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Are freedom and equality incompatible?

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Freedom and equality of condition are incompatible.

    Freedom and equality of opportunity are mostly compatible.

    Freedom and equal protection under the law are entirely compatible.

  • 1 decade ago

    Not at all.

    Freedom requires equality.

    Without it, Freedom is like Baseball before Jackie Robinson.

    Without the opportunity to compete openly the victory is hollow.

    Equality requires freedom.

    If restrictions are assigned as a matter of law and not ability you have neither Freedom or equality.

    Never forget,

    Equality of opportunity does not always yield equality of outcome.

    Limitations on Freedom never yields equality of opportunity.

  • Brad
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago


    Although the Declaration of Independence may say that "all men are created equal" that is a self-evidently absurd statement (except in one sense, which was the one Jefferson meant, that everybody should have full and equal rights under the law).

    Every individual is unique and has his own abilities. Although leftists may believe that "every child is equally educable," this is utter nonsense and completely contrary to facts. In reality, the environment a person is exposed to has only a very small effect on his development, which is mostly inherent (although it is possible to prevent somebody from reaching his potential, it is certainly not possible to get somebody to go beyond his potential and do something he is incapable of doing). Since human beings are inherently diverse (notice how the left constantly claims to advocate both "equality" and "diversity" even though these are opposites, which exposes the Orwellian manner in which they use the word "diversity").

    Since human beings are inherently and naturally unequal, any attempt to make everybody equal will only result in tyranny. Furthermore, since equality can only be achieved at the expense of the best and not at the expense of the worst, the result of attempts to achieve equality will be the destruction of the best (from a sane perspective, obviously it is most important that the best have the ability to reach their full potential, which leads to inequality). Of course, even most leftists realize that equality of all individuals is absurd, so they try to achieve equality of groups. This is likewise unachievable except at the expense of the better, since different groups will inevitably have different abilities. In fact, the Theory of Evolution itself strongly implies that there would be differences in abilities between different groups of people. Were such differences truly absent, that would be strong evidence against Evolution. Thus, discriminatory policies such as "affirmative action" are harmful and pointless, as are the attempts by our school system in recent decades to make boys more like girls.

    The very essence of freedom is inequality, since 2 different individuals will inevitably use that freedom in different ways. This is why the left has such a passionate hatred of economic freedom, since a free economy is not only the most prosperous economy, but also leads to an unequal (civilized) distribution of wealth as opposed to the income equality that exists in impoverished countries that adopt Communism.

    It is inequality that distinguishes civilization from barbarism. In primitive tribes, there is an intolerance of those who are more talented. As civilization increases, so does the level of inequality in society (although inequality actually benefits everybody, since everybody is better off with the greater degree of prosperity created by a free and therefore unequal society).

  • 1 decade ago

    The word "equality" is a religious word. It inflames the religious faithful similar to the way the term "Jihad" zombifies the Islamist.

    Freedom is incompatible with both Islam and the Left.

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  • Sean
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Freedom doesn't mean the freedom to hold each other back, that's called oppression which is the opposite of freedom.

    Equal chance is equal freedom.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Who trains you guys to think like this?

    Isn't freedom the ultimate equality?

    Or are you guys still convinced that freedom is a world to where large, governing bodies take your money and divide up among the people after passing it around through 50 bureaucracies?

  • 1 decade ago

    They can be but it really depends on people not necessarily those two itself. Look at South Africa, Whites were a minority and had power over the Black Majorities yet they were both free. but when that one guy from prison became president he proved that equality and freedom can both co-exist together.

  • 1 decade ago

    are you 15? no, without equality there is no true freedom. Where did you come up with this one?

  • Boss H
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Depends on how you define equality.

    Liberals define it as equal opportunity.

    Right-wingers emotionally claim liberals define it as equal outcome.

    Poverty is one of the greatest opressing forces in the world.

  • yes

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