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Why do blacks embrace the Democratic Party ?

In reading The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow. I find this passage most interesting. Most whites rallied around the Democratic Party as the party of white supremacy. Between 1868 and 1871, terrorist organizations, especially the Ku Klux Klan, murdered blacks and whites who tried to exercise their right to vote or receive an education. The Klan, working with Democrats in several states, used fraud and violence to help whites regain control of their state governments. By the early 1870s, most Southern states had been "redeemed" -- as many white Southerners called it -- from Republican rule. By the time the last federal troops had been withdrawn in 1877, Reconstruction was all but over and the Democratic Party controlled the destiny of the South.

-- Richard Wormser

It would explain why the Honorable Senator Robert Byrd lasted so long in the Democratic Party. As I read further in this interesting site. I find it curious in wondering just how many blacks have read it or even bothered to read more about Jim Crow.

Whom was Jim Crow These words are from the song, "Jim Crow," as it appeared in sheet music written by Thomas Dartmouth "Daddy" Rice. Rice, a struggling "actor" (he did short solo skits between play scenes) at the Park Theater in New York, happened upon a Black person singing the above song -- some accounts say it was an old Black slave who walked with difficulty, others say it was a ragged Black stable boy. Whether modeled on an old man or a young boy we will never know, however, it is clear that in 1828 Rice appeared on stage as "Jim Crow" -- an exaggerated, highly stereotypical Black character.

But Jim Crow came to be, more often used to describe the segregation laws, rules, and customs which arose after Reconstruction ended in 1877 and continued until the mid-1960s. How did the name become associated with these "Black Codes" which took away many of the rights which had been granted to Blacks through the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments?

I am not saying that the Jim Crow era was in any way fair or good for American People, and it was by no means fair to the Blacks. It was an abomination, that has ripped this country down the middle every sense the eighteen hundreds. I also find it curious that it was actually the Then called Radical Republican wing of the Republican Party that wanted emancipation, and supported abolition.

Anyway, I will continue to read these stories. As it find them interesting. I am sorry to say, as a White man, that I never really found much reason to look into Jim Crow. But now that I have I can understand better how Blacks felt, but I don't understand their embracing the Democratic Dogma, with such fervor. I still say that its really the Democratic Party that keeps their foot on the neck of our Black black Citizens. You might notice that I use the word Black. that is because I don't think it makes any sense to have to call them African-Americans. We are either all Americans, or we are not. I don't think that any of the current generations of Blacks, have been forcibly brought to this country, as slaves or anything else. To me anybody that is a citizen, by birth or nationalization are just Americans, and always will be. Having your ancestral country, your religion, or any other identity makes no sense to me.

Update 2:

Well, I think that you had better read and research further.

Update 3:

I care because you are just as much an American than I am, unless of course you think I owe you something more than that. And because your a human being. Is there anything more important than that. If you were a sponge, i might have my doubts.

Update 4:

i would further say, that I care, about the history of these United States, and its Citizens, regardless of what ethnic background they have. I also feel as strongly about how this country treated and still treats the Native Americans, And you might notice I did not use a hyphen. That is because they are the true Americans. Buy fact that we were the usurper's. And we started mistreating them before we started mistreating the Blacks. and then the Chinese, And the Hispanics. Unless we come together as just Americans, we are destined to repeat history. And that would be tragic.

Update 5:

Martin Luther King, once had a dream, of unity and freedom for all Americans. I to have a dream. That it comes true, and that this melting pot of peoples, unites, and moves forward as a free and understanding people. Yes it will be hard, but it takes us all to work it out. The sad thing is neither political party is going to do that. It takes the people, to be honest and open with themselves and their fellow citizens. You can throw the hateful wards back and forth until time in memorial, and it won't change a thing, now will it. I say treat each other as a individual, and private person. Then come together for the collective good.

Update 6:

well Loveylada, I have not seen the job market grow yet, I have not seen education improve, and I have seen on that is the Union grow. I have not seen the health care improve, in fact I see it getting worse, and sooner than later.In fact I have seen nothing get better with more tax and spend policies, and more entitlement polices. As for taxes until you have a system in which everybody pays a fair share of tax on the money they make, nobody will benefit.

Update 7:

Well its about time that all the voters stop drinking the cool-aid. and learn for themselves what the issues are, from both sides. And make informed decisions when voting. And not just following all the lemmings, with that warm tingly felling up their legs. You don't vote somebody in office based on their Race, Ethnic, Creed, Gender, Color, or Religion. You vote them into office on your informed views on the issues. And how that person can help the citizens, withing the guidelines of the Constitution. Not based on ideology, progressive, socialist or religious beliefs. I find it so sad that so many just vote because they can, or because they buy what somebody else is feeding them, with is often times bigoted, or biased beyond belief. I also find it sad that a good many questioned as to why they voted, or asked about an issue, they have no logical answer......

9 Answers

  • TAT
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Stockholm syndrome

  • 1 decade ago

    Because the majority of the time the Dems platform includes issues that many AA think are important like education, health care, jobs and the economy and less catering to the top 2% income making population who want more tax cuts.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    because this is america and everyone has the freedom to vote for who they want to. simple as that

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    they are gullible,believing this party is going to treat them with money and freedom from discrimination. how is that working for them? maybe the dems are again not delivering on their promises.this is unusual.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    lots of freebies and government jobs to unqualified people.

  • Dale
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Because they don't like to be treated like crap by republicans.

  • Derek
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Why exactly do you care?

  • 1 decade ago

    deception. Lets enlighten them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


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