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Lv 6

What did Osama Bin Laden's death do?

He died. But what did his death accomplish?

Don't get me wrong I'm happy he was caught. & I don't have any feelings toward him dying.

But what did his death accomplish?

People are celebrating and I semi-understand why.

But there are still thousands of people dying. So whats another body in the ground (or water?) going to do?


My point is his death isn't going to bring back the millions of people who died.

There are still killers out there.

Osama may be dead but the war is far from over.

I'm not even sure which war I'm talking about.

24 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The only thing Osama getting killed resulted in is Osama getting killed. His ideals are still very much alive.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, you can't compare Osama to a regular body in the ground. He was the leader of Al Qaeda, a humungous terrorist organization believed to be behind 9/11 too. Now that he is dead we can expect a lot of new things. Either an even bigger and badder dude takes over or the organization disperses and many people around the world are freed from terrorism and oppression. I suppose you could compare it to Hitler being assassinated midway through WW2.

  • 1 decade ago

    This was a revenge-kill for America, which is good. Osama needed to die eventually, and now he is. It hopefully sends a message. Now, I will be HIGHLY pissed if we (America) stay over there in the Middle-East. I was fine with being told "We aren't leaving until we catch Osama". Sounds good, ok. Well, now we got him, he's gone. Let's leave and let the Middle-East do it's own thing. If they want a civil war, let them. If there is a genocide, the UN will dictate, NOT America. We need to get our situation here at home straightened out. Gas prices are RIDICULOUS!

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm not sure, it would have been better to capture him and keep him alive.

    But I am sure that Al-Qaeda won't take to lightly...... His death may lead to a more powerful leader in Al-Qaeda.

    Who knows, they might try to take back his body :O Or just mindlessly invade and shoot everything that moves.

    Anyway, what I'm saying is Al-Qaeda isn't gone, and they will retaliate. And there are still many more well known terrorists in Al-Qaeda.

    But with that said, God bless our armed forces. We finally got justice for what Bin Laden did.

    @Arqam- Conspiracy Theorists get crazier day by day.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's created a huge sense of renewed pride and hope across America and the world. That is worth so much and I think probably especially to those who are in war zones, praying for a time of peace. I think it will give strength and people will hang on knowing that one day, his evil might be stopped.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Honestly I don't think it accomplished anything really. We are still in multiple wars, there are still people starving to death and dying of curable diseases all over the world, there are still ruthless dictators killing people every day, countries including the U.S. are still building more and more weapons that could blow the earth into pieces... I would say that catching bin laden is actually the least of our problems.

  • opp
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    i would not precisely say a conspiracy. however the questions working rampant a pair of lot of wholes interior the story, go away human beings unsure. If it replaced into something that sizable and there have been no questions it can be a finished deal. I even have questions. i'm no longer confident yet.

  • CC
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    His death is partial payment in retribution for the thousands of innocent lives he took on 9-11.

    Source(s): An atheist perspective.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "He died."

    And everyone believed this. End of story. Happy ending I guess?

    I wonder if this means the truth about 9/11 will be forgotten forever. I guess not. History will bring it to the people of the future generations.

    Source(s): Muslim
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is a morale boost. We finally killed the most wanted man in the world, the man who orchestrated greatest attack on America since WWII. You are right, killing this one man won't change the course that we are on dramatically, but it is a symbolic victory.

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