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What parts of the Koran should be read in defiance of a bigot?

As some of you may have heard, the pastor of a church in Florida declared tomorrow (9/11) as National Burn a Koran day. Well, the American Library Association, one of the great defenders of the First Amendment recognizes this guy's right to say whatever he wants, but in response, they want to hold a public reading of the Koran in Chicago. (Personally, I'm going to call this National The First Amendment Also Gives Me the Right to Call Certain People Morons day.) We're doing this even though the guy changed his mind, because we want to make a statement against bigotry and religious intolerance.

The problem is that none of us are actually Muslims. We just feel that Muslims have as much right to practice their religion as American citizens as anyone else, and we are making a statement of tolerance. But since we aren't Muslims, we don't know the Koran well, and don't know which are some of the better parts to read. I mean, if I were going to be doing this on the Old Testament, I wouldn't do the parts which are just someone begat someone else and how long that person lived, and I wouldn't do all of the prohibitions in Leviticus.

So, could some of you Muslims point us to some of the more applicable parts of the Koran, something about tolerance or love or wisdom or justice or about Allah being All Merciful? Something that would look good as a soundbite on the news, too, since we might make the evening news.

Thanks so much!

(I'm asking this in the Ramadan section even though it has nothing to do with Ramadan, because I couldn't think of another area where a lot of Muslims would hang out. Happy Eid-al-Fitr everyone!)


Joe, actually, the First Amendment says that everyone DOES have the right to say horrible things about America. It's precisely those freedoms that make this country great. It hurts me, too, to see our beautiful flag burned, but America is too strong to be destroyed by that.

Boglin, I presume you are a Muslim. I presume that you want people to convert to Islam. How do you expect people to do so if those who do not yet believe are not permitted to read the Koran?

Zakariah, that is absolutely beautiful and exactly what I was looking for. Thank you so much! (I'm bad on the details, but I remember reading that in the early days of Islam, some king was converted to Islam, and his whole nation with him, because of the beauty of the writing in the Koran. This sura just confirms it. I wish I could read it in Arabic. I understand everything is more poetic in Arabic.)

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Surah Al Rahman: 55

  • 5 years ago

    It took me 5 years, yet sure, i ultimately did be waiting to study the koran. that's at as quickly as the main nonsensical and terrifying e book that I even have ever study. The terrifying section is the top that each and one and all the peace loving and tolerant areas of the e book have been later abrogated (cancelled) via the areas of the e book that decision for the eventual extermination of the finished non-muslim inhabitants of earth. I study the e book of mormon and the bible two times. The e book of mormon is quite the main laughable bunch of nonsense interior the worldwide to ever masquerade as scripture. The previous testomony interior the bible is not any extra beneficial, however the recent testomony shown what I even have constantly believed approximately Christian religions, NONE of them have something in worry-loose with what Jesus easily preached. So i'm a Christian who agitates against the religions who fake to persist with him!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hello, TychaBrahe. I remember you answering one of my questions in the Math category :)

    Answer to your question: The Quran doesn't have a message of peace/love/salvation for all (good) humans, Allah has openly said in the Quran many times that anyone who doesn't accept Islam as the truth is unjust, a wrongdoer and is an animal "Surely the vilest of animals in Allah's sight are those who disbelieve" - Qur'an 8:55 and people of other faiths will burn: "And whoever desires a religion other than Islam, it shall not be accepted from him, and in the hereafter he shall be one of the losers" - Qur'an 3:85. Basically, if you aren't a Muslim, Allah has nothing to offer to you. You're intentions of spreading the message of being tolerant is respectable but doing it using the Quran is impossible as you would be lying to everyone if you said Islam wishes well for people of all faiths.

    My answer might seem to be disparaging Islam but, really, I'm being totally truthful and honest... I've quoted the Quran to you, you can see that for your self.

    Source(s): You can read the entire Quran here:
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Thank U for ur kind words. I wish u would frequent this section more. Please don't presume that Boglin is a muslim, he most definitely is not a muslim. We should report such people.

    The Surah I recommend is, Surah Ikhlas, 112.

    This is a very short surah and tells about the ONE ness of Allah. No partner and no son.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Assalaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

    : Shukr (Thank you) for your kind Eid greeting to the community of Muslim's.

    : Most definitely 'Surah Al Asr' (Time) from the Qur'ãn, although this Surah consists of only three verses, it is most comprehensive in meaning.

    : Here is a brief explanation of the verses:

    : In this Surah from the Qur'ãn, the Creator Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, after taking an oath of time has categorically stated very clearly that the entire human race is at a absolute loss, except for those who posses four characteristics of Iman (faith), doing righteous deeds, inspiring others to follow truth and advising others to perseverance and endurance.

    : In conclusion, in this Surah Al Asr (Time), Our Creator Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala has commanded us to lead a life of righteousness and to invite others to do good!

    Wassalaamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

    Source(s): @Islam...
  • Joe
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Every one has the right to practice FREEDOM in the USA, but no one has the right to come here and tell the people who built this, what they should do!

    If you think burning the American flag is ok, then thats exactly what we can do to your national or religious stuff, as a matter of fact, we should, but if you think that doing harm to any nation is BAD, then your a good Muslim, people will see your not a trouble maker and enjoy the freedom our country offers every race, creed religion etc.

    If you come to my country, you need to learn our ways and adapt to our ways, or else go back to where you can do what you want with freedom.

    If you like it here, then become one of us, if you think we are biggots, then GET LOST

    What do you think of our flag being burned in other country's that call us biggots?

    Do you think Americans should just turn their head?, I dont, this country is in a WAR every 4 years since day one and thats the way we like it, I think if a country likes to burn our flags., then we should come in there and build a Mikidees.

  • (:
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Surah Al-Kafiroon talks about letting people worship what they choose -

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    talk english

    You noe what i mean

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