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Amongst Muslims, Jews and Christians, which group has more racist and shallow minded people?

It will be clear from answer how honest, dishonest or shallow mentality the answerer had while writing the answer of this question.


I am Muslim. I am neither racist nor shallow minded.

I see over 70% Christian Trolls show lot of hatred against Muslims and Islam in this section. They are also the most ignorant people about Islam. It is their mentality that made me ask this question to see how they will answer my question.

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The Christians are the most closed minded= reason for secularsim . Also they are dangerious with their stupidity and most hypocrites among all.

    The Jews are highly taken by their hate for humanity , they can't forgive nor let it go. They are trouble makers. Their love for hate is very obvious.

  • First of all, from what I've seen all this while, this ramadan section is full of non-muslims who hate Islam so much, that they dont keep it to themselves but they spread the hatred to others by accusing muslims and using bad words to the muslims. This really shows how ignorant they are and also how shallow as well as narrow-minded they are towards others' beliefs.

    We, as human beings, should respect others if we want this world to be more peaceful. What's the purpose of the presidents emphasising on the unity among the citizens if there is no value of acceptance among them?

    I respect you as you have the gut to ask this question and I'm sure you're not afraid of these people who have nothing else to do but keep giving answers to the muslims' questions although they didn't know the exact answers.

    Back to the main question, it depends. But from what you've said earlier that is 'It will be clear from answer how honest, dishonest or shallow mentality the answerer had while writing the answer', I have seen the answer to your question.

    Take care, friend.

  • 1 decade ago

    Consider this before making an opinion on any religious beliefs or teachings, whether Islam or Christianity or any other!

    What is a religion? How would you define a religion in this day and age?

    A logical and perhaps realistic definition of a religion is;

    "Religion is a collection of beliefs which later gets modified by superstitions of its followers. Such beliefs and superstitions can neither be proven nor denied by human understanding and knowledge of things at any moment in time since the beginning of that religion. hence an eternal debate of right and wrong continues"

    Try to take any religion out of this definition!!

    What you see in Muslim Quran is (was) written in arabic and it encapsulates (one way or the other) the kind of life that existed in arabia peninsula at the time of its origin. Quran then tries to give some rules to a predominantly lawless society. The routine practices get some legal shape, later modified by the people who controlled it.

    Look at Bible. First part is simply taken from Jews. Then the words are spoken by different saints, in the languages they spoke at that time and in the context of life at that time.

    Then look at the history of Church!!

    If there are millions of followers you call it a religion.

    But in the start when a handful of people start to listen to a new ideology from a man, whether right or wrong, its called an "outrage"

    That's how Jews looked at newly born christianity.

    That was how newly converted muslims were greeted by rest of the world.

    That's how Buddhists got treated

    Then when they are many and those many have suffered a lot and original person who brought that new ideology is long gone, and some strength in the emerging new religion, rules get changed. Lust of power and domination takes over and you see what you see of the main religions now.

    I am not an atheist, far from it

    I do believe in God (which in arabic language is known as "Allah")

    For those of you who think Allah is another type of God !!

    Allah is the actual translation of the word "God" in Arabic!

    Perhaps it is better to think of God as someone who created "humans" and now scratching his head and thinking

    What the hell was I thinking when I created humans

    perhaps its time God spoke to humans again, and in a simple way, in which over 6 billion humans could understand without need of any interpretor.

    How difficult would that be for a true God?

    Or perhaps the whole purpose of creating humans and giving them a brain was an experiment that God wanted to do, and it will be extremely boring for him to end this game now.

    What next then?

    perhaps Vulcans with long ears as in Star trek?

    If God could control their anger !!

    To answer your question;

    Which group has more racist and shallow minded people?

    The simple answer is;

    Religion was an older way of forming like minded communities to dominate other humans. The more modern way is politics!


  • Wayne
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Jewish. I know a friend who's father was Jewish. Because my friend, who's Islamic, did not follow Judaism like the father and his family, the family excommunicated the father and killed my friend's mother, then the father tried to kill her. All because of a f***ing religion. What happened to our world, God?

    But personally I think there's worse. Shinto's are the most racist I know of. Catholic Christian's are also fairly bad. I also know of fellow Anglo-Christians who are Racist.

    Every group, no matter what ethnicity or religion, is Racist, because they think they are superior to everyone else.

    On another note, screw religion all together. Let's actually do something useful and has benefited society positively - Industrialism and Politics.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You said...

    It will be clear from answer how honest, dishonest or shallow mentality the answerer had while writing the answer of this question....

    Well since you are a Muslim, what do I expect of you?

    All Muslims think all others are shallow and dishonest but Muslims are all Honest and anti-racist. So since you know this, why ask this question here?

    It will be better if you lock yourself in an air-tight steele drum and talk to yourself. Don't you think?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Jews are the most racist

    Muslims are the most shallow minded people (except new generations)

    Source(s): muslim
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Jews. They believe they are God's chosen people and that everyone else is inferior, when in fact Allah (SWT) loves anyone who loves, fears, and praises Him and fulfills the obligations He has set for us.

    Racism is strictly haraam, Muslims are required to accept anyone regardless of race if they believe that there is no God but Allah and Mohammed was His messenger, so I don't even think Muslims should be listed, and most Christians are very tolerant. At least when it comes to race (except for the nutcase white nationalist christians). They are like us and are required to accept anyone who embraces their religion.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    Did u read deely about the Crusades agains the middle east ?

    Abt christian French and British inquisitions in Africa, Asia, and America ?

    did u hear what most famous israel rabbi recently stated ?

    Nowaadyas a German-Palesterian couple striking in hunder in front of Israelian ambassy to get papers for their little baby in Jerusalem :

    Source(s): f*** every racist abrahamic except innocent muslims.
  • MU.SK
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Islam is the most anti racist religion on earth.

    But you can't lump people's inward qualities via religious line, its too generalising.

    My guess is that you may be someone who portrays shallow mentality, what religion are you from?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i understand that ther are some good jews out there. but generally the jews are trouble and shallow minded.

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