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Spiritually trying to understand: "Porn" in the Bible?

Why is it that when the newspaper reports rape and incest as having occurred to various people, it's not pornographic, but when the Bible does exactly the same thing, it's considered "porn"?

I know that not all people do this, but I mostly see this from some Muslims and atheists. I'm wondering how it works. Why is it one thing in the paper, and another in the Bible? Regardless of whether or not the Bible is the "word of God", shouldn't it be judged exactly the same as any other manuscript, instead of held to a different standard? If it shouldn't, why not?

It's a *fact* that the Bible is a collection of manuscripts. It is a *belief* that these books are the word of God. So why the double standard?

And I really am trying to understand, not trying to cause discord. I want to know.



Ungodly's passage isn't even about sex. It's a bit explicit, but it has nothing to do with sex. Perhaps there were better ways for the author to express how the behavior of his people appeared (like a woman committing lurid acts), but I think that got the point across clear enough.

Update 2:

"Because the Bible is fiction."

Okay, fair enough, but then why aren't other fictional books considered "porn" when they report sex? I'm not talking about "bodice-ripping" books and that whole thing, but a great example would be something like in one of Stephen King's books, a woman is raped by her husband (I think Salem's Lot?), but it doesn't go into detail. It just says he raped her. Is that porn?

And nudity =/= porn, in response to another answer.

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Simply put,because the bible is fiction.

    ...I think I know what you're saying,and I think I agree with you,correct me if I'm wrong,pornography in order to be pornography must be intended for sexual gratification,and since the bible doesn't have that intent,the more explicit chapters cannot be called pornography,despite the fact that they graphically describe sex.

    I can agree to that,with the caveat that art that is not intended for sexual gratification but nonetheless explores sexual themes(nudity etc) be afforded the same consideration.

  • 1 decade ago

    What do you mean?

    Reporting rape and incest isn't porn in newspapers.. and neither is it porn in the Bible...

    porn is graphic description or images of intimate moments between people. Or pictures of naked people lol

    but if it's for an artistic or medical reason it's not porn (unless it arouses people, in which case it is pornographic for those people, but not actually classified as such) If it's meant to arouse, it's porn.

    .... so yeah.. mentioning rape and incest in papers, as well as mentioning the occurence of those events in the Bible.. isn't porn

    And as for weird sexual relationships (ie incest), this was in the old testament, where customs and beliefs were different than they were later- if there were no incest back then, how the heck are they going to sustain the population? There's no one else AROUND. Everyone was nomadic, in tribes, or in culturally exclusive civilizations.. they had to mate with who they could mate with.

    Gross, but that's how it was. Now that there's so many people on the planet I'm guessing all the genetic defects resulting from incestual relations is God's cue to humanity to cut it out.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The news attempts to be objective.

    The problem with porn in the bible is it gives

    a description of motivation and desires.

    Assuming the bible to be fictitious, would make

    it a mature book, but parents don't tell their

    children these tales as parable but rather as

    cautionary tales of the wrath of God, True tales.

    Either way children should not read about an

    incestuous relationship between a father and

    his daughters, or how god orders his follower

    to impregnate his brothers wife but instead he

    jerks off to them having sex. A child should

    not hear about how a prostitute desires men

    hung like donkeys, that would take advantage

    of her smooth soft flesh. A innocent child

    should not hear about the Israelites massacring

    the Midionite men, women, and children, but

    raping the virgins.

    These are IN THE BIBLE.

    I didn't make them up.

    These are in the sections

    that just get skimmed over...

  • 1 decade ago

    I've never heard anyone seriously call what's in the bible porn. If anything, like some of the respondents here, I see people doing it to prove your point in the reverse—that if Xians want to call everything relating to sex "porn," then anything relating to sex in the bible is porn, too.

    In reality, whether we're talking about reading the bible or watching a video, porn exists inside the viewer. If you get off—sexually—by reading the bible's passages about sex, then it's porn to you, just as it is if you get off on watching a Britney Spears video or an actual porn video.

    But if you can do anything of those things and find it beautiful and not just a means of getting off, then it's not porn.

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  • 1 decade ago

    What porn? Dear one . God is only allowing the writers to write stories and versus about things related to people on why would you think the Bible contains porn if it's referencing Humans.. If you were trying to say it was God practicing porn , I might agree with you, but then no one would be reading the Bible for the same reasons they are now...

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Interesting. It seems this was an old Jewish custom, nothing like Yin and Yang, just as in English years ago it was customary to call objects she, such as cars, boats, trains. I was reading the Jewish Talmud and there they have descriptions of behaviour in a female form. (I apologise I cannot find them off hand to give examples). I am not belittling the inspiration of the Bible, I am simply acknowledging that some things in the Bible had social reasons, rather than spiritually symbolic.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    ehe, its debatable

    reporting the news isnt 'porn' tho it CAN be used and abused as such, but in general 'porn', real life sexual things, are real life, and the news, reports these things, thats what it does, what is made for

    where as the bible, is supposed to be a book about how to live morally etc etc

    and the fact that christianty kinda has this need to claim morality, it kinda made its own bed with that one

    it claims morality, yet has all those things in the book, and still sees others as less moral for less , its not helping its own cause wth of hypocrisy like that

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Reportage is the who, what, when, where how of a thing in objective factual terms. I've never read a newspaper account of a rape that included the dimensions of a member nor the comparison of emissions! Such writing is clearly of the purient variety.

  • Jake
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I think the Muslims are excessive in regards to what they consider impure. Just look at the way many Muslim countries force women to dress. They consider Christianity to be a great evil, and MUCH of what they believe, probably more so than with any other major religion, is the result of not only indoctrination but also of fear and tyrants in places of authority.


  • Van Bo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I don't see a double standard. The Bible may describe porn however it describes porn, but if there are crimes such as those you mention in the real world, they just are not porn - they aren't classified as such. It's assault, sexual assult, intercourse with a minor, incest, rape etc.

    Source(s): Health law
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