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I'm a proud mommy of 3 kids ..... 7.3102, 11.9.06 & 8.10.08 and a very proud Navy Wife. You'll find me in the pregnancy & parenting section about 98% of the time I'm on here offering my wealth of knowledge in TTC, Mommy & Pregnancy.

  • Paranormal? Unexplained? Am I going crazy?

    We moved into our new house July 2009. There was 1 previous owner. They still live in the neighborhood so I intend to talk to them soon about the events we are experiencing.

    Beginning in Feb 2010 I started noticing little things. I would see something move out of the corner of my eye, or see shadows, but nothing would be there. It would happen often, enough to make me think I was going crazy. At night I would hear what sounded like someone walking down the hallway (we have wood floors, no creaking sounds, but just the sound of bare feet on the floor). I would always get up to see if one of my kids were up, but nobody would be there.

    Starting in June of this year I started seeing the shadows and hearing the footsteps more frequently.

    One night in July I was sitting on the couch and thought I saw my daughter running behind the couch down the hallway. She was almost 2yrs old at the time and I can usually only see her head as she passes by anyway. I got up to see where she was going and she was in another room deepy involved with a toy and her sister and I honestly believe it was not her.

    My son (who is 8) started telling me in August that he was hearing voices at night. He said that it sounds like 2 people having a conversation. The only words he can ever make out clearly are his name and "ok". He's never had an issue with darkness or doors being closed, but as of a couple months ago he begs for a nightlight or his closet lights to be on because he says he feels like someone is watching him at night when he sleeps.

    I've had the dvr just pause itself while watching a show, when nobody is around the remote. This has happend a handful of times and I'm sure can be chalked up to a glitch.

    The experience that has me a little uneasy happend last night.

    We returned home from my son's football practice at 8pm. I told him to get in the shower. I put my youngest child to bed and my middle child got on the couch to watch tv. I ran to my room to change into my pj's. As I came out of my room and looked down into the hallway I saw a perfect shadow take off running to the left (towards my son's room). It was the exact size/frame of my son. I got a bit angry because I thought he was goofing off instead of getting in the shower like I asked. I walk down the hallway and sure enough, my son was in the shower. My dog was outside, my other 2 kids were in bed or on the couch. There was no explaination for the shadow.

    Then cut to this morning I walk out of my room to get breakfast ready, I walk back in and my Wii is on. I think nothing of it and turn it off. Walk back into the kitchen, start packing lunches and then go back into my room (roughly 5 min later) and the Wii has been turned on again. 2 of my kids were sleeping and the only other person who was awake was not in my room. I'm sure it could have been a glitch in power that turned it on but given the events of last night I was/am shaken.

    I don't even know what to think. Is this paranormal? A ghost? I just don't know.

    I'm a big believer in ghosts, but I don't like the thought of one possibly being in my house.

    I've had people tell me to check the land documents for our area to see what was there before the houses were built and I've even had people go so far as to tell me a ghost is trying to attach itself to my son or someone in the house.

    I just don't know what to think.

    Any insight from those in the field or with experience?

    4 AnswersParanormal Phenomena1 decade ago
  • Best OTC eye drops for post-lasik?

    I had lasik done on Friday (regular bladeless, not PRK).

    The lubricating drops they gave me are pretty expensive and I'm almost out. I'm wondering if there is an over the counter alternative that someone could recommend.

    4 AnswersOptical1 decade ago
  • Acai Berry supplements?

    I'm looking for recommendations for the best over the counter acai supplements for weight loss.

    There are so many out there I'm looking for the best brand for my money.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • How can I clean dirt from a suede Coach purse?

    I purchased a used Coach diaper bag today. Its pretty dirty, but otherwise in great condition.

    The bottom is suede and the body is fabric (patchwork). I'm just curious what is the best way to clean the suede? I've tried a baby wipe but it didn't do much good.

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Fenugreek for inducing labor?

    Just curious if anyone has tried this?

    I know traditionally its used to increase milk supply for those who are nursing. But I've been reading online that it can also be used to induce contractions/labor if your close to your due date.

    I'm due tomorrow, have been 4cm for over a week, had my membranes stripped and am getting desperate. I'm scheduled for an induction next Thursday (8/14) but would like to avoid that if possible.

    This is my 3rd child and I thought for sure this little one would be here by now so I'm trying alternative methods.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Stripping membranes....did it work for you?

    I know it will only work if the baby is ready but I'm curious how many people it actually worked for or didn't work for.

    I had mine stripped with my son 3 days before my due date, at that point I was 3cm dialated and 80% effaced for 4 weeks so it was a last attempt to get him out and it did not work, I ended up needing induced.

    I'm due in 8 days, by this point my second child came out on her own. My dr wants to strip mine today and I'm getting desperate enough to let him try it.

    So hmor me, did it or didn't it work for you?

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Bloody show & labor?

    Ok just for fun....

    How long after you lost your plug or had bloody show, did you go into labor??

    I lost my plug (no show) 3wks before my due date with my first child and still had to be induced.

    With my second child I lost what was left of my plug (it came out in small peices for weeks before that) along with bloody show 3 days before I went into labor.

    I know everyone is different so I'd like to see the differences!

    I'm 38wk today, 3cm dialated and lost the rest of my plug with bloody show this morning so I'm trying to keep my mind occupied! LOL

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Which middle name?

