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Favorite Answers51%
  • Why is today the beginning of winter?

    Today in the US it is December 21st. We call this the beginning of winter.

    But in England, today is midwinter. In general in the US we say the seasons start on the solstices and equinoxes, and in England they start on the cross-quarter days. Winter, in England, started November 1st.

    Why the difference?

    6 AnswersWeather7 years ago
  • Recommended tab in Yahoo! Answers?

    I answer questions on both my home computer and my laptop. In one of them I see a "Recommended" tab and on the other I do not. (I use Chrome on both computers.)

    How can I get the desktop to stop showing the Recommended tab?

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers9 years ago
  • In The Sandman: Worlds' End, whose funeral procession is seen?

    At the end of The Sandman: Worlds' End, everyone in the tavern looks out the window to see a funeral procession in the sky. Obviously the Endless are involved, as Destiny is leading and Death and Delirium are at the end. But whose funeral is it? Is it Dream's? I know he dies, but he hasn't yet in the timeline. The only person I can think of whose died who would be significant to the story up to this point is Ishtar, but that doesn't make sense. I don't see Desire in the crowd, though, and I think I see Dream.

    I'm very confused. Any help would be appreciated.

    2 AnswersComics & Animation9 years ago
  • What is the difference between Roku LT and HD?

    According to this page they have the same features, so what is the difference?

    1 AnswerHome Theater9 years ago
  • "One of the recipients can't be resolved"?

    I'm using Outlook with Office 2007. I have one e-mail address that I cannot send an e-mail to. Now, other people can send to this address, but not me, and I can send to other addresses, including other addresses at this user's domain. In addition, I get this error when I send from my PC and when I send from my iPad through our web mail. I'm not mistyping the address, because I've tried copying it from the To portion of an e-mail from my boss to this person, and his e-mail went through.

    Any ideas?

    1 AnswerSoftware9 years ago
  • My iPod Classic appears to have died....?

    Listening to it...lalala. Turn it off for something. It won't restart.

    It was charging all last night. I plugged it into my laptop USB cable, and the computer doesn't see it being there, and it doesn't turn on. I use it primarily for podcasts, so the data changes on a daily basis. It's about three years old.

    It's probably toast, but I wanted to see if anyone had any suggestions, as it's still almost two weeks until payday.

    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • The Christmas section is about Christmas, the Easter section is about Easter, and the Ramadan section...?

    is about Islam?

    Now, first of all, I am not a Muslim, so perhaps I should not be commenting, but it seems odd to me that the section on Religion and Spirituality is not subdivided, and all of the questions about Christianity, or Christianity vs. Atheism. Meanwhile, questions about Islam are all in the Ramadan section, which I would think is just about one particular holiday. It gives the appearance that Yahoo! does not consider Islam a real religion. I don't think this is Yahoo!'s real opinion, but it is how people are using Answers, and I think it is unfair.

    Who would support a petition to have the Religion & Spirituality section broken down into subtopics like Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and of course, Islam, and having the Ramadan section become for questions specifically about the holiday and its traditions and observances?

    12 AnswersRamadan1 decade ago
  • Are carry-on bag restrictions an FAA regulation or an airline policy?

    I fly a lot.

    There is one airport where there are people just before you get to the security lines (not sure if they are TSA or airport employees) who demand that you only have two bags. I travel with a rolling computer case and a knapsack and a purse. There is always room for the purse in the knapsack, but until I no longer need access to my ID, I keep it out.

    In NO OTHER AIRPORT does anyone challenge me on the fact that I have three bags visible, but at this one airport, they always do, and they get quite obnoxious about it, even when I open the knapsack and show them the gaping space meant for the purse.

    I would really like to be able to tell them to leave me alone, as they interrupt my getting-organized (keys and cell phone in this pocket, iPod in that pocket, boarding pass and ID here, coat, shoes, computer and toiletry bag out). But I want to be able to tell them with authority.

    Thanks in advance.

