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Servers, what was the strangest request?

What was the strangest request you ever got while waitering/waitressing from a customer? I once had a couple of women ask for patty melts with no patty which did not make the Chef happy. I had a table want their ham medium-rare. So what odd requests have you gotten?

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    "I'll have the Thai Basil Shrimp.... the chicken one." (we get that all the time, its even better when they pronounce it 'bazul')

    Then there was the guy who, after hearing we didn't serve Sweet and Sour Pork anymore, asked me for Sweet and Sour Chicken but instead of chicken "can I have pork?"...... yeah because I didn't catch the switch to the dish we no longer have....

    Another time I had someone order a small Hot and Sour Soup but he only wanted the broth. I explained to him that the soup was premade and it was a thick soup, I made some joking comment about the only way to get only the broth was if someone took a strainer to the soup and I suddenly got the feeling that if he had a strainer in his hand it would have been in mine right then. I ended up telling him I'd do it for him that one time simply because he was my only table and I had nothing else to do but he wouldn't be able to get it that way in the future... he didn't look convinced.

    Source(s): 4 years (and counting) in food service.
  • Alyce
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It wasn't this guy's order that was unusual - but we had a regular who was either heavily-into-numerology or had OCD or something, because he would only order items that ended up costing him an even number - and when he went to pay, he wanted to know what the last transaction number was on the register - the transaction number he paid on had to be an even number too.

    He only ate breakfast there - no matter what time of day he came in, which in and of itself wasn't that unusual.

    And we've had two guests over the years who requested that each item in their meal was to come in separate plates that were not touching each other. So the eggs came on one plate, potatoes on another, toast and bacon on yet two other plates each. Two separate people ordered that way over the years - I don't think they were the same person - they were both men, dining by themselves.

  • 1 decade ago

    Our family owned a pizza restaurant years ago, and this man came in and asked how many slices were in a large pizza. My husband told him "we usually cut it in 8 but if you're really hungry, we'll cut it in 12". The man said he was really hungry, so he would take the 12. Then, because the pizza was always cut in 8, the pizza man cut it in 8 slices, and the customer returned, complaining because he had been shorted 4 slices!

  • 1 decade ago

    'I'd like the mushroom angel hair, but I would like to exchange the mushrooms, spinach and pine nuts with chicken broccoli and a red sauce.'

    Maybe they thought we had a make your own pasta dish special?

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  • 1 decade ago

    try this one eggs rare and steak over easy, go figure I kid you not, the orders some people will ask is fantastic

  • 1 decade ago

    A hot ice cream soda. and I kid you not. The customer wanted hot fudge instead of chocolate syrup and wanted it served hot.


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