    We decided on Kaley (Kay-Lee) for our 2nd babygirl who is due in August.

    Now we need to decide on a middle name, we love both!

    Kaley Brianna (Bri-On-A)

    Kaley Arianna (Air-E-On-A)

    20 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Chloe Brianna?

    What do you think of this name? Last name begins with F....she will have 2 older siblings named Devon and Aliya so I think Chloe flows well with their names.

    Its stuck in my head and growing on me for the name of our second baby girl who is due in August, but I'm not fully convinced to use it just yet.

    21 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Name suggestions?

    I'm trying to find a name for our new baby girl that will flow well with our other 2 children's names. Hubby and I have varying tastes so our seperate lists are not meshing well, so I think we need fresh names to add.

    Our son is Devon Alexander

    Our daughter is Aliya Gabrielle. Our last name starts with F if that helps.

    I just cannot for the life of me find a name that I truely love and can see calling my daughter for the rest of her life. So if you have any suggestions I'm open to them!

    15 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • What do you think of this girl name?

    We are expecting our 2nd baby girl this August.

    My husband is very insistant on naming her Kayla Zylie.

    He had this name picked out for our first daughter and I put my foot down and said no.

    I currently cannot find a name that I just love so I'm about to give in and let him have this name.

    What do you think of it???

    Our son's name is Devon Alexander and our daughter is Aliya Gabrielle. So were not up on really traditional names but I just don't know!

    18 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Update to "Please be brutally honest"?

    I had posted a pic earlier asking for opinions on weather or not I was just seeing a 2nd faint line on my test and got an overwhelming response, thank you!

    I got a Clear Blue Easy Digital tonight and it read "Pregnant"!!!

    I guess the faint line really was there! LOL

    Thank you so much for all the replies!!!

    9 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Be brutally honest with me please!!?

    Ok, I don't even think I ovulated this month but it could have snuck up on me. I normally have strong ovulation pains but I didnt this month. My period is due tomorrow, I dont even know how many DPO I am if in fact I O'd.

    Were not trying/not preventing...2 kids and 5 miscarriages, so I'm pretty knowledgable on TTC stuff.

    I just need to know if my eyes are playing tricks on me.

    I took the test and within a couple min the faintest of faint pink lines showed up. I can't get a very good pic of it so I had to invert it to show what I'm seeing.

    Do you see what I see??

    29 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Anovulatory??

    I'm on cycle day 26 of a normally 31-33 day cycle and have not ovulated yet.

    Do you think I should go ahead and call my dr and consider this as just an anovulatory cycle?

    I'm on 1000mg Metformin right now, and I normally ovulate (at the latest) CD22.

    I had a D&C back in August but have had 2 regular cycles since then....this is strange that all the sudden I'm not ovulating.

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Please light a candle tonight!!?

    I'm aware this is not a question but I would just like to spread the word!

    The entire month of October is Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Month.

    But today, October 15th is Pregnancy & Infant Loss Remembrance Day.

    We ask that everyone (no matter what your time zone) lights a candle at 7pm and leaves it burning for at least 1 hour. That way across America there is a wave of light to honor our lost babies.

    Thank you!!!

    I will be lighing 5 candles tonight to honor my babies lost!

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Please light a candle tonight!?

    I'm aware this is not a question but I would just like to spread the word!

    The entire month of October is Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Month.

    But today, October 15th is Pregnancy & Infant Loss Remembrance Day.

    We ask that everyone (no matter what your time zone) lights a candle at 7pm and leaves it burning for at least 1 hour. That way across America there is a wave of light to honor our lost babies.

    Thank you!!!

    I will be lighing 5 candles tonight to honor my babies lost!

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Where'd my " Top Contributor " box go?

    I've been a Top Contributor for a month or so now but in the past few days the little orange box around my profile is gone.

    Anyone else have this happen? Is there a reason why it would go away?

    8 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Missed Miscarriage?

    I've experienced one before, I was 10wks along and the baby had died at 6wks and I needed a D&C. But I had no signs of it.

    I am 7wks pregnant with our 3rd child and had light spotting last night, but no cramping. I went to the ER and they said my blood tests came back great but they could not detect a heartbeat on the ultrasound and the baby was only measuring 2 days behind how far along I was supposed to be do.

    Anyway.....Do you have to have a D&C with every missed miscarriage or can they give me something so I can do it naturally.

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • For the mommy's still using diapers?

    Luvs just came out with new diapers that have stretchy tabs (like Huggies or Pampers) and they work GREAT!

    I received an e-coupon for buy 1 get 1 free on them from Target and I'm sharing with you because its a great deal.

    They only come in size 3 and up right now, they are in the same Luvs packaging but they have a bear in the corner of the package and says something about "bear stretch tabs".

    Anywho...just print and take it to Target and get your diapers!

    I sent my hubby through with another coupon behind me and we ended up with 4 packs of diapers for $22.

    Expires 6/26/07

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Any infant toy recommendations?

    I have a 6 month old daughter and I just recently began sitting for a 5 1/2 month old girl also.

    I have all the big stuff (swing, jumparoo', entertainer, etc...) and lots of rattles, balls, stuffed animals...but am looking for other toys that might keep their interest longer and help them learn as well.

    Any recommendations/links would be helpful!

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago