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♥Open Your Eyes♥

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أشهد أن لا إله إلاَّ الله و أشهد أن محمد رسول الله For one night, I wish the world would have a black out. So I could finally see all the stars Allah created. <3 >If I make a mistake or say something wrong, don't judge me, but rather correct me.<

  • FASFA, what happens if?

    What happens if for one semester you do not meet the SAP and fail majority of your classes. Does your fasfa end the next semester? Do I have to make up those same classes? Or can I just make up my GPA?

    2 AnswersFinancial Aid9 years ago
  • C++ Beginner Help !!!????!?!?!?

    I've been trying to create this program but I'm getting so lost, Help please

    This is the assignment

    Create a String object with the string “C++ Programming is Fun!”

    Using the functions in the C++ string class (as listed on pp582-583 of the text), determine and

    printout the following information:

    1) The length of the string.

    2) The character at index 5.

    a) Please put single quotes around that character in the output.

    3) The ASCII number of the character at index 5. (We can convert any character to its

    integer equivalent by using a cast: (int) before the character.)

    4) The substring starting at position 19 and ending at position 21 (inclusive).

    5) The index of the first ‘g’ character in the string.

    6) The index of the second ‘g’ character in the string.

    And this is what I have done so far.. .But I know Its wrong

    #include <iostream>

    #include <string.h>

    using namespace std;

    int main()


    string my_string = "C++ Programming is Fun!";

    cout << "The length of my_string is " << my_string.length() << endl;

    cout << "The character at index 5 is '" <<'5');

    cout << "' // Put single quotes around output " << endl;

    cout << "The ASCII number of the character at index 5 is " << << endl;

    cout << "The substring starting at position 19 and ending at position 21 is " << my_string.substring(19-21) << endl;

    cout << "The index of the first 'g' character in the string is " << my_string.indexof(g) << endl;

    cout << "The index of the second 'g' character in the string is " << my_string.indexofsecond(g) << endl;


    return 0;


    1 AnswerProgramming & Design9 years ago
  • Accounting Help, Bonds?

    Ultimate Butter Popcorn issues 10%, 8-year bonds with a face amount of $44,000. The market interest rate for bonds of similar risk and maturity is 10%. Interest is paid semiannually.

    At what price will the bonds issue?

    Ultimate Butter Popcorn issues 3%, 6-year bonds with a face amount of $49,000. The market interest rate for bonds of similar risk and maturity is 4%. Interest is paid semiannually.

    At what price will the bonds issue?

    Can someone show me the step by step on how to answer these quesitons! Please and Thank You!

    1 AnswerHomework Help9 years ago
  • Accounting Help, Preferred/Common Stock?

    Rachel’s Designs has 1,000 shares of 7%, $50 par value cumulative preferred stock issued at the beginning of 2010. All remaining shares are common stock. Due to cash flow difficulties, the company was not able to pay dividends in 2010 or 2011. The company plans to pay total dividends of $12,500 in 2012.

    How much of the $12,500 dividend will be paid to preferred stockholders and how much will be paid to common stockholders?

    Help! Please, I'd prefer a step by step of how to solve. Thanks!!!

    Homework Help9 years ago
  • Accounting Help finding ending inventory?

    Okay so I've been working on this problem for a while now, and I have no idea what I'm doing wrong as to finding the answer! Somebody please help me with a stepbystep on finding the ending inventory and the cost of goods sold. Please!

    During 2012, Wright Company sells 303 remote control airplanes for $106 each. The company has the following inventory purchase transactions for 2012.

    Date Transaction Number

    of Units Unit Cost Total Cost

    Jan. 1 Beginning inventory 58 $63 $ 3,654

    May 5 Purchase 202 67 13,534

    Nov. 3 Purchase 109 81 8,829

    Total 369 $ 26,017

    Calculate ending inventory and cost of goods sold for 2012 assuming the company uses FIFO.

    1 AnswerSmall Business9 years ago
  • Stolen Wallet? Will I ever get it back?

    I left my wallet in a parking lot and the thief was caught on camera stealing it. I've filed a police report and the police has a clear picture and a home address of the guy who stole it. Will my wallet even be recovered? & how long will it take to get back?

