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how do i know when my nyko rechargeable batteries are ready?

i bought it a couple months ago and when ever i put my wii remote with the batterie inside it, on the base the light turns blue then green. i was a little confused. does green mean the battery was fully charged months ago or does green mean it's charging and i should wait for the blue to show up?

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    the blue light means its charging and the green light means its done charging.. hope it helps

  • 1 decade ago

    Blue means its charging and green means its done charging.I have had this problem before.Are you playing with the wii remote by itself?If you are then that was a bad idea.You see when the sweat on our hands (no matter how little) gets on the tiny metal peice on the battery pack it pretty much breaks it.thats why i ALWAYS put on the wii remote Jacket.If you broke it then sadly you will have to buy a new one.You could try cleaning it and take it out then put it back in several times to get it charging but if your sweat got on it theres no hope.hope i shed some light on your situation.

    Source(s): Personal Experience
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