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What am I you might ask. I myself am an American First Conservative Independent (Former Republican) Second. I will not be swayed from believing in, or Defending the Constitution of the United States. I will never support anybody that feels it should be changed, or tampered with. Its what this Great Country of Ours was founded on. And its Principals are Sound. Its the People that own this Country, Not the Federal, State or Local Governments. It’s the people that have always saved this Country, and can again if left alone, If Government gets out of the way. Stops growing beyond their Constitutional Limits and Works within Our Constitution. Instead of trying to usurp it, Or follow only what fits their own Concepts.

  • How do I report a constant Spam email.?

    I keep getting this email sent to my spam folder. I do not think it is legit. I think that if a lawyer or the court had my yahoo email. That they would contact me direct. I have never been summed by email. I don't think it would happen. For sure in the spam folder. I would think that they would either have it severed to me by a person.

    I can not find a means of doing so: How do I report this email site? Who would I send the full header to? How do I block the offending email. It has an attachment that I refuse to open. Until and if I can find out if it is a legit email. I get this email almost every day. Sometimes twice a day. I thought I had blocked in but checking that today, it deleted or did not same.

    I would also like to know how I get 500 blocked sites listed. I know that I have not personally blocked that many. What happens if that file is filled with 500 blocked sites. Where do any future blocks go?

    2 AnswersAbuse and Spam7 years ago
  • Yahoo/ My yahoo?

    Is there anyplace that I can find a bigger Yahoo Icon. The one I have now, is an annoying white box, with a small purple box with a Y inside it. I'm talking about an icon like the one for yahoo messenger.

    1 AnswerMy Yahoo7 years ago
  • My Avatar?

    What ever happened to my Avatar? It shows on this page, but its nowhere to be found,on messenger or my yahoo. Can't seem to put it back on my messenger, in fact I don't see the means, It disappeared a long time ago. But yet it shows up on here and my account page.

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers7 years ago
  • How can I find a URL for yahoo messenger, to put in my password generater?

    My password safe and generator asks for the site URL so that it can sign in to my messenger. Can anybody tell me if there is one for messenger, and how do I find it.

    1 AnswerPreferences and Settings7 years ago
  • Why has my avatar gone missing from my messenger window?

    Where oh where has my Avatar gone. It shows up on answers, and other yahoo pages. But its gone from my Display images window on messenger. Its been gone for some time now. I have asked and asked for technical help from yahoo messenger. No reply of any kind. I've asked on here, and all I get is smart *** answers, that its showing up on here. Trying to get answers on technical problems from yahoo is like raising frogs in a trout pound. A worthless effort. Much like trying to get answers on here.

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Messenger8 years ago
  • My Avatar is gone! There is a Smily Face in its place. Where did it go, and Why?

    That is all the information that I have. Where my Avatar used to be on my messenger window, there is now a square box with a smiley face. My Avatar shows on my profile page, but not on messenger. I am using 11, with Win 7 and Firefox.

    3 AnswersOther - Yahoo Messenger8 years ago
  • Messenger 11.5 will not install?

    No matter what I try messenger run the installation and at the end it says it was not installed correctly. I don't have any anti virus or firewalls running during installation.

    3 AnswersOther - Yahoo Messenger8 years ago
  • Why do blacks embrace the Democratic Party ?

    In reading The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow. I find this passage most interesting. Most whites rallied around the Democratic Party as the party of white supremacy. Between 1868 and 1871, terrorist organizations, especially the Ku Klux Klan, murdered blacks and whites who tried to exercise their right to vote or receive an education. The Klan, working with Democrats in several states, used fraud and violence to help whites regain control of their state governments. By the early 1870s, most Southern states had been "redeemed" -- as many white Southerners called it -- from Republican rule. By the time the last federal troops had been withdrawn in 1877, Reconstruction was all but over and the Democratic Party controlled the destiny of the South.

    -- Richard Wormser

    It would explain why the Honorable Senator Robert Byrd lasted so long in the Democratic Party. As I read further in this interesting site. I find it curious in wondering just how many blacks have read it or even bothered to read more about Jim Crow.

    Whom was Jim Crow These words are from the song, "Jim Crow," as it appeared in sheet music written by Thomas Dartmouth "Daddy" Rice. Rice, a struggling "actor" (he did short solo skits between play scenes) at the Park Theater in New York, happened upon a Black person singing the above song -- some accounts say it was an old Black slave who walked with difficulty, others say it was a ragged Black stable boy. Whether modeled on an old man or a young boy we will never know, however, it is clear that in 1828 Rice appeared on stage as "Jim Crow" -- an exaggerated, highly stereotypical Black character.

