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Sunflower asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Can a dog loose it's voice?

If a dog barks to much can it loose it's voice? We have some new neighbors about 2 houses away. They have this dog that barks 24/7. I can't stand it.

The town I live in just dropped the noise ordinance law not to long ago. So now you can't file a complaint against anyone for noise anymore. I wish the dog would loose it's voice some how. It's very annoying.


@ Valarie I wish the dog would get loose. This is the noisiest dog ever.

Update 2:

@ yosemite not tryin to be mean but I hope the dogs voice goes soon.

Update 3:

@ Jennifer the police said it would get thrown out of court they did away with that kind of thing. The neighbors are not very friendly.

Update 4:

@Eddie Gee thanks sweetie in 10 - 15 years I may be deaf from all the barking, or in the nut house.

Update 5:

@ Missy's Mom I hope I can get used to the barking with time if nothing else works, like the train that goes by and I don't hear like I used to.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I highly doubt the dog will lose it's voice due to constant barking sorry to say unless it gets sick and the illness effects it's voice box and yes all animals have voice boxes like humans they use it to speak in their language. Sorry Sunflower but I know how you feel, we have a few dogs around here that bark all the time and as much as I love animals I would like to muzzle them at least for a few hours of the day. Try talking to the owners about it nicely it could very well be bothering them just as much and you could always recommend a barking collar that helps to tame their barking in a humane way.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes a dog can lose their voice. I know when we boarded our dog while we were away a few years back she always always cried when she seen us but this one particular time she didn't and we couldn't figure out why, well it was because she lost her voice - that really pissed us off that the boarder didn't tell me she was crying and barking so much like that. I NEVER boarded her again, she just couldn't handle being away like that. Also, I feel for you about your neighbor's dog, we are kind of rural and our neighbor has a dog - we call him Bob the Beagle (his name is Bob but he's not a beagle - he's a hunting dog of some kind though) and all that bastard does is bark - he'll bark at us when we're outside, he'll bark at his owner if he's outide - he barks at EVERYTHING! He also bites (he bit my husband about 3 weeks ago when he stopped by to give them some paperwork) but we didn't know he bites - we were told he didn't - yeah right! Luckily it was just one puncture wound and it never got infected or anything. Needless to say, if Bob ever comes in our yard he'll get a swift Get of Here for sure! And I LOVE dogs - but this dog is a son of a b*****! No pun intended. I only hope he'll lose his voice! The only time he doesn't bark is if he's asleep or our neighbor moves him to the other side of his house and it'd suit us if he'd keep him on that side of the house where we don't hear him! Hopefully you will become 'deaf' to his barking - not likely but maybe become use to it enough that it won't bother you as much. You might consider putting a bug in the ear of your representing council person as an issue that your neighborhood has with this dog. It might help you never know till you try. Good Luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    If you live in the US, dropping the "noise ordinance" does not mean dropping the "disturbing the peace" ordinance and a barking dog is disturbing the peace. Call the police and, if necessary, file a complaint with the DA. Just because there is not a particular ordinance on the books does not mean a judge cannot order a dog owner to stop their dog's barking or lose the dog.

  • 5 years ago

    The owner of the dog needs to know how to "operate" the dog, same way you can get into a car that's in perfect running order but if you don't know how to drive you won't have much luck making the car go anywhere. If the owner doesn't know how to maintain the training, the dog will soon become untrained again. Read more here

    People seem to think that once a dog is trained, that's it. Not true. You must reinforce the dog's training every single day in some way. It's best if the owner and the dog go together to get trained. As a professional trainer once said to me "We can train any dog in 2 days. It takes longer to train the owners

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, a dog can LOSE it's voice from barking TOO much.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Mine's a larger-sized dog and I think its hearing is gone. So, in 10-15 years or so you should be fine.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sorry your out of luck. But if the dog is not in a fenced yard, maybe "someone" will take it to the shelter. Once the owners pay a couple inpound fees, maybe their dog will quiet down.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    sure, yet that purely potential she barked herself horse. it is like yelling your self horse and probable potential she's extremely unhappy and has been allowed to bark way too plenty. Why is she in puppy boot camp?

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    You can still report it as disturbing the peace.

    Have you tried speaking to your neighbor about it?

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