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I have a blog in Wordpress, and I have tried repeatedly to embed video from YouTube but it only gives a link.?

I have tried copying the code after you hit the "embed" button, and pasting it into the HTML page, and I have tried pasting the URL into the page - All I get is a link. I don't want a link - I want it embedded. There is a plug-in that enables embedded videos. What else can I do?


This doesn't work - there is something wrong.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The easiest way without installing a plugin is to paste the embed code in HTML mode. You can't use the visual mode and paste the source code into the content box because it changes the embed code.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you're using (hosted service by Automattic), you should follow the instructions they've posted at for embedding videos into your blog posts.

    If you're using (self-hosted), you can follow a similar procedure to the one used on Go to for more information.

    I hope this helps!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, there is a plugin that allows you to embed YouTube videos in your WordPress website. It's called Smart YouTube, and you can download it at . It's compatible with the latest version of WordPress (3.0.1) and is easy to use!

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    whilst copying/pasting the YouTube code, be sure you're interior the "source" view. The default view is the wealthy text fabric editor, which isn't what you pick. The "source" view enables you to alter from wealthy text fabric to the HTML code of the website. mutually as below the source view mode, you could paste the YouTube code precisely the place you pick it to look on the website. in case you're actually not familiar with HTML, this could be a splash harder and require some trial and blunder. desire this helps. Please % "superb answer" and "thumbs up" if it does. thank you.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    while copying/pasting the YouTube code, ensure you're interior the "source" view. The default view is the prosperous text fabric editor, which isn't what you choose for. The "source" view helps you to change from prosperous text fabric to the HTML code of the web site. on the same time as below the source view mode, you may paste the YouTube code precisely the place you choose for it to look on the web site. in case you're no longer responsive to HTML, this could be a splash harder and require some trial and mistake. wish this helps. Please choose for "ultimate answer" and "thumbs up" if it does. thank you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Word press has a plug-in call SmartYouTube. It took a couple times but I have mine up and running. I think it's a glitch in the programming.

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