    But Jim Crow came to be, more often used to describe the segregation laws, rules, and customs which arose after Reconstruction ended in 1877 and continued until the mid-1960s. How did the name become associated with these "Black Codes" which took away many of the rights which had been granted to Blacks through the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments?

    I am not saying that the Jim Crow era was in any way fair or good for American People, and it was by no means fair to the Blacks. It was an abomination, that has ripped this country down the middle every sense the eighteen hundreds. I also find it curious that it was actually the Then called Radical Republican wing of the Republican Party that wanted emancipation, and supported abolition.

    Anyway, I will continue to read these stories. As it find them interesting. I am sorry to say, as a White man, that I never really found much reason to look into Jim Crow. But now that I have I can understand better how Blacks felt, but I don't understand their embracing the Democratic Dogma, with such fervor. I still say that its really the Democratic Party that keeps their foot on the neck of our Black black Citizens. You might notice that I use the word Black. that is because I don't think it makes any sense to have to call them African-Americans. We are either all Americans, or we are not. I don't think that any of the current generations of Blacks, have been forcibly brought to this country, as slaves or anything else. To me anybody that is a citizen, by birth or nationalization are just Americans, and always will be. Having your ancestral country, your religion, or any other identity makes no sense to me.

    9 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Should there be Term Limits on Congress, and the Judiciary. Yes or No?

    Should any Judge, be appointed for life? Should being a congressperson be a career? Our should it be a privilege to serve your Country and its people, for say two or three terms, and then give somebody else the chance to serve.Instead of having the taxpayers employing you for thirty or forty years, with nothing in return for that service.

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Should Unions or the ACLU be allowed to interfere in Politics in any way shape or form?

    I say no, neither has any business in Politics any more than lobbyists do. What do you think. Yes or no, and be honest.

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Should we have a fair tax, to replace the income tax, and the tyrannical IRS? If so why, if not why?

    Be honest. I mean really honest with yourself, and others. You might like to check out this site first. And just what right should any Union have to oppose this being brought up in congress.

    8 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • Does anybody think that the President chiming in about the Madness of the Mosque placement?

    So close to the 9/11 massacre, that it was nothing more than a diversion away from the fact that Iran is now a Nuclear Player.

    5 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Has anybody every thought about this? In God We Trust/ or why God is in our Constitution.?

    I have often thought about that. I have come to the conclusion that our framers, wanted to indicate that we are all created equal. and that God provided that understanding. But then I thought, if there is no God, or that God had nothing to do with it. Then who did? The only answer that fits, is it was man himself. And that if man is at fault, then man can change it. or take it away. As is happening, right now, with all the political correctness, that has infested our country. Having In God We Trust has nothing to do with recognizing any Religion. All it does is say that our founders felt there was a higher power than themselves in providing us with a Constitution, that all thirteen states would agree with and sign, on our behalf, and all future generations of citizens.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If your taxes were to high, and you didn't trust your government to do anything about it.?

    Would you leave the country? What country would you move to, and why?

    2 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Is building that Mosque so close to Ground Zero, as slap in the face to those who died, or those who survived.?

    I say its not an issue of Religious Freedom. That is a given, under our Constitution. They have the right to build any house of worship, no matter what religion it is. But what the problem is, its not in good taste or judgment. This Imam, and his Muslim and non Muslim backers could care less what we the American people think, or feel. They want a monument to a tragic victory, and that is all. I say, that until the Greek Orthodox Church that was leveled in ground zero is rebuilt, that if they want a Mosque that they build it at least 2 miles away from ground zero, if at all. I also say that this Imam and his wife are no bridge builders, and that we should not be funding his trips to the Middle East, nor should he be representing us in any way. And that Sharia Law has no place in the US at all. We have our own laws, for our own country. If those Muslims who want it here, let them return to a country that uses Islamic Law to control its people. The only reason I entered this in this section, is because the proponents insist its a religious matter, instead of the political one they made it.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Should Atheists live and let live, just as any Religion should?

    Why should any Religion, or any non believer try to influence the other. Would the world be much better off, if we just lived our lives with whatever beliefs we have, either in a God or In a Rock. If that is what we believe, and don't push it off on somebody else.

    24 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago