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Paranormal? Unexplained? Am I going crazy?

We moved into our new house July 2009. There was 1 previous owner. They still live in the neighborhood so I intend to talk to them soon about the events we are experiencing.

Beginning in Feb 2010 I started noticing little things. I would see something move out of the corner of my eye, or see shadows, but nothing would be there. It would happen often, enough to make me think I was going crazy. At night I would hear what sounded like someone walking down the hallway (we have wood floors, no creaking sounds, but just the sound of bare feet on the floor). I would always get up to see if one of my kids were up, but nobody would be there.

Starting in June of this year I started seeing the shadows and hearing the footsteps more frequently.

One night in July I was sitting on the couch and thought I saw my daughter running behind the couch down the hallway. She was almost 2yrs old at the time and I can usually only see her head as she passes by anyway. I got up to see where she was going and she was in another room deepy involved with a toy and her sister and I honestly believe it was not her.

My son (who is 8) started telling me in August that he was hearing voices at night. He said that it sounds like 2 people having a conversation. The only words he can ever make out clearly are his name and "ok". He's never had an issue with darkness or doors being closed, but as of a couple months ago he begs for a nightlight or his closet lights to be on because he says he feels like someone is watching him at night when he sleeps.

I've had the dvr just pause itself while watching a show, when nobody is around the remote. This has happend a handful of times and I'm sure can be chalked up to a glitch.

The experience that has me a little uneasy happend last night.

We returned home from my son's football practice at 8pm. I told him to get in the shower. I put my youngest child to bed and my middle child got on the couch to watch tv. I ran to my room to change into my pj's. As I came out of my room and looked down into the hallway I saw a perfect shadow take off running to the left (towards my son's room). It was the exact size/frame of my son. I got a bit angry because I thought he was goofing off instead of getting in the shower like I asked. I walk down the hallway and sure enough, my son was in the shower. My dog was outside, my other 2 kids were in bed or on the couch. There was no explaination for the shadow.

Then cut to this morning I walk out of my room to get breakfast ready, I walk back in and my Wii is on. I think nothing of it and turn it off. Walk back into the kitchen, start packing lunches and then go back into my room (roughly 5 min later) and the Wii has been turned on again. 2 of my kids were sleeping and the only other person who was awake was not in my room. I'm sure it could have been a glitch in power that turned it on but given the events of last night I was/am shaken.

I don't even know what to think. Is this paranormal? A ghost? I just don't know.

I'm a big believer in ghosts, but I don't like the thought of one possibly being in my house.

I've had people tell me to check the land documents for our area to see what was there before the houses were built and I've even had people go so far as to tell me a ghost is trying to attach itself to my son or someone in the house.

I just don't know what to think.

Any insight from those in the field or with experience?


I also wanted to add, for the past 6 months I have had a weird habit of looking at the clock at exactly 10:26 (either am or pm, sometimes both) every day. It never fails, it always happens at least once.

My birthday is Oct 26th, which is why it is so weird. I know it could just be a cool coinsidence. But given all the weird stuff that has been going on its beginging to weird me out.

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    From your first sentence I already know that you need to seek a medium to clean up your house, unless you intend to move out.

    Yea you need spiritual assistance.

    The best information is from the previous owner.

    Source(s): Years of research.
  • eri
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Thinking you see things out of the corner of your eye is perfectly normal - your peripheral vision is very unreliable. If you're hearing creaking noises, it's coming from somewhere. I'm glad you got up and checked - since no one was there, it's probably the house settling or the floor expanding/contracting from changes in humidity and pressure. It sounds like you've been talking about this where your kids can hear you, and they've started making up similar stuff. That's normal for kids their age. Shadows some from somewhere - maybe a passing car cast a shadow of something in your room on the wall. If the Wii power keeps coming on, there might be something wrong with it. Sounds like you're associating a lot of random things that aren't related in the hopes you can conclude there's a ghost. But the fact is, there's no evidence at all that ghosts exist. And you don't have any. The last thing you mentioned is called the confirmation effect - you remember when you see those numbers and forget all the times you looked and didn't see them. Again, perfectly normal brain function, but often mistaken for the paranormal.

  • 1 decade ago

    first off ive been interested in the paranormal for 3 years (ever since i could see them) i am sensitive i see them and it could be a number of things a family member/friend trying to contact you or someone who died in the area but one thing is for sure you need to get rid of it if it starts to wreak havoc as in throw things break things which may get worse if you don't pay attention if they are trying to use you as a messenger like in some cases you need to find out first because it may be something important.i know someone that got a message form their dad that way and it revealed the location of hidden nazi gold and she became rich because of it so just pay attention to what it does and says if its nothing like someone you know or a message just get rid of it by blessing the house or if it comes down to it possibly an exorcism

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    sounds like a should probably call someone in to exorcise it. like ahold a seance and find out what it wants from you and ask it to leave. if your religious you could call in a preist and have your house blessed.

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