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zizix asked in HealthMental Health · 1 decade ago

What are things you've been through while in sleep paralysis?

Everytime I put myself into sleep paralysis I see a witch like figure. Being as I can't move I can never see her face but she has large hairy arms like a large man. Sharp nails.

Sleep paralysis is way too real for me most of the time.

This 'woman' or whatever it was slid her hand down my leg and held onto my foot very lightly.

Felt her other hand come from the head of my bed as I could see it, gently slid her hand along my chest up to my face in which is where I freaked out hard and started to shake to get myself out of sleep paralysis.

I got up from being so freaked out and put on my shorts and went to walk to the bathroom and saw a light coming from inside and I could hear people talking in my bathroom. I heard my mom awake in the kitchen getting water so I called her name.

I do this thing where I make sure i'm awake by repeating to myself that i'm awake and I try to realize myself.. it's out of habit that I do so every day because it was the only way I stopped wetting the bed when I was younger, realized I was going to the bathroom in my dreams so while I was awake I would tell myself that I am awake. then in my dreams I would head towards the bathroom and then ask myself if I was awake in my dream then realize I was dreaming and fall into a lucid dream or wake up.

But I called to the mom and she said she was coming and to hold on. Heard the sink shut off and heard her walking, I told her to hurry up, whispering of course, she asked what was wrong then started laughing.

I kept telling myself i'm awake and I was awake I knew I was.

I couldn't see in the living room where she was walking through from the kitchen but her laughed changed into a very weird womens laugh.

Then I fell to the ground and slid across my room to my bed and my head was put unto the top of my bed while I sat on my knees on the floor and I couldn't move and I could hear her laughing right behind my head and I kept telling myself that I was awake and just because it was incredibly weird, I figure I might still be in sleep paralysis though i'd never been in one such as this.. I began to try and say 'wake me up' in hoping my mom in the other room would hear me and wake me up because she knows I do this to myself out of experiment.

I started to struggle hard, then I pushed up and I was sitting up in bed.

I got up.. put on my shorts that were in the same spot. Walked to my door way.. saw the bathroom door cracked but the light was off.

then my mom called from the other room and told me how she felt weird and couldn't sleep and had just woken up.

Terrifying indeed.

Have also seen goblins sneaking around my room hiding behind the boxes that were in my room, poking their heads up and down beside my bed and around corners. They all wore little outfits, some with little hats.. they all giggled.

Anything interesting ever happen to you eh??

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    During sleep paralysis, you experience hallucinations. It's nothing to do with psychosis. It's caused by a stage of sleep which makes the person able to see (they can open their eyes and look round the room and KNOW where they are) but they are completely paralysed and unable to move. It doesn't mean the person is mentally ill or becoming so. It can happen to absolutely anybody at any time and the cause is unknown although it is understood that stress and anxiety are big triggers.

    Despite being able to see, they are still asleep and cannot choose to wake up to snap out of the episode - nor can they choose to go into a deeper stage of sleep to overcome it that way.

    I suffer from sleep paralysis and see flashing lights, hear voices and noises and experience sensations like spinning, rolling, falling, pressure on my body like somebody is touching me. All these hallucinations look, feel and sound completely real and at the time, the person is usually unable to tell that they are hallucinating.

    When you dream normally, at the time you might not know you're dreaming but when you wake up, you know that everything that's just happened in your dream wasn't real.

    The mind works in some amazing - and some very frightening ways, at times.

  • Jamie
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I used to get sleep paralysis that was truly terrifying. The worst part was feeling paralyzed and stuck to my bed, or pushed into it by something heavy. I could not breathe or scream or open my eyes to wake up. Truly horrifying. To make it worse there was a tingly electric vibration through my body and I would hear loud buzzing noises. I have posted about this twice on yahoo answers but for some unknown reason my questions were deleted! (The only topic I posted that got deleted.)

    You mention that you used to wet your bed. Well, in my experience many of my earlier wet dreams were a form of sleep paralysis. I would be lying in bed and feel a pressure like I had to pee but I guess that is when I got lucid and wanted to wake up, and just like in sleep paralysis I found I could not. Although it wasn't as terrifying as my younger nightmares I would still feel unable to move, or stuck, and the sheets would feel very heavy on me. My heart would race as I tried to wake up and suddenly the pee would burst with me unable to control it. But when I woke up what had happened was a wet dream. Only afterwards did I figure out that is what it was. In the dream I would feel the pee flow out strongly and spread over my clothes but at the same time the sheets in that are got very heavy and pressed on my penis and temporarily stopped the flow until the tension built up again and my erection would lift up the sheets and spray out more urine. I now realize that this interrupted flow was like a slow motion version of the ejaculation pulsations.

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