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? asked in Society & CultureHolidaysRamadan · 1 decade ago

Ramadan: Stuck in a dilemma with Mahrams?

What to do when the only mahram living in the same country with you, isn't very Islamic?

Its driving me insane. I don't know what to do.

Plus, I heard, (correct me if I'm wrong) that woman should live at least near there mahram.

So, I shouldn't go to uni out of state right?

Or maybe even out of city?

Jazakallah for the help

Make dua for the person I'm talking about please!

>He's one of the main reasons I just want to get married, so I can have a real mahram.

Can he even be considered a Mahram? If he doesn't really act like one?

example of how he doesn't act like a mahram:

He says since we live in the west, I shouldn't wear hijab, and gets mad when I wear abya.

And I plan on wearing abya to Eid, he's going to flip! I can only imagine, subhnallah.

But he's my only mahram. And Allah has ordered me to respect him no matter what.

He just makes it so hard for me to do so.


theres a problem with that though, my current Mahram won't allow me to get married till after I finish college.

Honestly, for a while I didn't even want to go to college. I saw no purpose in it.

I'm still having doubts about it. I'd rather go off to an Islamic school and learn about my deen, than learn about this stuff thats not going to help me in the akhira.

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Assalaamu ' alaykum

    Sabr, sabr and more sabr. This may be one of the many tests in life.

    If he is stopping you in obeying your Creator then there is a differnence you do not need to follow what he says becuase obedcince to the Creator is what is needed and not to the creation.

    Regarding living near to a mahran that is true sis, as believing women we can not stay on our own, espeically if we have a mahram near us. So you shouldn't go out of the state. If you need evidnece let me know and I will dig it out for you Insha'Allah.

    Sister, we all go through different tests in life, this seems like it is one of yours. Stay strong obey Allah (swt) and stay steadfast and trust me hunni you will see how furitfull and blissful it will be. WE are expected to be tested, it is what our Deen relates to us too. Explain to your father you can not go against what your Deen requires you to do.

    My family were the same when I started to wear the abayah and Niqaab. I used to pour my eyes out at Tahujjud time asking Allah (swt) to make ways out for me and to soften my families hearts... and Alhamdulillah 4 years of struggling they have accepted it even if not fully. When you set a foot out in implementing the Deen Allah (swt) helps, never assume He doesn't! He is our Protecter, our Controller and He never burdens a soul more than that which they can't cope with.

    With regards to your marriage aspect, my mum was the same, she would not even accept who I wantd to marry. But again sis Du'aa works wonders, it is **AMAZING** how Allah (swt) helps if you have sabr and staying steadfast. You have to speak with your dad, do your bt and leave the rest to Allah (swt). My mother was so negative that she told me to go away from family and wnated me out of the house. But I kept patient, made du'a and still respected her. And alhamdulillah she agreed to it and is very happy (Alhamdulillah) So see Allah (swt) always helps, He never leaves you in a sitaution which is unjust, our Lord is the Most Just.

    Email me if you want to talk more Insha'Allah

    May Allah (swt) ease your sistuation (Aameen).

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    aw man May Allah help you and increase you both in iman and ihsan and taqwa and islam

    Glory be to Allah and peace be on his messengers.

    I would strongly suggest you get married to a brother who is comfortable with you going to college and can be there with you or near to you since your mahram is not much help



    Well he is your family sit down and have a heart to heart, If he won't budge then let him know who's in charge Allah. I don't think you need his permission just go to the masjd and ask the imam or someone notable to be your wali and your mahram won't have a say in it. If you are old enough then you can marry, as long as you respect him and give thanks and speak unto him a good word then you will be within the requirements.

    I like how you decided to go to islamic university Much more beneficial :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Respect him no matter what yes. But only obey him in matters of obedience of Allah. And if he orders something against that, there is no obedience.

    No still the best thing is to stay home. It wouldn't be a good idea to go alone.. ESPECIALLY in the kind of place you life.

    So then try to get married! That's a good idea - you're obviously mentally ready

  • 1 decade ago

    You can go where ever you want with a bunch of females like you being with you

    i dont know if you do know that

    but thats all i can help you with

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 1 decade ago

    You are thinking and doing the right thing (preparing to get married).

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