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saddleSOAR asked in PetsOther - Pets · 1 decade ago

Are hedgehogs legal pets?

Ok my husband is a teacher. A sister to one of his students sold him a hedgehog for a class room pet. I have never heard of such a thing. Indeed it is the cutest thing I have seen in a long while. But as a pet? I didn't know you could keep them as pets. Can you? Do you know anything about them?

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I really don't think a hedgehog is a suitable classroom pets, they are exotic and easily stressed, and would probably get upset by the prescence of a lot of children. Also they are nocturnal, they won't be up during school hours and its not fair to wake them.

    As to hedgehogs legality, it depends where you are. They are illegal in Arizona (there is a permit but its impossible to obtain making them effectively illegal), CA, Georgia, and Pennyslyvania.

    Source(s): Hedgehog owner and breeder.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you want to know about hedgehog care is a really good site. Hedgehogs eat dry cat food, live insects, cooked poultry and small amounts of fruits and veggies. A varied diet is key to good health. They need spraying with a water mister when they are quilling (shedding their spines). They require exotic vet care, so find a vet now. Their lifespan is around 4-6 years. They can be litter trained. The spines are quite sharp and irritant so I'd be careful of letting children handle them, they are also awake late at night. Get them a large solid running wheel (like one for a hamster only giant, don't get one with gaps as they can get a leg stuck and break it) they ADORE running in wheels. Give them fresh water every day, and clean up the poo daily as its smelly lol.

    Quite an odd and high maintenance choice for a classroom I think, could prove expensive if hedgehog ever gets sick, they are prone to tumours and obesity.They are v cute but they don't actually do that much TBH, and you can't really cuddle them. I would have gotten gerbils or rats or something lol!

    Source(s): Used to have hedgehogs.
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