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Lv 6
? asked in Politics & GovernmentMilitary · 1 decade ago

If a soldier leaves his medal with a family member, but is then estranged, can he get another ~ a copy?

If memory again now serves me, after my long road to near full recovery from blindness and memory loss after being hit by a sniper and shot engaging the enemy after outmaneuvering him during roadside attack, I somehow earned the Bronze Star.

But I wasn't in a clear state of mind when I got home. I seem to have left my medal in another's care, and I'm now reluctant to ask about this ~ especially given I occasionally still have memory problems with regard to facial recognition.

Can another one be issued? This might go along way towards my regaining some degree of my self respect, as well as help me gain the respect of others, who don't always seem to know I can't smile the way I used to due to injuries (this is often seen as aggressiveness, and I'm not seen as being as sane as I'd like to be seen as).

I know, a medal is not going to change who I am. But at least it might improve my family relations somewhat.

Is there supposed to be follow up care for injuries like mine? (No, not all of these injuries were Military service related; I was wounded in law enforcement too). For several years I have been under the impression I was never in Uniform. But now I cannot stop the flashbacks.

I don't have any proof of service, and the DEADBEAT DAD Laws have held me in virtual Limbo for years and years, and oddly enough it's the family of one of the fellow soldiers involved in my "situation" that I'm ordered to earn $30,000 per year to "support" ~ but he doesn't seem to eager to explain this to the court ! I see this guy every few days, and he doesn't say anything. We eat at the same club, he hears people jeer me for not paying my child support, but I get nothing. What gives?

Hold onto your ribbons fellas. The court ain't gonna look up your service history, and if memory problems occur, you need as much support as you can get.

God knows the drug dealers have a pention fund ...


Our People have long been AT WAR -w- a sophisticated CLASS of criminal, the illicit drug thug. This isn't restricted to Al Qa`ida.

Some such groups were never trained in our intelligence & military tactical & stratigic mindset, as the aforementioned group was, by the neo-conservatives of both parties.

Currently we should expect the works of Al Qa`ida spies in the USA. That "we don't" expect the intelligent negative activities we trained our enemy to perform very neo-conservative. But not Pro American interests.

"Speculative" deformation of my character isn't a proper answer, but reinforcement of neo-conservaself-delusion.

Fraud does in fact work both ways.

Neo-conservatives aren't universally honest, even or especially those in government. Some officials owe a carreer to being funded by illicit drug money and votes purchased by illicit drugs.

Wounded in US Army Service, earned Bronze Star. My lacking follow up care reflects a sick Government, please help reform it.

Update 2:

Do not, ever, presume to "know" what a soldier can recall after a brain injury.

To do so is counter productive, silly, and more than a hate crime; I'd call it a treasonous act of encouraging the enemy to make head shots MORE prevallent.

To say I "could not" forget, then partially remember aspects of my service such as what unit I served in is more than ludecris; the fellow who HAS DONE SO is so far over the line that he is in fact perporting to BE a medical expert providing expert testimony AGAINST ME, AND ANYONE ELSE WHO MIGHT BE, RIGHT NOW QUESTIONING HIS SANITY FOR HAVING FORGOTTEN SIMILAR EVENTS AND SITUATIONS.

During the Viet Nam War head shots were the norm, not the exeption. DO NOT permit this irresponsible BULL $#!^ RHETORIC to encourage any enemy to return to this form of disfigurement of our soldiers.

Brain injuries $&@% ! And nothing on this planet is worse, excepting a GD neo-conSERFative ridiculing all US soldiery, when his neo-party deliberately forgets us.

2 Answers

  • Dutch
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    " I don't have any proof of service"

    You can request your dd 214 form, then you have a record of everything you did in the military, including anything you were awarded.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am not trying to be rude and if true I really hope you get the care you deserve, but this seems way too suspect to me. I mean "Can you get another one issued"?? You can buy them most PX's or online. You would have been issued a DD214 upon discharge and I find it hard to believe your story. Along with earning a "Bronze Star" with/ V I assume if awarded under the situation you describe, you would have also automatically been awarded at least a Purple Heart. Your story has too many holes in it. A service person would never "forget" there unit or where they were or even if they have served. With the "injuries" you subscribe you never would have been released from the VA care. I know because I am under the care of VA and my injuries are no where near what you "describe". You are walking on thin ice and be careful to whom you tell these "stories". ANYONE and I mean ANYONE because it is public knowledge can order a FOIA on YOU. Freedom Of Information Act and get your "service records" held in govt. Your story has so many plot holes you are embarressing yourself. Let it be know you were fore warned.

    "Hold on to your ribbons" .... You can look up you OWN service records and provide the paper trail would be a mile long with your description... your story is BS

    Source(s): 3 Tour Iraq War Veteran Sgt\USMC
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