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Does anyone actually expect peace to come from these talks?

This week there are another round of peace talks on the Israel-Palestine problem. Yet when you consider that both sides have everything to gain from violence (essentially control of more land) with no real sanctions to prevent or discourage it, and a lot to lose from peace, does anyone (especially Obama) expect there to be any long-term peace agreement? If not, why are they bothering to hold/support them?

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The likelihood of a lasting peace coming from talks between the Israelis and Palestinians is small.

    The likelihood of a lasting peace coming from them refusing to talk is zero.

    Seems to me that all the time they're talking there is some hope, however tiny.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hi Kit, where’ve you been? YA has missed you.

    These I suspect are talks about the talks. First of all I think Tony Bliar should be removed or demoted as UN ‘Peace’ Envoy to the middle east. This is an insult to everybody’s intelligence at best and a gross inult to Arabs at worst. Nobody gains from violence and if these talks are not successful under Obama then they definitely won’t be under a Republican government.

    Obama seems able to tell right from wrong and this has been an important point in getting any talks at all. I have faith in George Mitchell. If he can broker peace in Northern Ireland then he should at least have a chance in the middle east although the conflict in Northern Ireland was drawing to a close anyway at the time. Maybe it’s that time in the middle east.

    More pressure should be put on Israel to be accountable for their actions and to abide by UN resolutions and I hope Obama has the time to do this. The exclusion of Hamas is a mistake and no peace agreement will be viable or lasting without their inclusion. Hamas must take part and perhaps that's what these talks are about. I suppose if Arabs can talk to Tony Bliar, then Israelis can talk to Hamas. It is important for us all that one of the world’s conflict flashpoints is extinguished once and for all. I’m about 40% hopeful at the moment. There’s still some way to go.

    To put things in context.

  • a
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Simple answer NO.

    Obama with these peace talks is just doing what all US Presidents do, pandering to the votes at home, he knows that while there are votes to be won from the Jewish voters in America he has to be seen to be doing something in the Middle East, like trying to win ever lasting peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians,,, its a con pure and simple, he knows its a lost cause, we know it and the Israelis and the Palestinians know it, so no nothing meaningful that will be long lasting will come from these talks


    Ten-Twenty-Thirty years from now there will probably be another US President or somebody else hosting some peace talks or another regarding Israel, the Palestinians and possibly the rest of the Middle East.

  • 1 decade ago

    Of-course not - its just 'show-boating' - the americans have no chance of expecting a solution to the problems in that region. The 2 leaders are only 'mouth pieces' for there respective countries - the real power of decision making is still back in their own countries.

    Whatever maybe agreed will be 'overturned' by the groups holding the 'real power' in their homelands. The 'hatred' these 2 countries and its peoples have for each other will 'never ever' end - and only unrealistic people would think any differently on this subject.!!

    Its all gone well beyond the 'rights or wrongs' of the peoples concerned - and has for the last 60yrs - no concessions or compromises will be accepted by either side in the long term - just a continuation of these 'senseless' killings and injures and will continue for the rest of time - who's right or wrong ? - who cares - both countries are out of control and are making impossible demands on each other.!!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    I know you have a different prospective on this conflict too my own, this is my opinion.

    Israel will have to be convinced that it is safe to make concessions, unfortunately the record is not good.

    Before 1967, when Jordon controlled the west bank, as did Egypt Gaza, and no one talked of a Palestine state, Israel was under attack constantly.

    In recent years Israel has withdrawn from Lebanon and Gaza, and received nothing in return accept rockets!.

    When in 1999, at camp David, the then Labour let Israeli government agreed to hand over to Ya sir Arafat, most of the west bank, the offer was rejected.

    While I would say that left to the present Palestine leader, peace might have a better chance, unfortunately, he has no Control over Gaza, where ha mus have rejected the peace process.

    The question is how might Obama succeed when Bill Clinton fail led in much more advantageous times for america?

  • justa
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I'd rather have them talking than killing each other. Israel has had peace with other Arab countries, and at the time no one expect that to happen either. Diplomacy doesn't cost much and there is always the possibility it may work, at least a little, since some stability in the area would be good for our country too, its worth the shot.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I do.

    15 years ago no one believed that peace can be achieved in north Ireland. But this process takes time and a lot of belief. I do believe that with 5 years from today the conflict will end… If good will 

  • 1 decade ago

    We have to try.

    And you are one thousand percent incorrect in your statement of "both sides have everything to gain from violence."

    How long has the violence been going on?

    How has EITHER side "gained" from it?

    You think mothers and fathers and children and grandparents and neighbors and loved ones WANT to live in a war-torn pit of hell? For decade after decade?

    We have to try. It will never get better if we do not at least begin to address it, and the first step is for all parties to sit down together.

  • 1 decade ago

    Most ordinary Israelis and Palestinians want to live in peaceful rivalry like normal human beans. It's just the extremist on both sides who who are screaming and shouting kill all the time.

    Extremism is wrong !! Society and the planet is better off liberal, fair and tolerant..!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    As someone else has said while they are talking they are not killing each other.

    The trouble is they both believe they are in the right and it is convincing someone they are wrong.It is fuelled by a bitter hatred of each other so will there really be any peace i doubt it in the long run.

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