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what is most people's impression of a mother-at-home sending her child to day care?

a mother taking 8 weeks of vacation time at home is sending her 3 y.o.son to day care 5 days a week. When she works he does to day care 3 days per week which is her work schedule. Any expert opinions appreciated, also. This really bothers me.


what is BFP

are you a Mom?

Update 2:

increasing days of day care while she is off to full week of day care

Update 3:

I'm her sister

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think child's first 5 years are the crucial years of his/her (baby's) life. So who can give the best guidance and care other than the mother.

    Any women can give birth to a child but every women wont be able to win the title MOTHER.

    Source(s): My opinion
  • 1 decade ago

    My daughter will be three September 17. Given the odd time of her birthday, she is too young for pre-school. However, she is most defiantly smart enough. She does interact with other kids of varying ages frequently as well. However, I know that the interaction with kids her own age, an the classroom environment would be beneficial to her. (We would send her to the local Montessori school for that reason and because they will work with her where she's at, but the tuition is more than what we can afford this year.) Occasionally, we'll take our daughter to a friends house so I can have some Mommy time, or she'll bring her kids here for the same reason. How is that really any different?

    If the child is going to the day care while the mother is not at work, it might be because he can keep up with the rest of the class and the curriculum. If it bothers you then it bothers you. You will definitely encounter parents who do things differently than what you would.

  • 1 decade ago

    With daycare, you pay, whether or not your child is there each day, you still have to pay. So, say you're a teacher, who during the school year works but have the summers off. If you want to keep your child's place at the center, at most places you will have to pay for daycare for the summer or risk not having a place come fall. So, from a strictly monetary basis, if you don't send your child, you're losing out on a lot of money and it totally makes sense to continue to send the child to daycare for the summer. A similar situation to what you proposed.

    I'm a SAHM so this doesn't really apply to me, but if it did, I would probably continue to send my child for at least part of the week for two reasons. One, I'm already paying for it. Two, it will keep up continuity for the child. I probably wouldn't do it every day but at least a few days a week so he stays comfortable with going on a regular basis. Get all the regular home junk done while I'm by myself and spend quality time with my child on the days he was home. But, that's just me.

    I think it's sad that the mom doesn't want to spend any of her extra time with her child while on vacation but I don't think it would be any of my business and I wouldn't let it bother me.

  • 1 decade ago

    You may not know--or really want to know--the whole story. It may well be that the child is better off in day care than with mom and mom is a good enough mother to know that.

    What exactly is the mother doing while not working? If she is taking 8 weeks off, there may be a reason that she needs to.

    Are you grandmother, aunt, step mom? If you feel that the child is not getting what he needs, you could offer to help.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm a teacher so was off for 6 weeks this summer and still took my son to daycare 3 days a week. I had to pay for full weeks and it kept him on his schedule and allowed to see his friends. Those three days allowed me time to paint rooms in our house and do other things I cannot do when my son is at home. I see no problem with that. It made it much easier for him when I had to go back full time three weeks ago.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know what an expert opinion would be. However, while I would think it a bit weird and probably wouldn't do the same thing, I'd think that it was none of my business! And I would think that it is better the mom is arranging for reliable care.

    Why is she taking 8 weeks of vacation anyway? Is she having another baby... or on maternity leave...

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    MYOB. I fail to see how this affects you. Maybe the 3 year old is a holy terror, maybe she needs a break, maybe she's remodeling a room in her house and it's for his own safety...there's no way to know. I am a mom too so have some sympathy and understanding for this situation. I was a single mother for 15 years and would have loved a break now and then.

  • give her a break. it will probably help her to rest up and be better prepared to deal with life and work and raising her child, to have a break from it all. The child will have more fun at daycare with other children his/her own age then sitting at home with mum while she tries to relax.

    Source(s): Childcare assistant.
  • 1 decade ago

    most of the people do not like it.because mother is the best person who can nourish her baby the best.

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