    6 AnswersAir Travel1 decade ago
  • Does Yahoo customer care delete spammers?

    I spend a lot of my time on Answers not actually answering questions but reporting abuse by spammers. It's bad enough people just linking to sales sites, but lately I see people advising those asking math or science questions to go to or other sites. DO NOT CLICK THIS LINK. It goes to a malware site.

    I see these people's answers being deleted from the question. But are they actually gone, or just hidden from me, since I reported them? Also, in the additional info, I always say what the problem is, usually "Malware spammer - delete this user." Does Customer Care actually delete these accounts? Sometimes I'll spend over an hour in Answers, and I'm reporting the same user over and over. Shouldn't someone see that and kill their account?

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Why do tetanus vaccines hurt so much?

    I got my flu and TDaP on Thursday. Neither hurt going in; the nurse was VERY good. Friday I had some pain on the flu side when I flexed my tricep. The TDaP side hurt like hell. Two days later, it still aches and is swollen.

    I'm sure it's the tetanus part of the TDaP. I've had the same reaction twice to straight tetanus vaccines. I even planned this, taking it in the arm on my non-dominant side, because I need to use the other arm.

    Anyone know why this happens? And what I can do. I thought hot baths might help the blood clear out whatever was the problem, but it doesn't, and aspirin--my pain killer of choice--isn't doing much for the pain.

    2 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • What parts of the Koran should be read in defiance of a bigot?

    As some of you may have heard, the pastor of a church in Florida declared tomorrow (9/11) as National Burn a Koran day. Well, the American Library Association, one of the great defenders of the First Amendment recognizes this guy's right to say whatever he wants, but in response, they want to hold a public reading of the Koran in Chicago. (Personally, I'm going to call this National The First Amendment Also Gives Me the Right to Call Certain People Morons day.) We're doing this even though the guy changed his mind, because we want to make a statement against bigotry and religious intolerance.

    The problem is that none of us are actually Muslims. We just feel that Muslims have as much right to practice their religion as American citizens as anyone else, and we are making a statement of tolerance. But since we aren't Muslims, we don't know the Koran well, and don't know which are some of the better parts to read. I mean, if I were going to be doing this on the Old Testament, I wouldn't do the parts which are just someone begat someone else and how long that person lived, and I wouldn't do all of the prohibitions in Leviticus.

    So, could some of you Muslims point us to some of the more applicable parts of the Koran, something about tolerance or love or wisdom or justice or about Allah being All Merciful? Something that would look good as a soundbite on the news, too, since we might make the evening news.

    Thanks so much!

    (I'm asking this in the Ramadan section even though it has nothing to do with Ramadan, because I couldn't think of another area where a lot of Muslims would hang out. Happy Eid-al-Fitr everyone!)

    8 AnswersRamadan1 decade ago
  • Actors from the real world?

    Suppose you have a show where someone needs to operate a piece of sophisticated equipment. It makes sense that you would hire someone who knows that equipment, get them a SAG card, and then have them do a few walk-on bits, maybe some dialogue--"I'll get right on it."--when you need to show the equipment operating.

    Does anyone know some of these actors?

    I know that on Emergency, Mike Stoker was a real LA County firefighter, hired to play one because they needed a firefighter to drive the engines. On Quincy, ME, Marc Taylor actually worked for the LA County coroner's office as a lab tech, and was used to operate the equipment when on-screen tests needed to be run. It seems like you'd need someone like this on most medical shows. Anyone know of any others?

    1 AnswerOther - Television1 decade ago
  • Does mtDNA alone prove that humans came out of Africa?

    I'm reading The Journey of Man. I've previously read The Seven Daughters of Eve. I'm not an expert, but I consider myself moderately well informed.

    I understand that the larger amount of variation of polymorphisms in mtDNA is suggestive of the fact that humans evolved originally in Africa. But couldn't the data be explained by humans evolving elsewhere, such as Asia, migrating into Africa, and then some worldwide catastrophe that killed almost everyone but spared more people in Africa than elsewhere? (I'm thinking something like Toba here.)

