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The bible says God comes from Teman.?

I'm confused. I thought God was Alpha and Omega? Can anyone help me understand this a little better?


I found my answer...

God came from nowhere! Do you know why He came from nowhere? Because there was nowhere for Him to come from! Coming from nowhere, He stood on nothing, because there was nothing to stand on.

Standing on nothing, He reached out where there was nowhere to reach, and He hung something on nothing and told it to stay there! Standing on nothing, He picked up the hammer of His own will and struck the anvil of His omnipotence, sparks flew everywhere! He reached out and grabbed the sparks with the tips of His fingers, flung them out into space, and decked the heavens with stars. No one said a word, because there was no one around to say anything, so God Himself said it is good!

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You must certainly be shocked by that answer. However, that is exactly what Hab 3:3 says. As a matter of fact Habakkuk goes on to name another place as well. Hab 3:3 says, “God came from Teman, and the Holy One from mount Paran. Selah. His glory covered the heavens, and the earth was full of his praise.”

    Now, before you fall off your rocker, you might want to consider the context of this verse. If you do, or if you are familiar with it, then you will know that Hab 3:3 is a reference to Jesus Christ at his Second Coming. When Jesus Christ (who is God manifest in the flesh, 1 Tim 3:16) returns, he will arrive on a white horse at Mt. Sinai (Jud 5:5), travel the way the Jews traveled up to Edom (Jud 5:4, this is where Teman is), proceed up the king’s highway (Num 20:17, 21:22), turn at Mt. Paran (Hab 3:3), and head to Jerusalem from the east where he will dismount at the Mount of Olives (Zech 14:4). So, there is no need to worry. God’s place of origin is not Teman.

    As a matter of fact, God has no place of origin, because he is and has always been and will continue to be forever. He is everlasting. Ps 90:2 says, “Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God.” That’s why the Lord told Moses that his name is “I AM,” (Ex 3:14). Isaiah said that the Lord is the everlasting God, (Is 40:28). Even Jesus Christ professed to be “I am,” (Jn 8:58). That’s because he is everlasting (Jn 1:1).

    As a result of God’s everlasting existence, we can be sure that everything else proceeded forth from him. He is the Creator of everything (Is 42:5). When men debate about the origin of man they all agree that something had to be here for ever. Evolutionists believe in the eternity of matter. Bible believers believe in the eternity of the Lord. And we are not the ones who thought up God, God is the one who formed us. Like Is 43:10 says, in part, “… I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me.”

    Everything you see came forth from God and God brought it forth from nothing (Heb 11:3). God spoke it all into existence since there was nothing here before him. There is no such thing as the eternity of matter, that philosophy came from bad science (1 Tim 6:20). Only a fool would examine the visible things found in creation and conclude that there is no God (Rom 1:20-22).

    There is a God and he is real. Everything made that was made he made (Jn 1:3). It doesn’t make any difference whether you can see the things that he made or whether they are invisible, he made them all because he was here before they were (Col 1:16-17). Moses really summed it up in the first four words of the Bible when he said, “In the beginning God…” Amen!

    Hope this helps

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    God Came From Teman

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    For the best answers, search on this site

    Habakkuk 3:3 states: God comes from Teman, the Holy One from Mount Paran. This is like saying President Bush comes from the United States, the elected one from Texas. God and the Holy One are the same person. Teman and Mount Paran define the same general place in different ways. Teman is a region in Edom. Mount Paran is in the territory of Edom: or the northern part of the Sinaitic peninsula. The Lord is represented as coming from Sinai, where he had appeared to Moses and given Israel the covenant and the law. With love in Christ.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Habakkuk 3:3 (New International Version)

    3 God came from Teman,

    the Holy One from Mount Paran.

    Selah [a]

    His glory covered the heavens

    and his praise filled the earth.

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  • Habbakuk 3:3 God came from Teman, and the Holy One from mount Paran. Selah. His glory covered the heavens, and the earth was full of his praise.

    ALL the Minor Prophet books, reference the future events to come. This refers to the coming of Jesus.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Bible says nothing of Teman. I have no idea what that is.

    And the Biblical God has no beginning - He is outside of time.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    When I was a kid I though God was in the bathroom because when my sister took too long in my dad would bang the door and say Good God are you still in there?

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Just an FYI, "Teman" is Yemen. Hence, Maimonides' Iggeret Teiman which means "Epistle of Yemen."

    תֵּימָן (Teiman).

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    God came meaning God revelation came.

    Here this means about the future.

    "And he said, The LORD came from Sinai; and rose up from seri unto them; he shined forth from mount paran, and he came with 10,000 of saints from his right hand went to fiery law of them"[Deut 33:2]

    "And Enoch also, the seven generation from Adam, PROPHISED THESE, SAYING, BEHOLD, THE LORD CAME WITH 10,000 OF HIS SAINTS, to execute judgement upon all,...."[Jude 1:14-15]

    let me explain about Deut 33:2!

    "He comes from Sinai" refers to Moses.

    "He rises from Seri(mountain in Palestine)" refers to Jesus.

    "He shines in his full glory from Paran (Mecca)" refers to Prophet Muhammad

    None of Israelites, Including Jesus, had anything to do with Paran, Please note also order the locations are mentioned, Sinai, Seri and paran

    This is a further indication that the prophet from Paran will appear after Jesus!

    Ishmael was living in the desert of Paran and God promised him, He shall make a great nation. (Genesis, 17:20)

    Genesis 21:17-21 mentioned about "A well of water" in Paran.

    Still that well of water exist in Mecca. Its call as "Zamzam" in Mecca. In the during times of Hajj every Muslims go there to drink that Holy water what has given to Ishmael from God Almighty.

    Narrated by Ibn Abbas : The Prophet Muhammad left Medina (for Mecc/paran) in the company of 10,000 (Muslim saints) in the month of Ramadan, and that was eight and a half years after his migration to Medina, Muhammad and the 10,000 Muslims who were with Muhammad, proceeded on their way to Mecca.Muhammad was fasting and his 10,000 disciples also were fasting...." [Sahiee Bukhari, volume 5, Book 59, Haddith number 574]

    Read about ten thousands of saints in Paran(i.e Mecca) mentioned in Deut 33:2!!!

    Prophet Muhammad had ten thousands disciples.

    "God came from Teman, The holy One from mount paran. Selah His glory covered the heaven and his praise filled the earth" [Habakkuk 3:3]

    Teman is the ex name of Medina. Its another prophecy about Muhammad. The emigration (The Hijra) of the Muslims was foretold in the Bible.

    @ Shine

  • 1 decade ago

    Chapter and verse needed.

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