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Lv 6

People, Hypothetically speaking: If someone who doesn't know what religion is?

Doesn't know the concept of religion at all. In fact this person lives in the middle of no where, surrounded by no one, except their family. And they go into town miles away once in a while to get the things they need to survive, but aren't very sociable.

So lets say this person picks up a bible, and reads it.

And lets say this person starts to believe in it, in a way.

Now tell me, if a person who never heard of the trinity, and continues not to know of the trinity while reading the bible, but reads the bible, will this person believe in the trinity???

Is that what the bible teaches? (because personally I don't think the person would even come up with that idea)


Hence the word "hypothetically"

Okay maybe I should of said, starts believing in the words of the Bible.


Update 2:

How can I have failed?

I asked a question, wanting answers, did I not get answers?

Okay then.

I gave my personal opinion on it.

I wanted to know other people's personal opinion.

Because when it comes down to it, the trinity is a concept someone has to tell you about. It's not a conclusion you come to on your own.

Don't believe me?

Pretend like you never heard of the Trinity at all ever, and then read the Bible.

Update 3:


Honestly I don't understand, what exactly is it I'm trying to win?

Its just a question.

With my opinion all over it.

But so what? It is my question.

Update 4:

Dude, what bi-unity?

yes, the Quran is perfect words of Allah.

But why must Allah and his words be one? Why is it even thought about like that?

If I have words, do I ever say me and my words are 1 so we are two but one person?

No... I don't.

I don't think any normal person would.

So why apply such an illogic to God?

8 Answers

  • borhan
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    that person also will pray to jesus's father to whom jesus prayed.they will never know that nowdays people dnt follow bible but follow some eddition done by an organization

  • 1 decade ago

    Since Muslims believe that the Qur'an is the perfect Word(s) of Allah, and Allah and his Words must be one and the same otherwise there would be two gods, Islam's own Bi-Unity vindicates in principle the Christian Trinity, although not the historical occurrence of it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Read Stranger in a Strange Land, by Robert Heinlein. As with the character Mogley, raised by bears; or Romulus and Remus, raised by wolves; the main character is raised by Martians.

    The Bible is meaningless with some sense of human culture.

  • 1 decade ago

    >will this person believe in the trinity???

    Some will. Some won't.

    As proven on Yahoo Answers R&S daily, some people have good reading comprehension and some do not.

    (You went to a lot of work in hopes of proving something. But you failed.)

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  • 1 decade ago

    if this person finds a Bible he will probably think it is a simple book like all the others because he does not know about religion so that means that he does not know about religious books either.He also would not know what God means

  • 1 decade ago

    NOT REALLY... Here is where most Christians play God...

    Actually it is more complicated than that...

    They need to socialise in a CHristian Church and pay the 10% of their grross income to the Clergy!

    The last bunch of NT Bible writers claim that God the Son Jesus Christ was beaten to a pulp thoroughly tenderized and heavily marinated in Roman soldiers’ spit to become the “Spotless Lamb of God” nailed TOTALLY NAKED to a Holy Cross in a primitive Heathen ritual to cleanse the “sin” of Eve in her quest for knowledge! BTW, there is no record that the Roman soldiers ever dressed the genital area of their victims in a white diaper or that anybody nailed to a cross enjoyed a foot rest so they could have a long religious chat within hearing distance of the Bible writers! In the Holy Communion the Christians TODAY snack Jesus’ delicious SPIT FLAVORED MEAT and, like vampires, DRINK HIS BLOOD to go to Heaven when they die (John 6:53)! Since this cannibalistic fetish is all over the Bible the forever snacking God the Son Jesus Christ in the Holy Communion it is only natural!

    The Bible writers say that the enemies of the God that they put together ought to be killed in their infancy when it is easier to get rid of them! This is a bit smarter than Muhammad’s Allah’s idea of getting his Holy Jihadists to bomb themselves up in a busy city street!

    Psalm 137:8-9 * O Daughter of Babylon, doomed to destruction, HAPPY is he who repays you for what you have done to us* (*Holy Vendetta!) --he who seizes your infants and DASHES them against the rocks* (*after the kids are dashed against the rocks they can be cooked for dinner, or trashed in the dumpster!)

    Needed abortions today are for HUMANE reasons! Only the fetus is destroyed not a born child! Obviously, the Bible God wants some grown children of the “enemy” to be dashed to pieces, while in the Bible stories the kids of his chosen people are cooked for dinner!

    Isaiah 13:16 (KJV) Their little ones* (*Jewish children) also WILL BE DASHED TO PIECES before their eyes; Their houses will be plundered AND THEIR WIVES RAVISHED* (*not fondled, but ravished!).

    In the erotic mind of the Bible writers any lady would be ravished to their orgasmic delight, while their children are being DASHED TO PIECES. Some Christians, especially in the Clergy are getting off like mad worshipping this kinda GOD!)

    Revelation 2:23 (In his apocalyptic “revelation” Jesus Christ says) I WILL STRIKE HER CHILDREN DEAD* (*abortionists destroy fetuses ONLY WHEN NEEDED, but JESUS is killing real children! Most right wing Christians really love to hear that Jesus is going to kill the children in the wrong Church! They get rich selling books on “Jesus loves the little children,” but only of the right Church brand!). Then ALL THE CHURCHES WILL KNOW* (*the Churches know NOTHING YET! One has to wait until children are beginning to get slaughtered before you KNOW you are in the wrong Church brand!) that I am he who searches hearts and minds and I will repay each of you according to your deeds.* (*not even the Mafia talks like that in public! For Christians to be “CHRIST LIKE” must include killing children in the wrong Churches… spiritually speaking, of course!)

  • 1 decade ago

    "So lets say this person picks up a bible, and reads it. And lets say this person starts to believe in it, in a way"

    Sorry.. that cannot happen.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He judges the heart, nice try

    Source(s): The Lord wins again, victory for us!
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