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What is your view on what I see again and again here on Yahoo Answers?

This was a recent Question on this site; the additional stuff was about how atheists constantly misquote scripture out of context to back up their stance ... or something like that, I cannot check up on it now - I answered this question and was chosen as the best answer and then it WAS DELETED! I do not have a copy of my own response.

Why in the name of democracy was this one deleted? I see far more offensive stuff on Questions.

It is not good enough Yahoo!


The whole thing was deleted, very soon after I was notified that my answer was chosen. I did not have chance to re-read all that had been written by other answerers or by myself - it is also scrubbed off my personal record in 'best answers'

If you have responded to several similar questions in the same day, you can forget just what you said to which question!

Update 2:

Thanks Alan h - tha's a gud'n! Best to 'av a laff when t' world's gone daft! And thers nowt but rubbish arahnd, and today, fowk 'aven't t' brains thi were born with!

Frettin' niver did thee any gud!

Lets be off and av a sing song on Ilka Moor! Hes ta got tha squeeze box?

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    This happens quite a lot but I'm not sure if you mean the QUESTION was deleted (which would include deletion of all answers, including yours) or whether only your ANSWER was deleted.

    Sometimes, after a Best Answer is chosen, the Asker can then have the entire thing removed - no reasons are needed. They just lose a few points for doing that. That's the Answer's prerogative.

    Some of the other answers here, however, show a misunderstanding about what can cause an answer to be deleted. Saying by way of an answer, "Maybe" or, "I don't know" violates community rules and someone might report it. If another person reports it, it's automatically deleted. If your answer is deleted, you will get a violation notice from Yahoo and you can appeal it. Hope that helps!

  • 1 decade ago

    Like most people on the internet, Yahoo is concerned that this place will go down in flames if they don't moderate, and they have a right to be concerned. However, I feel I should go on record as saying that the definition of "offensive" as "something that must be destroyed immediately" is pretty shortsighted, and that anybody who goes along with that mentality is either being paid to do so, or has failed to consider the subject sufficiently from a perspective of life philosophy.

    Everything in the world is offensive to someone or something, and the avoidance of offense is the first step to philosophical and religious oppression.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would say that the ones who decide what is "offensive" and what is ok, is definitely not in the wisest hands on Y-Answ. My answers (and questions also) have been deleted so often (sometimes after sticking around for two weeks, sometime deleted before my EYES) that it makes my head swim.

    But perhaps I am catching on. It takes time and patience. You have to realize who you are dealing with.

  • mas1az
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    The fire that shall consume the world is truth. Truth on both sides of the views pertaining to scriptures interpretation are being dissolved not just by atheists who believe not in any God, but also the religious who blindly follow the teachings of scripture through men and not the Father himself.

    Satan is working overtime to keep hold of his followers, for Gods truths shall once again be back on earth for all the world to see truth through him and not through the vain teachings of the false prophets that have been put in as rulers of this world. Their time is getting shorter and shorter all the time, yet they are blinded by self-righteousness that has covered this world with arrogance, lies, and deceit's that is bringing about the Day of the Lord upon those who truly know not Gods, truth but only man's pursuit of wealth, status and praise amongst his constituents..

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  • 1 decade ago

    It would mean that at least 2 other Yahoo answers users didn't like your answer. It certainly isn't fair that just because someone doesn't agree with you, they are allowed to get your answer or question deleted.

    I have come across this too, don't take it personally, just feel a bit sad for these very sensitive souls who just don't like people to have different views!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    About 3 of my best answers were deleted too just lately, and for no good reason. I just hope the questioner appealed this.

    These things happen all the time in here. Are you new here? If the Atheists are offended or mad at someone they will delete it quite often, or report it for false reasons, and this automatically deletes it until it is appealed----then that takes a few days to resolve.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Beats me, once someone asked which was better, a Mercedes or a BMW and I said Don't know can't afford either one and got a violation, Tell the truth and more then likely get a violation.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Those scriptures tell us their God is not tolerant - and neither are they of answers that don't fit their black and white world view, which is why questions like that get deleted.

  • 1 decade ago

    Tha's reight, lass.

    But what dost tha think this site as ter do wi' democracy?

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    They do not want to prolong the issue any longer that's all.

    Source(s): yahoo answers
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