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Joseph L asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

What was the most offensive part of Glenn Beck's rally to the radical left wingers?

Were they offended most by the references to God, talking about patriotism, or that the event was used to raise money for the college education of the children of the soldiers who have been killed?


I used term radical left because I refuse to call them "Liberal" when there is nothing about their ideology that allows for the consideration of the merit of an unpopular or not already accepted idea. It is affront to the word Liberal to call people on the left liberal.

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    ****crickets chirping****

    Truthfully, his whole existence just drives them crazy. Like that of Sarah Palin. THey have been silent about Beck for a while and have been attacking Palin more lately. I guess that they feel more threatened by this guy.

    I personally do not understand why they do not ignore him completely...which I do when I don't like someone.

    BUt they are liberals. This is just how they live their lives!

    it must be so hard to be so full of hate.

  • 1 decade ago

    The most offensive part was that they said the money raised would go to educate the children of soldiers who had been killed. The fine print said that would be the money left over after expenses. I wonder if any is left over after paying speaker's fees, luxury hotel accommodations for the speakers, etc. Probably a handful of change.

    And what money was raised, anyway? Did they charge admission? No. So what money was raised?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The most offensive thing is that he brainwashes you into thinking that a liberal is something that we are not. You think you know how we think and feel, but fail to recognize that many are Christians, patriotic(more than you, we at leact respect the constitution beyond the 2nd amendment) and do plenty of charity work. Keep up the hating. God really likes that.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    ....and who championed putting those soldiers in harm's way for a war based on a false premise, people such as Beck and Limbaugh and Hannity, so it behooves them to consider the welfare of the fallen heroes. Sorry, but while I am a theist, it is your perfect right in a free society to be an agnostic or an atheist, and some people have a tendency to mistake patriotism for blind nationalism. A true patriot doesn't swallow hook, line and sinker everything a demagogue of either side tells him. He analyzes, questions and deliberates for a long time on important issues. Also, what time period does Beck suggest we go back to? Because no time in the past was idyllic, even the 1950s, especially for career-minded women, abused children, gays, disabled people, free thinkers and members of minority groups...also, while you're at it, look up tax rates under Ike..ha, ha!

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  • First of all, don't slander radicals. MLK was a radical. The founding fathers of America were radicals. Back in England, the idea of America existed only in the minds of radicals against England. Beck himself consided his 'Restoring Honor' rally to be a 'crazy idea'. Radicals are just people who aren't slandered by the popular opinion.

    Putting that aside, free speech doesn't bother me one bit. :)

  • 4 years ago

    i became into on the Stewart rally and it became into astonishing to work out so very many existence like human beings there to help sanity in u.s.. the factor of it became into to offer up pointing palms and calling names, so I celebrate with your sentiment yet wish you attempt extra stable to discover easy floor. i think of the two rally's attendants care approximately u.s. - maybe that is a sturdy start line.

  • 1 decade ago

    The arrogance of an idiot that claims we need to turn back to God, while at the same time tries to claim support for individual rights.

    People who believe in inidvidual liberties, believes in religion being between a man and his God, not the man, God, and his country.

    This was nothign but an irresponsible attempt to promote himself and Palin as supporting the plight of the people when they don't even comprehend that plight. Just a couple of nut bags trying to start a nationalist movement and right-wingers are too self absorbed to realize it like they were when Hitler did the same thing.

    "When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross." -- Sinclair Lewis

  • 1 decade ago

    Why not forget about the radical left wingers and ask about which parts were most offensive to decent honest normal patriotic constitutional sociable neighborly moderate citizens of the USA?

  • 1 decade ago

    I think you posted a very good question sad part is you probably won't get many liberal answers.

    To answer your question most of the liberals haven't got a clue they are just so negative toward anything Beck, Palin, Aveada King on anyone with positive influence has to say, they go into a temper tantrum and miss out on any thing that could really help them.

  • 1 decade ago

    For me, it was the fact that he "pretended" to not know the significance of the date.

    For someone who fancies himself a student, and a *teacher*, of history to actually admit, "gee, I didn't know, it's just a coincidence"; is a slap in the face.

    That, and for Beck to then say "I won't be standing where he stood, I'll be a few steps down" just reeks of arrogance.

    It amazes me that his supporters can't see his egomania.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I was smart enough to live my life while this pariah made so-called "history". Give me a focking break, oh and was this the Mormon god or the Christian God, which one is it?

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