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Has anybody every thought about this? In God We Trust/ or why God is in our Constitution.?

I have often thought about that. I have come to the conclusion that our framers, wanted to indicate that we are all created equal. and that God provided that understanding. But then I thought, if there is no God, or that God had nothing to do with it. Then who did? The only answer that fits, is it was man himself. And that if man is at fault, then man can change it. or take it away. As is happening, right now, with all the political correctness, that has infested our country. Having In God We Trust has nothing to do with recognizing any Religion. All it does is say that our founders felt there was a higher power than themselves in providing us with a Constitution, that all thirteen states would agree with and sign, on our behalf, and all future generations of citizens.


Gee, you all thought about it before deciding. That is the whole point. Yes it is the Declaration of Independence. It was a question to get you to think. And yes In God We Trust was added later. But the point is, None of those statement, or acknowledgments has anything to do with Separation of Church and State. If you read and understand the 1st Amendment, if say nothing about Separation of anything. It says Shall make no law representing an establishment of Religion. or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech. The word God does not state on religion over another. Yes it is true that our founders where mostly Christian. But the word God is used to describe many deities of many religions. So saying our constitution calls for separation is a falsehood. And anybody with two cents worth of brain matter knows that.

Update 2:

And just where does it say anything about Separation of Church and State. I have yet to see that in either the Constitution or the Amendments. I have yet to see the word SEPARATION. Can anybody show me the exact point that it is so stated?

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    God is not mentioned in the Constitution. Nor is a higher power.

    "In God We Trust" dates from the 1950s, not from the founding of the US.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Constitution allows for separation of church and state. It does not acknowledge a deity (god).

    There have been many quotes attributed to the founding fathers as they say that America was not created as a theistic nation nor one based on Christianity.

    In God We Trust and, for that matter, One Nation Under God in the pledge, were not added by our founding fathers. They were added in the 1950's during the McCarthy era because of the growing Communist threat and McCarthy's instilling of fear in the American populace. In God We Trust was added in 1860.

  • 1 decade ago

    A law was passed by the 84th United States Congress (Public Law 84-851) and approved by the President on July 30, 1956. President Dwight D. Eisenhower approved a joint resolution declaring In God We Trust the national motto of the United States.[3] The same Congress had required, in the previous year, that the words appear on all currency, as a Cold War measure: "In these days when imperialistic and materialistic Communism seeks to attack and destroy freedom, it is proper" to "remind all of us of this self-evident truth" that "as long as this country trusts in God, it will prevail

  • 1 decade ago

    Not only does the US have a Constitution, every state has one that mentions God. Now our idiot leaders want to change the Constitution and many are for changing the Ten Commandments. What a sin filled world we live in.

    The decisions being made in Washington is leading to the End Times. Jesus will appear in Clouds of Glory to take God's children away from here and the ones that serve satan will have him.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    God is sovereign and he also EXISTS.... They did believe there is a higher power than them..

    But also keep this in mind... As above? So below...

    Choose your side carefully.... And you will have to choose...

    Think of how our MONETARY SYSTEM is supposed to actually function.... Then i want you to read Proverbs 22:1... But also remember? As Above....So Below..

    The war is very real and does EXIST even pertaining(especially) to our PERSONAL EXISTENCE which also directly affects our flesh and blood selves within the current SYSTEM OF THINGS for we do have to EXIST in some capacity if not as the PERSON then to function as merely the agent for such an INCORPORATED THING...Remember YOU still EXIST even when brought under DURESS, but do so "WITHOUT PREJUDICE". The GAME then changes in your favor perhaps..Or at least to protect YOU and in some physical senses your flesh and blood self..

    But try not to foresake your righteousness standing firm with god to appease the other side...

    That.... is covered with all kinds of snares, traps, spider webs etc...Beware of the owl at night and the eagle by day...

    What may be LEGAL may not be lawful, but what may be lawful may not be LEGAL but could be made LAW.

    Source(s): God The people States Rights The republican form of government THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT THE STATE THE PERSON The road to hell is paved with good intentions......
  • 4 years ago

    no they must shop it in there to characterize being waiting to particular any faith. human beings think of the government ought to keep away from human beings from expressing faith yet that is going against what are shape is. they have not got any suitable to keep away from every person from stoping faith or the be conscious god. the 1st modification: "Congress shall make no regulation respecting an company of religion, or prohibiting the loose exercising thereof; or abridging the liberty of speech, or of the clicking; or the magnificent of the human beings peaceably to hold mutually, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." the government cant restrict us from utilising the be conscious god-it may be unconstitutional

  • Nomad
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    God is not in the constitution,

    'In God We Trust' wasn't added to money 'til the 1950s

  • punch
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It wasn't put there in till the McCarthy era (1950's) when everyone was up in arms about Communism. It is NOT in the constitution.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    God isn't mentioned in the Constitution at all. Are you thinking of the Declaration of Independence?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The founding father of America were Christian and built this country upon christianity

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