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Lv 5
? asked in Science & MathematicsGeography · 1 decade ago

Why is the American flag burned every time there is a protest in the Middle East?

Question. Who is providing the Middle East with our flags? If it's an American company, can we stop sending American flags to the Middle East?


Even when the Muslims were offended by the Dutch cartoon, they burned an American flag.

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    They can easily purchase American flags anywhere. Unfortunately there is a ton is hate towards the USA and it started with the prior administration. I don't think this hate will go away anytime soon, especially with so many of the Muslims being radical and all they can think about is killing every white person on Earth, which is a terrible thing.

    It is just so sad how much religion can play a part in the entire World and all of the Wars it has caused over the millenia. It is very sad that this is happening and i see it getting far worse before it improves. And for that preacher from a congregation of just 30 people, he had no business being on TV and you should never detroy another religions bible. It is extremely frustrating that just one person from basically nowhere can incite a billion other people and even though he didn't burn the Koran people are still protesting and dying overseas because of this.

    Source(s): MSc
  • deise
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I am simply looking forward to Bill or Hillary Clinton pop out with a comment approximately this deliberate burning of the Quoran' Both of those two idiots participated in burning the US flag even as attending college in England. I do not consider what the pastor is doing and I do not consider anybody burning the American flag. They have the constitutional proper to do those matters regardless of how dull it will appear to the leisure folks. Is the burning of the Quorans prone to rationale disorders ? most likely however is not the constructing of the cultural middle and Mosque a pair blocks away additionally going to rationale disorders? How approximately the day that the Muslims have selected to open the cultural middle? That date is 09/eleven/2011 the tenth anniversary of the WTC destruction. EDIT: Exactly while do the liberals suppose that we must quit backing down? Do they suppose gambling exceptional has labored? Hell if something it's getting worse. @peers to all There is a journal that may aid men and women manage all of those Church burnings as good as vehicles and men and women being beheaded via the radial Muslims. The identify of that journal is referred to as "Guns and Ammo"

  • 1 decade ago

    If they could not legally buy one, they would make one up for the sole purpose of burning it.

    What is ironic is that the recent uproar was cause by the announcement that some jerk would be burning the koran, not the actually burning which in the end did not even take place. But the US flag did go up in smoke.

    The point is that you cannot really reason with fundamentalists. The well adjusted people (hopefully the majority) in those countries do not take to the street and make a lot of noise, it is a usually small group of idiots who will make the news.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    The flag is a symbol of our country, so burning the flag is symbolic of opposition to our country, our country's actions, or our country's perceived ideology.

    Because the US is a dominant country and symbolic of the more developed country/West, burning a US flag is also symbolic of the culture clash between the developed/undeveloped world, middle east/west, etc in general.

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  • 7 years ago

    On my point of view their impression is not that much good about american that is why the satisfy themselves by burning their national flag. May be this is the actual fact may be it is wrong.

  • Robin
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Because they know it is international language... to really P you off! I have seen supposedly offensive placards written by foreigners that are simply laughed at because of bad spelling and grammar. How would you go about writing something in a middle eastern language.. not easy is it? So they make models of your President and take your flag and burn them...and we get the message loud and clear. I bet they are cheap 3rd world knock offs not US quality ones anyway....I bet the genuine ones have a fire retardant woven in.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They're probably from China, like everything else. They burn the US flag because they hate us for not accepting their terrorist ways.

  • 1 decade ago

    beacuse us is a bigger state it is easier for every 1 to blame for accusing popele of terrorits activitys. Really dont know proberbaly to enpahsise how much they hate the us

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    they make them.

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