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Extra Money for Wedding?

I wanted to have some opinions on this matter: My fiance and I are getting married in just a little over a year. My mother, his parents and I are all paying for the wedding.

My fiance and I do not currently have all of our belongings in the same place, and with good reason: we both have so much "stuff" that we simply do not have room for everything. We both have tons of toys left over from our childhood, old clothes, and two sets of some of our furniture.

Do you think it would be tacky to hold a yard sale of our excess belongings to help raise money for the wedding? Of course, if his parents and my mother helped, we would use the money to deduct from the entire cost of the wedding, not just our portion. Would it be tacky to request that our MOH and BM help? Of course, they could say no, but I don't think that just asking them would be wrong.

Am I off kilter here? Does anyone do this? I would think it would be a normal occurrence, but I've been having people tell me that it "just isn't done." But people have yard sales all the time, and I never ask what they're going to use the extra money for, so how would anyone even know?


I might want to add that I would be asking them as friends (they are our very best friends, after all). I would consider asking them to help me whether it was for the wedding or not. Of course, I wouldn't push the subject. And I would share the proceeds with them.

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Having the yard sale and putting the money towards your wedding is FINE! Why wouldn't it be? As you said, people have yard sales all the time. No one attending cares where the money is going!

    However, you cannot ask your MOH or bridesmaids or groomsmen to help. That is not right. Yes, this is "wedding related" but they cannot be made to work to help you raise money! That is the only part of this post that IS off kilter. No, don't ask them. Just do it yourself.

    Good luck and congratulations!

  • 1 decade ago

    Why even approach it as a wedding activity? Like you said, no one needs to know what the money is for.

    You have a lot of stuff you don't need. Someone out there might want it. Just have a yard sale and then put any money you earn towards the wedding.

    I personally don't think it's really fair to ask the MOH and BM to participate - they have enough real wedding obligations without adding in a yard sale, and if you ask them, they're going to feel obligated to say yes even if they don't want to. Besides, yard sales are easy and don't need 4 people to do them - just put up signs, put your stuff on the lawn, and wait for buyers. Or you can put everything on Craigslist and sell it that way.

    I kind of don't understand why this is so difficult...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yard sale to raise money by selling excess belongings for the wedding is Ok and probably fairly common.

    If you are asking if it is ok to ask the MOH and BM to help financially with the wedding, no way. That would be an insult.

    It would be ok to ask them to help setup the yard sale but you and your fiancee need to be there as well. It would be rude to ask them to do the work of setting up, running and cleaning up after the yard sale if you did not participate in those processes.

  • P
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    A yard sale is a great idea! That's what I want to do for myself to raise my money for my wedding. My fiance and I are getting married in a year as well. Were both paying for our own wedding. My parents are also going to pitch in some money too. So I have been collecting old items that I know longer want either. I plan on selling them at a yard sale.

    I don't think it would be wrong if you wanted to recruit your made of honor and bridesmaid to help you out. If they are too busy that day or don't feel like being at a yard sale, then you have to respect their feelings. So don't boss them around and expect them to be at your yard sale. Allow, them to decide whether or not they want to help you out. You can recruit your family members to help you out with the yard sale. You could even have other friends help you out.

    When you do have your yard sale don't advertise the fact that you are getting married. People hate advertisements like that. Just have your yard sale and hope that you make a little extra cash on the side for your wedding.

    I like your idea and was planning on doing the same thing. I also plan on having a craft party and I'm going to sell my crafts. That way I can make a little extra cash for the wedding.

    So go ahead with your ideas! Just don't advertise the fact that your getting married at your yard sale. Have a fun day! I hope you make a little extra cash! :)

    Source(s): Getting married in a year! :)
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  • Blunt
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It's fine to hold a yard sale to raise money, of course! but do not demand that your BM ad MOH be your unpaid slaves for their day; they have their own lives and I'm sure they want to spend their weekend however they want to.

    Hold the yard sale on your own with your fiance. It's your stuff and your wedding fundraiser after all.

    Good luck

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, a yard is a wonderful idea! But no, do not include the MOH or the BM..That's rude & tacky, and plus you need all the money u can get, so u wouldn't need to share the proceeds..

  • 1 decade ago

    Having a yard sale is a great idea. Google it and get some tips on how to have the most successful yard sale possible.

    Please do not ask your MOH or BM to help. This is your responsibility, and they should not be asked to put stickers on items or deal with hagglers.

  • 1 decade ago

    A yard sale is fine and the money you make can put a small dent in wedding costs...every dollar makes a difference. If you have quality items or collector's items in good shape you may get more for them by listing them on ebay.

    Mention it to your friends and if they offer, great! If not, I wouldn't ask.

  • 1 decade ago

    great idea to have a yard sale to help raise money for your wedding....poor etiquette to ask any members of your wedding party to help. raising funds for your wedding is not included in the "wedding activities" which members of your wedding party are expected to participate in.

    if these people are your friends and would normally do something like this with you, you can tell them about the sale and that you are planning to use the funds to help pay for the wedding and then see if they volunteer to help you, but don't ask them.

    if they do volunteer to help you, you don't have to share the proceeds with them unless you want to. one thing you might offer to do is to pay for either their dress or their shoes for the wedding out of the proceeds if they end up helping you. that would be a nice jesture.

    just remember that yard sales are not huge money makers. you have to charge such small amounts to sell things that you aren't looking at a lot of money unless you really have a lot of stuff.

    one thing you might consider is asking your friends if any of them want to go in on a yard sale with you. to have a multi family sale brings in more customers and can increase your profits and get your friends involved. you can each use a different colored sticker for pricing your items so that the money doesn't get confused. that way, you are not asking them to help you but to participate for their own benefit and to increase your traffice flow because you would have more stuff for people to see.

  • 1 decade ago

    you can sell whatever you want to raise money for whatever you want. you don't have to advertise that it's for your wedding though. like don't tell your friends and family to come buy your junk, because then they'll feel obligated. just put up signs on a saturday morning, get up at 8 and put your stuff on the lawn, and by noon you'll have a few hundred bucks hopefully. you can ask your MOH or whoever you want to come help you, but what you use the money for is your private business, don't tell anyone.

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