    I understand that other things, especially fossil evidence, make anything other than an Africa origin for humans extremely unlikely. I'm not asking you to prove to me that humans evolved in Africa as opposed to elsewhere. I just want to know, if all we had was the mtDNA mutation data, would an out-of-Africa/catastrophe explain the data.

    5 AnswersBiology1 decade ago
  • Universal Donor/Recipient - Plasma vs. Blood: Why?

    I can't believe I've been donating blood for 20 years and just learned this. We all know that O is the universal donor type, O- to be precise, and AB+ is the universal recipient. But this apparently only applies to red blood cells.

    For blood plasma, AB is the universal donor. I presume O is the universal recipient.

    So, any med-type people out there, here are my questions:

    1. Is O actually a universal recipient for plasma?

    2. Why the difference between plasma and blood?

    2. Does the Rh factor affect plasma donations?

    I'm psyching myself up to donate plasma by apheresis when my eight weeks are up.


    Biology1 decade ago
  • Can you make a graphic hover over a Web page?

    I want to float a graphic over other elements of a Web page. I thought you could do this with .css, but it doesn't seem to be working.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • iPod Shuffle Won't Sync Playlists?

    I have a bunch of playlists on my iPod. Today it just stopped syncing them. Some it will put the name on the iPod, but only a few of the podcasts instead of the whole list. Some playlists it won't even copy the name.

    I did delete everything and restore it, but they still didn't copy over. The podcasts are in my library, even on my iPod, but not the playlists.

    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Resize a popup window in JavaScript?

    I have a window that opens a popup and displays an .aspx file in the popup. Clicking on various links (from an image map) generate different .aspx files in the popup.

    I know how large the popup is supposed to be, but I can't make the thing resize when I click on a different link. The first one opens to the correct size, but when I click on subsequent links, the text in the popup changes, but it doesn't resize. I've tried running a function that should resize in the body statements of the various files loaded in the popup, but that doesn't work.

    Here are samples. I can send the entire thing to anyone who IM's me.


    From the main page:

    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">


    function openWindow(url, name, hhh) { = "main";

    popupWin =, name, "width=350,height=" + hhh + ",left=125,top=125");



    // -->


    <area title="Alaska" shape="poly" coords="5,354,24,286,70,263,105,278,142,356,139,366,121,365,7,358"




    <area title="Connecticut" shape="poly" coords="513,116,529,113,530,121,513,130"




    From stateCT.aspx (one of the files that displays in the popup)



    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">


    function FitText() {

    self.resizeto = (350, 400);


    // -->


    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/state.css" />


    <body onload='FitText();'>

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Favicon works in Firefox but not IE?

    I manage a Web site, and have set up a favicon.ico in the root directory and added a LINK REL statement in the head. Everything is fine in Firefox, but in IE it's not displaying.

    One of the things I wonder about is there's a problem in our setup and does not refer automatically to I wonder if that's the problem.

    Also, I specify favicon.ico as just /favicon.ico, and I wonder if I need to specify the domain. Any advice would be appreciated.

    2 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • Firefox missing a New Tab button?

    I have Firefox on my home and work computers. The one at work is 3.0.10. The one at home is probably the same since I just installed it this weekend.

    At the far right of my work installation is a button on the same line as the tabs. It looks like a tab with a green plus sign. When I click it, I get a new blank tab.

    On my installation at home, I don't have it. I have to right-click on the tab line to create a new tab. How can I get that button on my home installation?

    6 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • Is it possible to install two different version of IE?

    I run IE 7.0. My company recently asked me to do Web design. I would like to install IE 8.0 to check my code under that. When I started to install IE 8.0, it wanted to overwrite my existing installation. I need to make sure I keep my 7.0, at least until most people have upgraded.

    1 AnswerOther - Internet1 decade ago