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jan51601 asked in PetsCats · 1 decade ago

Why does my cat suddenly insist on waking me up at 5 a.m.?

I have a 17 year-old, neutered Maine coon tomcat who, just within the last month, has decided everyone in the house should get up at 5 a.m. He starts out with short meows, then progresses to longer ones that sound like he's saying "no" when I tell him to quit, or that sound like he's rolling the "R" sound. Once he has me awake, he goes immediately to the kitchen where 95% of the time, he still has the plateful of food that I'd given him before I went to bed. His litter box is kept cleaned to the best of my ability (I'm 62 ,partially disabled, and have to use a walker so it is sometimes hard for me to stand without it); his double-bowl is kept full of water. He thinks he can't eat anything unless it has a piece of turkey lunchmeat on top of it--and most of the time that is all he'll eat of the food. I give him a variety of flavors and brands because he'll get tired of one after awhile. He's never been outdoors because the street I live on is heavily traveled and I don't want him run over, so every once in awhile I will go out to get him some grass to eat (which he loves).

He didn't even realize he had a voice until he was 10 or 12 years old. Until then, he'd open his mouth and meow, but all that would come out would be a tiny squeak. Now, he's making up for lost time and his "motor mouth" is driving me nuts--especially in the pre-dawn hours when I am trying to sleep. His vet can find nothing wrong with him. I'm at the end of my rope and could use some suggestions. I hate yelling at him and I often end up in tears because he's driven me to do so. Once he has everyone awake, he'll go back to sleep.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    At 17 years old, your cat may have developed a physical problem that has now shown up.

    Any time there is a change in behavior (like waking everyone up at 5 am) is a reason to take the cat to the vet.

    I understand you are probably on a limited budget, but your cat's health is important.

    Your cat should have bloodwork done, including Chemistries, CBC (Complete Blood Count) and a Thyroid panel. He should also have his teeth checked. He may not be eating because he has a bad tooth/teeth.

    Edit: Animals can also suffer from dementia. At 17 your cat is 121 years old in human years. If your vet can find nothing wrong, then you may have to lock the cat up in another room overnight.

    Source(s): Retired Certified Veterinary Technician
  • 1 decade ago

    Cats are 'Crepuscular' animals, meaning most of their activity is at dusk and dawn. And it sounds like you may be reinforcing his 'waking habits' by adding the extra treat on his food. Au contrair' to what you may think, cats do fine eating the same food daily, as a matter of fact by changing their food their system never adjust. Do not reinforce his behavior, instead of giving him a treat when he is doing something you dislike, give him a squirt with a water bottle, it will work wonders. I have bred Maine Coons for many years and have found the best way to stop a behavior I dislike is with a quick squirt of water. One of my Queens loves to start pawing on our bedroom door around 5 AM, so instead of rewarding her behavior I open the door and give her a quick squirt. It took a few days of ME being consistent and guess what? She has stopped this annoying behavior.

    Funny, a couple of my breeder friends and I have commented on that our males 'whine' and our girls 'chirp' but like you, I have heard some strong meows, especially on the way to the vets office! LOL

    Best of luck to you and your boy!

  • 1 decade ago

    It could be that once or twice your cat screamed until he got you up he realized HEY this is a way to get what I want. Try changing the food your feeding him. I have some of those spoiled animals also. We have a cat we got off a group here that was abused and she was a great cat but they told me she loved kids. No she loves kids when they are leaving her alone and being Quiet. If my grandchildren come and are being good she is great with them But let them get Noisy and the Claws come out until they settle down. The 2nd cat I got from an abusive home he loves the kids But let the kids come over when he was younger he loved them But now let them come over and they get his toys or in his space and he is gonna pee on someone. My husbands Chihuahua/boxer cross come froma family with 4 kids. So I figured he would be fine But let us introduce another abused animal to this house and he pee's on everything. So best thing to do is try to ignore him. Place him in the bathroom or in a wire kennel when you go to bed. Long as the Vet says nothing is wrong it is all for attention. Our 1 year old does it. My husband gets up at 3 a.m. for work Mon-Fri. and so this cat thinks he is supposed to have his bowl of milk at 3 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday also.You just have to ignore him or he will keepp it up. He is doing it for attention. You maybe done things with him before you were disabled and they are still in his mind. And he remembers being fed at a certain time every morning before you were off to work or to Doctor appointments. So now he wants it that way all the time.

  • E-Fox
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Yeah, cats do that, so does mine. Weird that he'd only develop the habit now, but it's there. The only thing you can do to make him stop is to ignore him. When he tries to wake you up, don't move, don't pet him, don't get up or feed him. He's training you. Once you give in, he'll keep on doing it. You need to show him he has nothing to gain by waking ou up. It will take some time but he will stop.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Stop putting the extra treats on top of his food. He can get his regular cat food, and if he won't eat it, fine. Let him be hungry. He'll eventually decide that his regular cat food isn't so bad after a day or so of being hungry.

    Close your bedroom door and ignore him. He's doing it because he knows you'll get up, give him attention, and give him treats.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well first of all, you have one of the most spoiled rotten cats I've ever seen. It's fine for owners to love their cats and to know what your cat likes, but you're letting your cat own you. If your cat wont eat it's food without lunch meat on it, then leave the food alone, it's that or nothing for your cat. That's a waste of YOUR own food. Also if your cat insists on waking everyone up at 5 AM, put him in a timeout, like outside or a cage until he stops. You've got to let him know who's in charge, otherwise you're going to have problems like this with him as long as it's alive. There's nothing wrong with the cat.

  • 1 decade ago

    According to a article you should buy yourself a pair of ear plugs and ignore the cat but then pay extra attention to him at other times.

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