dead horse.

Update 2:

I thought the Saddam thing was a case of mine is bigger that yours. just trying to out do daddy bush

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    On the bright side: We have so far killed about a million Muslim evildoers for that trillion dollars we've spent. That works out to be a million dollars per dead evildoer. Which some might say is a high price. But consider that we've only been killing these evildoers for about ten years so far. And as our great warrior hero Big Dick Cheney said, we may have to keep killing these evildoers for several hundred years. The best estimates are that there about six billion of these evildoers in the world, so it may take awhile. And by that time we'll probably be much more efficient at it. The important thing is to let private contractors like Halliburton and Blackwater handle as much of the war as possible. They know how to cut corners and will see to it that as little money as possible is spent on our troops so that more money can be spent on bullets and bombs and so on, and then we can really start slaughtering these evildoers for a rock-bottom per capita price. I wouldn't be surprised if we eventually get to the point where we are spending as little as a half miillion or even a quarter million dollars for each evildoer we kill.

  • 1 decade ago

    How about if instead of buying every body solar panels, we just NOT spend that money at all. Have you ever thought of that? Do you know where the money comes from? It doesn't just appear magically from Obama's desk drawer. It comes from the pay of Millions of Americans. Now, if you want to buy everyone solar panels on your own..... I'll take a large array please.


  • sunny
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Very good question. I wish I had an answer. I don't think many of us said, oh yeah go for war. How many of you think George W. had a personal vendetta against Saddam Hussein? Billions of dollars later, do you think it was worth it? Afghanistan is a little different story but mark my words, it is just a diversion to the people of the USA, to hide what their government is really doing. To the tune of billions of more dollars. With all the modern technology, do you really think we have never found Osama Bin Laden? We are being set up over and over again. We have a government that we cannot trust. Yes, I would have rather had a solar panel.

  • 1 decade ago

    Let's see, estimate 1 trillion dollars.

    Estimate 100 million households in the US.

    That's $10,000 per household. Yes, that's in the right ballpark to buy a small solar electric array. The trouble is, it would be impossible to agree on what to do with that kind of money per household. I think a solar array would be great, but someone living in Seattle might disagree. Everybody has their pet idea. I would prefer the money not be spent at all and that we not increase the national debt, but to not spend when others are spending is political suicide.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I agree that freedom is not free, but could we not protect our country from the inside and quit wasting the money on wars overseas? My brother fought and died for this country. I think we should bring our troops home, start protecting the United States from the inside using those troops, bring our jobs back to the United States, and straighten out our own mess before trying to clean up some other country's backyard. They have been fighting there forever, and will be fighting from now on. Charity begins at home.

  • RoHo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I'm not ready for planes flying into buildings in my town, and a call to prayer 5 times a day over loudspeakers, so i'll wait a bit for my solar panel

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Wearing a dirty nightshirt and a long beard does not appeal to me.Neither does being forbidden to have an occasional beer.

    I don't think the females I am interested in would like to wear a mask or not have an education.

    I wished you would have asked this question to this elderly but proud WWII veteran I saw in Trader Joe's today.

    I am having my tax dollars paying for something I like.It's called freedom.To everyone on this forum who has loved ones defending this country.Thank you.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think the better question would be, "how much money do we spend on welfare" Give it a try. Look it up. Very interesting.

  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe it is time for another tax revolt

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes but we borrowed that money from china.

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