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My BACK and FORWARD buttons are greyed out and disabled on my mozilla browser?

After I click on a link, I can't go back to the previous page by using the 'BACK' button. I can't use the ´FORWARD´button either. I have reinstalled from scratch, tried the 'Customize' option to no avail...

Please help... I don´t want to use Explorer...


Firefox browser

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    is it possible that when you click a link, it opens in a new tab?

    uninstall firefox, remove its program files folder, and your firefox profile folder. see here:

    then re install firefox.

  • 1 decade ago

    did you fully uninstall it first, delete the folder and remove the hidden files from PROGRAM FILES in C disc

    Disable Firefox addons and toolbars, and use default theme

  • 1 decade ago

    SeaMonkey or Firefox?

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