    8 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years ago
  • How long does it take to retrieve a stolen wallet?

    I left my wallet in a parking lot and the thief was caught on camera stealing it. I've filed a police report and the police has a clear picture and a home address of the guy. Will my wallet even be recovered? & how long will it take to get back?

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police9 years ago
  • Is Islamaphobia real?

    Islamaphobia means the fear of Islam.

    Key word is FEAR.

    Yet, every time I see something on the news about Islamaphobia it looks a lot more like hate not fear. I have a fear of dogs and you will never catch me walking up to a dog tempting it.

    It's kind of like sugar coating hate.

    Maybe there are seriously people out there who are seriously scared, shaky hands type, of Islam and Muslims. But whats the word for those who just purely hate it?

    And should politicians be able to talk down a religion? Shouldn't they know the first amendment by heart? Yet many politicians stood to speak out against Islam.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What did Osama Bin Laden's death do?

    He died. But what did his death accomplish?

    Don't get me wrong I'm happy he was caught. & I don't have any feelings toward him dying.

    But what did his death accomplish?

    People are celebrating and I semi-understand why.

    But there are still thousands of people dying. So whats another body in the ground (or water?) going to do?

    24 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How can you believe in Allah but not in the Quran or in the Prophet (saw)?

    I just read an answer to a question that said

    Believe in Allah, but not in the Quran or the Prophet(saw).

    This confuses me very much.

    I don't understand this persons illogic.

    12 AnswersRamadan1 decade ago
  • Do you believe that sometimes you have to go through the haram to find your way back to the halal?

    Its something that I just though about, I kind of believe it but I don't know.

    Is it wrong to believe that?

    7 AnswersRamadan1 decade ago
  • Ramadan: Has shaytan tricked you?

    As Salam Wa Alakum

    If someone asks a question about who has the worst attitude on here, or who is the most racist, or who is etc etc etc.

    And we all answer. Don't you see we are giving in to Shaytan?

    Because that one question causes backbitting, bad words to be said, judging and etc.

    Thats exactly what shaytan wants from us.

    So please brothers and sisters,next time, lets just hold our tounge, sometiems we forget that Allah knows all. We even try to hide things from Allah, we may not know it, but maybe unconsciously we do.

    Lets stop taking this world for play, because we don't belong here, we belong in the akhira. And we want to make it into Jannah til firdos inshallh.

    7 AnswersRamadan1 decade ago
  • Islamicly Speaking: Is it okay to..?

    Is it okay to make dua to get married to a certain person??

    Like, you know this person, but you don't know if the person see's you that way or not. Its a possibility, but you still dont' know.

    Is it okay to make dua to get married to a certain person?

    Because I recently started, but I kind of feel like, I should leave it to Allah. You know, like Allah knows whats best for me, and I want whats best for me, so if that person isn't (although I think he would) but Allah hu alam, best for me, is it still okay to make dua?

    10 AnswersRamadan1 decade ago
  • Ramadan: Stuck in a dilemma with Mahrams?

    What to do when the only mahram living in the same country with you, isn't very Islamic?

    Its driving me insane. I don't know what to do.

    Plus, I heard, (correct me if I'm wrong) that woman should live at least near there mahram.

    So, I shouldn't go to uni out of state right?

    Or maybe even out of city?

    Jazakallah for the help

    Make dua for the person I'm talking about please!

    >He's one of the main reasons I just want to get married, so I can have a real mahram.

    Can he even be considered a Mahram? If he doesn't really act like one?

    example of how he doesn't act like a mahram:

    He says since we live in the west, I shouldn't wear hijab, and gets mad when I wear abya.

    And I plan on wearing abya to Eid, he's going to flip! I can only imagine, subhnallah.

    But he's my only mahram. And Allah has ordered me to respect him no matter what.

    He just makes it so hard for me to do so.

