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Lv 6
? asked in Society & CultureHolidaysRamadan · 1 decade ago

Ramadan: Who's your favorite lecturer?

I'm addicted to lectures, ahimdillah, and inshallah always will be.

I love to learn about Islam and some of my favorite lectueres are

Wisam Sahrieff

Nouman Khan

Kamal El Mekki

Imam Anwar aw Alaki

Jousha Evans

>I'm also very picky of lecturers, like idk why but I am.

So who's your favorite?

Also which topic is your favorite?

^see why he's one of my favorites.

Beautiful message <3


They think they mock Allah and his messenger (pbuh), but truly they are only mocking themselves.

For the hellfire is for the disbelievers.

Update 2:

Mashallah I love these people yall are giving to me.

And Wisam Sharieff is great you'll love him! inshallah.

And @ a girl

I know this, he's changed in the past years. But his lectures before this time are still pure. He teaches us to be better Muslims. Just because he's one way now, doesn't mean that his past message isn't from the Quran. Because it is. And those same messages help people become better Muslims.

And on top of all that, Allah hu Alam. Everything is from Allah, you never know.

9 Answers

  • **ic**
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I've listened to all the lecturers you've mentioned except the 1st and they're all very good.

    among my favorites are khalid yaseen and bilal assad...listen to these 2 great lectures and tell me what you think and ill look up wisam sahrieff =]

  • ...
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    My favorite is Zakir Naik. Mashallah, he is genius and had got a great

    way of conveying the message of Islam. Sometimes, i get amazed how he analysis science with Qur'anic verses, Subhana Allah. Well, all of his topics are great and his answers to difficult questions are greater~Subhana Allah. I got to learn a lot from him..Inshallah i will check out these lecturers that you have listed

    @Dirkadir: Please, why are you wasting your time in this section, pathetic! If you are looking for fun, look for another section. We are here to spread good message among people NOT falsehood and corruption~

  • 1 decade ago

    Shiekh Abu Waleed

    Sheikh Anjem Choudary

  • My favourites are (in order):

    1. Anwar Al-Awlaki (Insha Allah, one day SOON)

    2. Abu Eesa Niamatullah (Insha Allah, I'm going to one of his lectures in October)

    3. Zai'ullah Khan (Alhamdulillah, I've been to one of his lectures in Montreal)

    4. Bilal Assad (Insha Allah, one day)

    5. Kamal El-Mekki (Alhamdulillah, I've been to one of his lectures in Edmonton)

    6. Zahir Mahmood (Insha Allah, one day)

    P.S. great question :)

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  • Assalaamu alaikum vr vb..

    worlds best lecturer is Prbt Muhammed (Sal)

  • 1 decade ago

    Anwar Al Awlaki is an extremist. He supports suicide claiming it is "in the name of God" He holds the ideology of Sayyid Qutb who has been refuted by every authentic Muslim scholar. Awlaki praised and initiated terrorist attacks on INNOCENT people despite if they were Muslim or not. He is a dangerous sick-minded idiot who creeped into the hearts of ignorant youth by talking about general topics like Lives of the Prophets, then he would casually slip in his sick ideas. In his series of the biography of our Beloved Messenger (salawatu wassalaam), he casually slipped in his false belief that suicide in battle is acceptable. Slowly, he tries to pollute the mind of the youth.

    Read this wise warning that was issued by the scholars of Saudi Arabia, the TRUE scholars of Islaam (Calling Awlaki or Zakir Naik (etc) scholars is amusing in the least):

    I warn the Muslims firstly against this man [al-'Awlaki] and I call upon them to boycott him and to sever ties with him and to refute him with a knowledge-based refutation that will expose his da'wah and reveal his true condition, and show that he is an enemy to the people of Islam and the Sunnah.

    And this refutation must show that he [al-'Awlaki] and his likes are from those who have disfigured the image of Islam and the image of the people of Islam to the extent that they have driven those who do not possess intellect from the Jews and the Christians to attack the personality of the Messenger of Allaah (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) and they have degraded the mushaf. Due to their lack of intellect and their lack of knowledge of Islam and its people, they think that Anwar al-'Awlaki and his predecessors and his contemporaries represent the people of Islam and they think that this path of theirs is the true path of the people of Islam. And that the attack against the owners and the wealth and the lives, and nullifying the contracts and ratified treaties between our rulers and the rest of the non-Muslim nation states of the world, such as those of Europe and America, then those feeble-minded fools and those who have been deprived of justice and fairness, they think that this is the Islam that we practice.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I like Zakir Naik so much! :D

  • ttt
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    khalid yasin ,abdul rahman green

    edit -oh, thats his name (Kamal El Mekki) never knew his name but i liked him. thanks

  • 1 decade ago

    Osama bin Laden, the true Muslim.

    Source(s): The Koran and te Hadiths
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