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Gender studies, what do you think of heterosexuals who purposely infect women with HIV?


Oh really brat, I didn't know you could read minds and how is asking a question misandric when there have been so many question about women and you don't seem to mind those.

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Usually I'm against capital punishment, but to me this person should be charged with first degree murder and conspiracy to commit murder as well.

    Then he should be taken outside the city walls given 15 strikes with a cane, sent to Riker's Island in women's underwear (no offense Deirdre) for a month, forced to do work and the money given to the victim's family for a year or two, given 30 lashes with a belt, sent down into the mines to work for free, waterboarded for a week or two, then...

    ...finally thrown into a den of lions with 3 knives to defend himself.

    I guarantee that 50 years from now people will still be talking about it and that this will never happen again.

    This man is sick. If he was angry about his condition, then why didn't he kill himself? Why did he have to selfishly destroy the lives of others? Not even animals treat one another like this! I mean, what did these women do to him?

    I'm sure even the devil in hell was horrified by this monster. If I could speak to God, I would ask him to place this man in 35 torture chambers before sending him to hell.

    This is the ONLY time, that I believe that there should be a death penalty. When someone commits a crime maliciously like this, they shouldn't be allowed to exist in a society with sane human beings. If we don't want to remove him from this earth, we can ship him to Siberia or the North Pole in a T-shirt and jeans and let the elements and God pass judgment on him.

    Sorry, Deirdre, this guy is just too sick & pathetic.

  • Liam
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    If it is proven beyond reasonable doubt that anyone (man or woman) purposely infects another person with HIV, they should receive an equivalent sentence to GBH, which in my opinion should be set at between 5 and 20 years according to circumstances.

    I'm not going to be over the top and say 'throw away the key' or 'chop their head off'. My serious, considered opinion, taking into account that a single action, no matter how horrendous, should not ruin a persons life completely, is that 5 years in prison is a fitting punishment for infecting a person with HIV, with an addition of upto 15 extra years depending on circumstances. And if the victims life is cut short by the infection, raise the charge to manslaughter.

    Edit: In the case of Carl Leone; 6 women infected, 5 years per infected woman, 30 years minimum, 120 years maximum.

  • marx
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Fail? i did not be attentive to everyone grew to become into being examined? And definitely, what does it remember? Why are a number of you adult males so caught on the call of a cyber web communicate board? What do you think of will replace touching directly to the communicate board if the over all call is replaced, or you adult males get your guy or woman 'own' communicate board? the two way it is going that's going to nonetheless be accessible by ability of everyone with a Yahoo account; so not something will replace.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Don't understand why respondents here and people all day have been answering similar questions with such ignorance

    I have been HIV+ for ten years and the only thing affecting my life expectancy is cigarettes though I only smoke if I drink (once a week or less)

    This info comes from my Dr of ten years

    It is not a death sentence

    Whereas I would be horrified if I passed on the virus i do not understand why the infected people are not held accountable (haven't read your piece)

    If you don't know someones HIV status and you are having unsafe sex - expect to be infected

    Your body - your responsibility.

    Th rule of thumb is to assume everyone is infected with HIV when you have sex unless you know 100% your partner has been faithful and you have been together more than 18 months monogamously, exclusively.

    If you do not use protection and you break the rules and you want to blame someone - you only have yourself to blame.

    I never blamed anyone other than myself.

    The diagnosis was a complete shock. I had assumed I had been completely safe.

    Don't be so overconfident or quick to judge.

    I am completely open about my HIV status and always have been for the very reason that has transpired in the news today. And Cassius said I was a filthy pig for disclosing.

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  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I think anyone who intentionally infects other human beings with HIV, men or women, are vindictive, vengeful individuals who should be thrown into prison for the rest of their lives. These are bitter people who think that because of their personal tragedy, innocent strangers should suffer for it.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    That's fvcked up. There's actually a subculture called "Bugchasing" where the "chaser" will deliberately have sex with a "gift giver" in order to catch HIV (a gift giver is the one infected with HIV). These fruit-loops hold "bug parties" where the gift givers and bugchasers meet up and screw each other. But at least that's consensual, what Leone did was a lot more sinister and sadistic. What a sick man.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think it's an insanely juvenile mentality but in the end it's just another addition to the long list of reasons not to have unprotected sex with a complete stranger. He shouldn't be convicted for it, he should be made to go into therapy yes but you have to accept that even though we do feel sorry for the women we have to split the blame a little bit.

  • Jack
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It is criminal.

    It is wrong.

    It can be prosecuted as murder when the victim dies assuming the accused is still alive to face charges.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well they are selfish bastards and should be prosecuted. I don't know why you narrowed it down to just heterosexual men because i bet people think the same with homosexual men and women of any sexual orientation.

  • 1 decade ago

    What do you think of women who purposely infect men with HIV?

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