    5 AnswersRamadan1 decade ago
  • Ramadan: Brothers & Sisters, what does it mean to be bankrupt?

    the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) once asked his Companions, "Do you know who is the bankrupt?" They said, "A bankrupt person is the one who has neither dirham (money) nor wealth." The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, "The bankrupt person among my followers (Ummah ) is the one who would come on the Day of Judgment with Prayers, fasting, and zakah; but would have offended one person, slandered another, devoured others' wealth, shed the blood of this person, and hit that person." (Muslim)

    Maybe we should all think twice before we offend another person.

    Notice how he never said only to Muslims.

    We will all be held accountable for every single word we say.

    Be wise, in the words we use.

    7 AnswersRamadan1 decade ago
  • Ramadan: Who's your favorite lecturer?

    I'm addicted to lectures, ahimdillah, and inshallah always will be.

    I love to learn about Islam and some of my favorite lectueres are

    Wisam Sahrieff

    Nouman Khan

    Kamal El Mekki

    Imam Anwar aw Alaki

    Jousha Evans

    >I'm also very picky of lecturers, like idk why but I am.

    So who's your favorite?

    Also which topic is your favorite?

    ^see why he's one of my favorites.

    Beautiful message <3

    9 AnswersRamadan1 decade ago
  • Ramadan: Does anybody happen to be good in Calculus or Psychology?

    I would love the help!

    I'm so loosing concentration, I can't even read the questions,

    8 AnswersRamadan1 decade ago
  • Ramadan: Fear Allah!?

    You know, each and every single one of us will he held accountable for each and every word we say (or type). Are you prepared to answer to Allah?

    "On the night of mirage I passed by some people who had metal hooks in their hands and were clawing at their faces and their necks with them. I asked Gabriel 'Who were these people?' He said 'These are the people who eat the flesh of human beings and disgrace them' (Abu Dawud).

    The Prophet (saw) was sitting with his companions one day and one of them was speaking badly about someone who wasn't there. As the man got up to leave the Prophet (saw) said to him: "Pick Your Teeth!" "But I haven't eaten anything." The man protested. "No" the Prophet (saw) said "YOU HAVE EATEN THE FLESH OF YOUR DEAD BROTHER". As Allah tells us in the Quran "Would any of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? No, you would hate it." (Ch49: v12)

    You could die on that one word you said.

    Don't end Ramadan in such away.

    Have some shame.

    Have some fear.

    Before its too late.

    9 AnswersRamadan1 decade ago
  • Ramadan: As Salam wa alakum?

    Sorry yall, this is just.. too much.

    I don't know whats going on, but for the most part I come here to actually learn more about Islam.

    Seems to me like we all forgot what Ramadan is about.

    Shaytan is locked up, and look at how we are all acting?

    And lately its just everybody talking about everybody.

    (And don't you even think about saying, "Its just that one person")

    Does it really make us better if we sit here and pinpoint?

    Whats the point of it at all?

    If one person is doing bad, should we all be doing bad?

    Whats the point of fasting, (or for some of you who aren't fasting, whats the point of Ramadan) if we are just all going to stoop lower than the other person?

    I don't care who's right and who's wrong.

    All I care about is, its the last 10 nights of Ramadan.

    The nights that we can be closest to Allah.

    And look how our ummah is.

    Thanks, but no thanks.

    I'm out.

    And you no what else is sad, some of you are seriously thinking "well its (so and so's) fault"


    If you have nothing good to say, then dont' say anything at all.

    Honestly I'm afraid that if I stay on this section longer, I'm never going to have anything good to say.


    4 AnswersRamadan1 decade ago
  • People, Hypothetically speaking: If someone who doesn't know what religion is?

    Doesn't know the concept of religion at all. In fact this person lives in the middle of no where, surrounded by no one, except their family. And they go into town miles away once in a while to get the things they need to survive, but aren't very sociable.

    So lets say this person picks up a bible, and reads it.

    And lets say this person starts to believe in it, in a way.

    Now tell me, if a person who never heard of the trinity, and continues not to know of the trinity while reading the bible, but reads the bible, will this person believe in the trinity???

    Is that what the bible teaches? (because personally I don't think the person would even come up with that idea)

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago